P.O. Box 8601, Station A, St. John’s, NL A1B 3P2



Held: September 9-10, 2005

Held at: HumberValley Resort, P.O. Box 370, HumberValley, NL A0L 1K0

PRESENT: Elaine Huxter (Treasurer), Vic Lundrigan (Vice-President), Mary Marshall (Board Member),

Jackie Mullaly (President), Jordan Wright (Secretary/Youth)

STAFF: Larry Vaters (Executive Director)

Items /
/ Decision / Resp / Deadline
Friday, September 9, 2005
  1. Call to Order:
  • Meeting Called to Order at 5:47pm
/ CARRIED / -- / --
2. Approval of the Agenda: /
  • French Bridging Program added under 25. “other”
/ ACCEPTED / -- / --
3. Adoption of Minutes of Last
Meeting: /
  • Moved By Mary Marshall and seconded by Jackie Mullaly that minutes of May 7th Board Meeting be adopted as circulated.
  • Moved by Mary Marshall and seconded by Vic Lundrigan that minutes of June 9th teleconferences be adopted as circulated.
-- / --
4. Business Arising From
Minutes (May 7th 2005): /
  • Under Item 5:
Larry presented 3 different quotes for a new desktop, laptop, clean up on old computers and a data stick. Moved by Vic Lundrigan and seconded by Mary Marshall to allow purchase up to $5,000.
  • CPF-NL still outstanding $750 for Camp Insurance from Corner Brook Chapter. Cheque will be delivered shortly.
  • Peer Tutoring:
Larry informed us that the Department of Education needs letters from the diverse districts saying that they do want the program.
  • 2006 AGM and Concours:
Cost estimates were given for 2006 combined event compared to previous costs of 2004 and 2005 separate events. Event will remain combined
  • Presidents Vice-President’s Meeting:
Moved to Number 13
  • EFI in Labrador:
Program re-instated
  • Meeting with Min. of Education:
Len and Larry met with the minister, sent a letter of recommendations, response received, no committee formed.
  • Other:
No one can sit on both Provincial and National Boards. / CARRIED
-- / --
-- / --
5. Financial Statement: /
  • Financial Statement presented with all queries of board members answered.
/ -- / -- / --
6. VP Selection and Board
  1. VP Selection:
  1. Board Recruitment:
c. Signing Authority: /
  • Vic Lundrigan announced as new Vice President of CPF-NL
  • The board would like someone from Central
  • ACTION: Larry is to send out a call letter to chapter presidents for expression of interest to sit on the provincial board.
  • Require 2 of 4 to sign, signing officers will be Elaine, Larry, Jackie and Jordan
-- / --
7. Staffing: /
  • Joanne Turner hired as a part time chapter development officer, term of employment Sept. 12th to March 31st . This will cost CPF – NL aprox. $4,000.
  • Darlene will continue on with us to do website maintenance, newsletters and some other activities (surveys…)
-- / --
8. Chapter Development: /
  • Joanne’s work will be focused on the east coast, with a main focus on a further “development” of the Northeast Avalon Region
/ AGREED / -- / --
9. Residential Summer Camp in
NL /
  • To be held at Circle Square Ranch (CSR), Manuels, in the Summer of 2006, with the possibility of a second West Coast site in summer 2007.
  • ACTION: Larry and Jordan are to continue their contact with CSR with final approval at next board meeting.
-- / --
JW/LV / --
10. High School Graduation
Requirements: /
  • Three areas of concern were identified
1-Bilingual vs. Immersion Diploma
2-Do high school graduate requirement limit course selection?
3-Recognition for students who complete immersion programs
  • ACTION: Larry will draft a letter to the program specialists seeing what they do to recognize French Immersion graduates (also check with his national counter-parts)
  • ACTION: Larry will discuss the course selection limitation issue with Department of Education officials to better understand their stance.
/ --
LV / --
11. Dissemination of
information from Dept. of
Education: /
  • Being sent to the Chapters for them to Distribute
  • ACTION: Larry to get copies for Board Members
/ --
-- / --
LV / --
12. Policy and Procedures
Manual Review
a. Board/Staff Travel
Policy /
  • ACTION: By-Laws committee is to review the Policy and Procedures Manual following the National AGM in preparation for our AGM in May.
  • ACTION:Larry to consult with National Board on selection process for National Board members. Consultation with Provincial Branch is recommended.
  • Moved by Vic Lundrigan and seconded by Jackie Mullaly that Policy Number Gov. 24 Board and Staff Development Travel be accepted as presented. Changes: Effective Immediately; CPF NL will change our policy to coincide with National Treasury Board Regulations (minus excess baggage charges, personal phone call [local/long distance]) (taxi goes up under transportation)
-- / May
13. President and Vice-
President Meeting: /
  • Past minutes were reviewed; CPF will continue to follow the policy that the President will attend both meetings, and the vice president will attend one, where finances will allow it. If a third meeting is scheduled, attendance will be discussed.
/ AGREED / -- / --
Saturday, September 10, 2005
14. Provincial and National
AGM’s /
  • Both President and Vice-President will attend the National AGM in November.
  • National: November 11th - 13th Fredericton
  • Provincial: May 5th and 6th at the Battery Hotel and Suites
-- / --
15. Concours d’art oratoire
Review: /
  • Changes were presented, all were accepted as tabled except:
  • Only member AMO’s may send participants, or if the child’s family is a member
  • Prizes: 1st: $150, 2nd : $100, 3rd : $50
  • Eliminate the proposed travel subsidy
  • Use the average to score participants.
  • A Social Evening will also be hosted the evening prior to the concours
JW / --
16. Awards Review /
  • Amalgamation of two French Teacher Awards into “Teacher of the Year”, and two French Students of the year award to “Student of the Year”
  • Student of the Year Scholarship will now be $1,000 (amalgamate the amounts)
  • Volunteer of the Year, give a $100.00 cheque instead of a gift certificate
  • *Administrator of the Year
  • *Chapter of the Year, to be reviewed with the President
  • *Teacher Graduate of the Year
All * awards are to be given this year on a pilot basis, to be reviewed again next year. / ACCEPTED
-- / --
17. Welcome Kits /
  • Still negotiating with National in regards to complimentary memberships, everything else is ready for distribution in Western NL and Labrador. Larry will continue to