October 24-27, 2002
Westin Resort Hilton Head Island
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Thursday, October 24, 20025:30-7:00 PM / Registration
7:00-10:00 PM / Satellite Symposium
Brain-Gut Interactions: Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Autonomic Dysfunction
Friday, October 25, 2002
7:00-7:40 AM / Breakfast & Registration
7:40-7:45 AM / Welcome - Felicia Axelrod
7:45-8:30 AM / Plenary Lecture - The mind-body interaction in disease / Julian Thayer, Ph.D.
National Institute on Aging / Baltimore, MD
Chairs: Drs. Felicia Axelrod & Horacio Kaufmann
8:30-8:45 AM / Abnormal parasympathetic activity in patients with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) / D Gruosso, D Cozzolino, R Torella, A Rimoldi, F Perego, F Pace, G Bianchi-Porro, L Montano, A Malliani, R Furlan / Milan, Italy
8:45-9:00 AM / The effect of intra-duodenal glucose on muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) is attenuated in older subjects / NP van Orshoven, LJ van Schelven, PAF Jansen, M Horowitz, LMA Akkermans, AC van Huffelen, PL Oey / Utrecht, The Netherlands
9:00-9:15 AM / Water – a thermogenic drug? / J Jordan, J Steiniger, U Hille, J Tank, FC Luft, M Boschmann / Berlin, Germany
Chairs: Drs. Felicia Axelrod & Horacio Kaufmann
9:15-9:30 AM / Insight into the mechanism of cerebral blood flow regulation / G Jacob, S Lavi / Haifa, Israel
9:30-9:45 AM / Cross-correlation analysis of cerebral autoregulation during sympathetic stimulation / SJ Yeh, CC Chiu / Taichung, Taiwan
9:45-10:00 AM / Interictal dysautonomic in temporal lobe epilepsy / V Novak, R Cambridge / Boston, MA
10:00-10:15 AM / Individual differences in neural control of the heart moderates the effect of stress on neuropsychological performance / AL Hansen, B Helge Johnsen, JJ Sollers III, JF Thayer / Baltimore, MD
10:15-10:30 AM / Vestibulosympathetic reflex during mental stress / J Carter, W Cooke, C Ray / Hershey, PA
10:30-10:45 AM / Coffee Break
Chairs: Drs. Phillip Low & Carlos Morillo
10:45-11:00 AM / The effect of 18 days strict head-down tilt bed rest on leg venous properties and orthostatic tolerance / M Bleeker, J Pawelczyk, P de Groot, M Hopman, B Levine / Nymegen, The Netherlands
11:00-11:15 AM / Travel Fellowship Awardee
Comparison of muscle sympathetic outflow between patients with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and healthy subjects / I Bonyhay, JA Taylor, W Farquhar, R Freeman / Boston, MA
11:15-11:30 AM / Baroreflex response of muscle sympathetic activity to diastolic BP in patients with vasovagal syncope / D Jardine, J Sutherland, S Bennett, C Frampton, I Crozier / Christchurch, New Zealand
11:30-11:45 AM / Arterial compliance - Adrenergic influence and findings in patients with orthostatic intolerance / W Singer, P Low / Rochester, MN
11:45-12:00 PM / Continuous monitoring of cardiac output and muscle sympathetic activity during tilt-induced syncope / D Jardine, J van Lieshout, J Sutherland, S Bennett, I Crozier / Amsterdam, The Netherlands
12:00-12:15 PM / Hemodynamic and sympathetic responses to buttock clenching in patients with vasovagal syncope / I de Bruin, D Jardine, J Sutherland, S Bennett, W Wieling, I Crozier / Amsterdam, The Netherlands
12:15-12:30 PM / Normal reactive hyperemic response in chronic orthostatic intolerance / J Stewart , K Kyle / Valhalla, NY
12:30-2:15 PM / Lunch & Poster Session I
2:15-8:00 PM / Free Time
Chairs: Drs. Roy Freeman & David Goldstein
8:00-8:15 PM / Water drinking improves cerebral autoregulation in healthy subjects / V Bush, C Schroeder, L Norcliffe, J Jordan, J Tank, R Hainsworth / Leeds, UK
8:15-8:30 PM / Water drinking acutely improves orthostatic tolerance in healthy subjects / C Schroeder, V Bush, L Norcliffe, F Luft, J Tank, J Jordan, R Hainsworth / Berlin, Germany
8:30-8:45 PM / Water ingestion as prophylaxis against syncope / CC Lu, A Diedrich, CS Tung, B Black, S Paranjape, V Watkins, J Jordan, D Robertson / Nashville, TN
8:45-9:00 PM / Sodium lactate infusion in patients with orthostatic intolerance and orthostatic tachycardia / R Khurana / Baltimore, MD
9:00-9:15 PM / Yohimbine: tachyphylaxis with chronic use / S Kansal, S Paranjape, A Diedrich, V Watkins, RM Robertson / Nashville, TN
9:15-9:30 PM / Norepinephrine transporter function and autonomic control of metabolism / M Boschmann, C Schröder, NJ Christensen, J Tank, FC Luft, AM Sharma, J Jordan / Berlin, Germany
9:30-9:45 PM / Transnasal iontophoresis, a non-invasive brain drug delivery system that bypasses the blood-brain barrier / EN Lerner, GR Stewart / Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Saturday, October 26, 2002
7:00-7:45 AM / Breakfast
7:45-8:30 AM / Plenary Lecture - Applying functional neuroimaging to autonomic disorders / David Goldstein, M.D., Ph.D.
National Institutes of Health / Bethesda, MD
Chairs: Drs. Eduardo Benarroch & Max Hilz8:30-8:45 AM / Vasomotor mapping of the ventro-lateral medulla / S Patel, J Nicholas, E Sribnick, B Egan / Charleston, SC
8:45-9:00 AM / Cerebral vasoregulation and MRI at 8 tesla in hypertension and stroke / V Novak, A Abduljalil, H Nagaraja, A Chowdhary, B Farrar, J Braun, P Novak, A Slivka, D Chakeres, P Robittaile / Boston, MA
9:00-9:15 AM / Mechanisms of sympathetic activation by adenosine / H Timmers, G Karemaker, W Wieling, J Lenders / Nijmegen, The Netherlands
9:15-9:30 AM / Baro- and chemoreflex control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity following bilateral carotid body tumor resection / H Timmers, J Karemaker, W Wieling, H Marres, J Lenders / Nijmegen, The Netherlands
9:30-9:45 AM / Differential activity-dependent "resetting" of subtypes of isolated baroreceptor neurons in culture / V Snitsarev, C Whiteis, F Abboud, M Chapleau / Iowa City, IA
9:45-10:00 AM / Effects of simulated obstructive sleep apnoea on the carotid baroreceptor-vascular resistance reflex / V Cooper, C Bowker, S Davis, S Pearson, M Elliott, R Hainsworth / Leeds, UK
10:00-10:15 AM / Selective sympathetic baroreflex impairment induced by norepinephrine transporter inhibition / J Tank, A Diedrich, C Schroeder, F Luft, J Jordan / Berlin, Germany
10:15-10:30 AM / Baroreflex and sympathetic failure in Parkinson's disease with orthostatic hypotension / D Goldstein, S Brentzel, C Holmes, Y Sharabi / Bethesda, MD
10:30-10:45 AM / Coffee Break
Chairs: Drs. David Robertson & Irwin Schatz
10:45-11:00 AM / Increased basal sympathetic activity with human aging is related to decreased arterial baroreflex buffering / P Parker Jones, D Christou, D Seals / Boulder, CO
11:00-11:15 AM / Cardiovascular consequences of the chronic increase in sympathetic nervous system activity with physiological aging in humans: arterial vascular a-adrenergic desensitization / D Seals, P Parker Jones / Boulder, CO
11:15-11:30 AM / Selegiline mediated neuroprotection in dopaminergic neurons are mostly unrelated to its inhibition of monoamine oxidase B / S Sharma, E Carlson, M Ebadi / Grand Forks, ND
11:30-11:45 AM / Aerobic training and autonomic modulation in African-American males / A Zion, V Bond, M Bartels, R Sloan, R De Meersman, J Downey / New York, NY
11:45-12:00 PM / Gender differences in the cardiovascular effects of norepinephrine reuptake inhibition / C Schroeder, J Tank, S Haertter, F Luft, J Jordan / Berlin, Germany
12:00-12:15 PM / Gene expression in the Andes & autonomics at sea level / O Appenzeller, T Minko, V Posharov, M Bonfichi, L Malcovati, L Bernardi, LJ Gamboa / Albuquerque, NM
12:15-12:30 PM / Progressive impairment of cardiac complexity in Chagas´ disease / C Morillo, H Leon, J Guzman, M Lindarte, T Kuusella, F Silva / Bucaramanga, Santander, Columbia
12:30-2:15 PM / Lunch & Poster Session II
2:15-7:00 PM / Free Time
7:00-10:00 PM / Presidential Dinner - Pool Terrace
Sunday, October 27, 2002
7:00-7:45 AM / Breakfast
7:45-8:30 AM / Streeten Plenary Lecture - Pathophysiology of diabetic polyneuropathy / Robert Hoeldtke, M.D.
West Virginia University Medical Center / Morgantown, WV
Chairs: Drs. Italo Biaggioni & Ronald Schondorf
8:30-8:45 AM / Cerebral and cutaneous blood flow fluctuations: a common etiology? / R Schondorf, J Benoit, R Stein / Montreal, Quebec, Canada
8:45-9:00 AM / Orthostatic challenge shows impaired vascular resistance control but normal venous pooling and capillary filtration in familial dysautonomia / C Brown, M Hilz, G Gulli, M Brys, B Stemper, G Welsch, F Axelrod / New York, NY
9:00-9:15 AM / Impaired limb blood flow in familial dysautonomia / B Stemper, H Marthol, G Welsch, C Brown, M Brys / Erlangen, Germany
9:15-9:30 AM / Spectral analysis of action potential trains of muscle sympathetic nerve activity during cardiovascular stimulation in humans / RJ Brychta, W Charoensuk, L Bernardi, R Furlan, R Shiavi, AC Ertl, I Biaggioni, A Diedrich / Nashville, TN
9:30-9:45 AM / Influence of partial end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure on the postural reduction in cerebral blood velocity / R Immink, J Gisolf, G Van Montfrans, J Van Lieshout / Amsterdam, The Netherlands
9:45-10:15 AM / Business Meeting
10:15-10:30 AM / Coffee Break
Drs. Janice Gilden & Christopher Mathias10:30-10:45 AM / Incidence and prevalence of complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS I) in Olmsted county: an epidemiologic study / P Sandroni, R McClelland, L Benrud Larson, P Low / Rochester, MN
10:45-11:00 AM / The spectrum of autoimmune autonomic neuropathies, including "pure autonomic failure" / C Klein, S Vernino, V Lennon, P Sandroni, R Fealey, L Benrud-Larson, D Sletten, P Low / Rochester, MN
11:00-11:15 AM / Autoimmune autonomic neuropathy / S Vernino, P Low, V Lennon / Rochester, MN
11:15-11:30 AM / Autonomic function in scleroderma / P Sandroni, MK Connolly, P Low / Rochester, MN
11:30-11:45 AM / Sweat output in QSART: effect of measurement time and waveform configuration / S Jaradeh, T Prieto / Milwaukee, WI
11:45-12:00 PM / RR interval variability during sleep and awake periods in women with fibromyalgia / M Risk, R Freeman, E Klerman, D Goldenberg, R Rackow, G Adler / Boston, MA
12:00-12:15 PM / Cytosolic calcium-dependency of sympathetic neuronal responses to angiotensin II / S Fernandez, MH Huang, B Davidson, P Knight, J Izzo / Buffalo, NY
Friday, October 25, 2002
12:30-2:15 PM
12:40-12:52 PM / POSTER TOUR
Chairs: Drs. Felicia Axelrod & Horacio Kaufmann
12:40-12:43 PM / Poster #1 - Pure sympathetic dysfunction associated with severe delayed gastric emptying and antro-duodenal hypomotility: a pediatric case report / G Chelimsky, T Chelimsky / Cleveland, OH
12:43-12:46 PM / Poster #2 - Fatty acid reduces tolerance to a liquid meal independently of caloric content in man / S Lal, J Barlow, DG Thompson / Salford, UK
12:46-12:49 PM / Poster #3 - Nocturnal loss of consciousness of vasovagal origin / CTP Krediet, DL Jardine, AGR Visman, P Cortelli, W Wieling / Amsterdam, The Netherlands
12:49-12:52 PM / Poster #4 - Clonidine improves baroreflex sensitivity after gastrostomy feeding in familial dysautonomia / M Hilz, M Brys, H Marthol, R Franta, M Tutaj, F Axelrod / New York, NY
12:52-1:13 PM / POSTER TOUR
Chairs: Drs. Felicia Axelrod & Horacio Kaufmann
12:52-12:55 PM / Poster #5 - Diffuse Lewy body disease (DLBD) presenting as pure autonomic failure. A neuropathological report and spectrum of the disease. / H Kaufmann, K Bhattacharya, D Wolfe, D Perl / New York, NY
12:55-12:58 PM / Poster #6 - Depletion of NK1 receptor containing neurons of the ventrolateral medulla and preservation of neurons of the nucleus ambiguus in MSA / A Schmeichel, E Benarroch / Rochester, MN
12:58-1:01 PM / Poster #7 - Cerebral oxygenation and cerebral blood flow in patients with multiple system atrophy / M Asahina, J Sato, M Tachibana, A Suzuki, T Hattori / Chiba, Japan
1:01-1:04 PM / Poster #8 - Transfer function analysis shows impaired cerebral autoregulation in normal-pressure and open-angle glaucoma / M Tutaj, C Brown, M Brys, H Marthol, M Dutsch, M Hecht, G Michelson, M Hilz / New York, NY
1:04-1:07 PM / Poster #9 - Changes in the performance of schedule-induced polydipsia (SIP) in rats after arecoline and amphetamine treatments / FJ Wan, CS Tung / Taipei, Taiwain
1:07-1:10 PM / Poster #10 - Is depression a characteristic or a cause of neurocardiogenic syncope? / JC Guzman, BE Vesga, FA Silva, MA Lindarte, C Morillo / Bucaramanga, Santander, Columbia
1:10-1:13 PM / Poster #11 - Is reduced pupillary modulation in diabetic patients due to brainstem dysfunction? / M Dutsch, C Brown, B Stemper, B Neundörfer, M Hilz / Erlangen, Germany
1:13-1:49 PM / POSTER TOUR
Chairs: Drs. Phillip Low & Carlos Morillo
1:13-1:16 PM / Poster #12 - A population-based study of orthostatic intolerance and its association with syncope / D Mehta, R Rodeheffer, D Mahoney, P Low, W Shen / Rochester, MN
1:16-1:19 PM / Poster #13 (Travel Fellowship Awardee) - Characteristics of cardiac vagal baroreflex response curve in patients with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) / I Bonyhay, J Taylor, W Farquhar, R Freeman / Boston, MA
1:19-1:22 PM / Poster #14 - Postural tachycardia syndrome following varicella encephalitis / R Jarrar, W Cheshire / Rochester, MN
1:22-1:25 PM / Poster #15 (Streeten Travel Fellowship Awardee) - Patients with posturally related syncope have increased responsiveness of the cerebral circulation to carbon dioxide / L Norcliffe, V Bush, R Hainsworth / Leeds, UK
1:25-1:28 PM / Poster #16 -Neurovascular normalcy in simple faint contrasts with POTS / J Stewart / Valhalla, NY
1:28-1:31 PM / Poster #17 - Comparison of the responses of patients with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and neurally-mediated syncope (NMS) to heat stress / R Schondorf, J Benoit, R Stein / Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1:31-1:34 PM / Poster #18 - Clinical and psychosocial correlates of functional disability in patients with postural tachycardia syndrome / L Benrud-Larson, P Sandroni, J Haythornthwaite, M Dewar, T Rummans, P Low / Rochester, MN
1:34-1:37 PM / Poster #19 - Natural history of vasodepressor carotid sinus syndrome in non-paced patients / M Abraham, M Salazar, D Hodge, W Shen / Rochester, MN
1:37-1:40 PM / Poster #20 - Syncopal seizure semiology in children / T Lobban, S Mordekar, G Bates, W Whitehouse / Stratford upon Avon, UK
1:40-1:43 PM / Poster #21 - Reflex asystolic syncope - results of a parent based questionnaire / T Lobban, S Hvidsten, G Bates, W Whitehouse / Stratford upon Avon, UK
1:43-1:46 PM / Poster #22 - Reflex anoxic (syncopal) seizures: associated features, impact and family history / W Whitehouse, T Lobban, R Gayatri, G Bates / Nottingham, UK
1:46-1:49 PM / Poster #23 - What is the minimum duration of head-up tilt necessary to detect orthostatic hypotension? / J Gehrking, S Hines, L Benrud-Larson, T Opfer-Gehrking, P Low / Rochester, MN
1:49-1:58 PM / POSTER TOUR
Chairs: Drs. Roy Freeman & David Goldstein
1:49-1:52 PM / Poster #24 - Acute and chronic aspects of dysautonomia prompt proposed novel pharmacological treatment / DM Lindsay / University City, MO
1:52-1:55 PM / Poster #25 - Effect of ACE inhibitor on neurally mediated syncope / M Suzuki, S Hori, S Miyatake, N Aikawa / Utsunomiya, Japan
1:55-1:58 PM / Poster #26 - Chronic fatigue syndrome with impairments of neuromuscular junction and autonomic nervous system: three case reports / M Kihara, Y Kawamura, M Takahashi / Osaka, Japan
1:58-2:07 PM / POSTER TOUR
Chairs: Drs. Janice Gilden & Christopher Mathias
1:58-2:01 PM / Poster #27 - Peripheral sudomotor function in familial dysautonomia / A Bickel, F Axelrod, H Marthol, B Stemper, B Neundörfer, M Hilz / New York, NY
2:01-2:04 PM / Poster #28 - Autonomic and quantitative sensory testing in diabetes / A Wang, K Bhattacharya, Saadia, H Kaufmann / New York, NY
2:04-2:07 PM / Poster #29 - Alterations in autonomic and cardiovascular function among individuals with acute neuromusculoskeletal injury / D Grimm, R Kinnard, J Weir, J Burke / Seneca Falls, NY
Saturday, October 26, 2002
12:30-2:15 PM
12:40-1:01 PM / POSTER TOUR
Chairs: Drs. Eduardo Benarroch & Max Hilz
12:40-12:43 PM / Poster #30 - Nonuniform behavior of baroreflex control of sinus node during sleep / J Legramante, F Placidi, M Marciani, A Romiti, A Galante, S Aquilani, G Raimondi, M Massaro, M Pallante, F Iellamo / Rome, Italy
12:43-12:46 PM / Poster #31 - An electrophysiological study of baroreceptors in the pulmonary artery of the anaesthetised dog / J Moore, R Hainsworth, D Myers, M Drinkhill / Leeds, UK
12:46-12:49 PM / Poster #32 - Baroreflex sensitivity is increased in AT2 receptor disrupted mice / J Tank, J Jordan, V Gross, R Plehm, A Diedrich, M Obst, F Luft / Berlin, Germany
12:49-12:52 PM / Poster #33 - Identification of open-loop transfer function in closed-loop baroreflex system using random breathing in humans / T Yingthawornsuk, T Kawada, T Sato, M Inagaki, K Sunagawa, J Cox, R Shiavi, I Biaggioni, A Diedrich / Nashville, TN
12:52-12:55 PM / Poster #34 - Prognostic value of baroreflex gain in post acute myocardial infarction patients using the modified Oxford / C Morillo, MA Lindarte, JC Guzman, JP Casas, LA Cubillos, N Villamizar, F Silva, P Lopez-Jaramillo / Bucaramanga, Santander, Columbia
12:55-12:58 PM / Poster #35 - Cardiac sympathetic nerve activity during myocardial infarction / D Jardine, C Charles, R Brennan, C Frampton, G Nicholls / Christchurch, New Zealand
12:58-1:01 PM / Poster #36 - No role for adrenaline in the pathogenesis of hypoglycaemia-induced counterregulatory failure / BE de Galan, SJ Rietjens, CJ Tack, JWM Lenders, P Smits / Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1:01-1:16 PM / POSTER TOUR
Chairs: Drs. David Robertson & Irwin Schatz
1:01-1:04 PM / Poster #37 - Differential effects of aging on baro- and chemoreflex regulation of arterial pressure: selective impairment of baroreflex in senescent mice / W Sun, X Ma, F Abboud, M Chapleau / Iowa City, IA
1:04-1:07 PM / Poster #38 - Cardiovascular reactivity to perception of affect among older African-American adults / M Merritt, D Abernathy, M Evans, J Sollers III, A Zonderman, J Thayer / Baltimore, MD
1:07-1:10 PM / Poster #39 - Stretching increases heart rate variability in athletes complaining about limited muscular flexibility / M Mueck-Weymann, G Janshof, H Mueck / Erlangen, Germany
1:10-1:13 PM / Poster #40 - Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction in patients with neurogenic orthostatic hypotension compared to other chronic diseases / J Gilden, M Saegh, D Ramirez, A Tartakover, G Wahidi, I Garcia / North Chicago, IL
1:13-1:16 PM / Poster #41 - Cardiovascular and autonomic recovery from maximal exercise in persons with paraplegia / J Wecht, R Marsico, A Spungen, W Bauman, R De Meersman / Bronx, NY
1:16-1:31 PM / POSTER TOUR
Chairs: Drs. Italo Biaggioni & Ronald Schondorf
1:16-1:19 PM / Poster #42 - A biphasic model of limb venous compliance: a comparison with linear and exponential models / M Risk, V Lirofonis, R Armentano, R Freeman / Boston, MA
1:19-1:22 PM / Poster #43 - Cerebral autoregulation remains stable during physical challenge in healthy persons / M Brys, H Marthol, B Stemper, R Franta, F Axelrod, M Hilz / New York, NY
1:22-1:25 PM / Poster #44 - Cerebral autoregulation remains stable in atherosclerotic patients during enhanced external counterpulsation / H Marthol, D Werner, C Brown, B Neundörfer, WG Daniel, M Hilz / New York, NY
1:25-1:28 PM / Poster #45 - Head orientation in the coronal plane modulates sympathetic outflow during linear acceleration / H Kaufmann, I Biaggioni, A Voustianiouk, A Diedrich, R Clarke, M Gizzi, T Raphan, B Cohen / New York, NY
1:28-1:31 PM / Poster #46 - Case study: reinnervation of cutaneous vasoconstrictor but not active vasodilator pathways in a split thickness skin graft / C Crandall, J Cui, T Wilson, K Williams / Dallas, TX
1:31-2:07 PM / POSTER TOUR
Chairs: Drs. Roy Freeman & Christopher Mathias
1:31-1:34 PM / Poster #47 - Deep breathing test is very important marker of cardiovascular dysfunction by patients with diabetes mellitus and vagal denervation / B Milovanovic, M Krotin, L Vusovic, S Kulezic, V Bisenic, A Milovanovic / Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1:34-1:37 PM / Poster #48 - Deep breathing test as a risk predictor in patients with myocardial infarction / B Milovanovic, M Krotin, S Kulezic, L Vusovic, V Bisenic, A Milovanovic / Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1:37-1:40 PM / Poster #49 - Influences of the norepinephrine transporter on cardiac electrical activity / M Behrend, A Gapelyuk, J Tank, FC Luft, A Schirdewan, J Jordan / Berlin, Germany
1:40-1:43 PM / Poster #50 - Sweat response of the face to intraoral application of capsaicin / Y Inukai, J Sugenoya, N Nishimura, T Umeyama, T Matsumoto, M Kato, A Ogata / Nagakute, Japan
1:43-1:46 PM / Poster #51 - Kidney length as a parameter of renal damage in children with spina bifida / T de Jong-de Vos van Steenwijk, E van Os, P Dik, T de Jong, J van Gool / Utrecht, The Netherlands
1:46-1:49 PM / Poster #52 - The next step towards non-invasive microneurography / E Lerner, J Peuscher / Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1:49-1:52 PM / Poster #53 - Kinetics of heart period variability during head-up tilt: a preliminary analysis using the discrete wavelet transform / J Weir, J Wecht, R DeMeersman, A Spungen, W Bauman / Des Moines, IA
1:52-1:55 PM / Poster #54 - Correlation of peak frequencies from power spectral analysis of slow modulation of EEG background amplitude, heart rate, blood pressure, and middle cerebral artery flow velocity during head-up tilt in subjects with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and controls / T Lagerlund, V Novak, P Novak, P Low, S Hines, N Busacker / Rochester, MN
1:55-1:58 PM / Poster #55 - Questionnaire based survey of autonomic laboratories in Germany / CA Haensch / Wuppertal, Germany
1:58-2:01 PM / Poster #56 - Diagnostic value of autonomic testing versus conventional evaluation in syncope of unexplained origin / CA Haensch, J Jörg / Wuppertal, Germany
2:01-2:04 PM / Poster #57 - Accurate QRS detection at times of high artifact during tilt table testing / Z Sahul, J Black, WK Shen / Rochester, MN
2:04-2:07 PM / Poster #58 - Breath-to-breath variability in children with idiopathic congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) / D Weese-Mayer, H Koch, J Ramirez, W Drongelen, A Kenny, M Hayes, J Silvestri / Chicago, IL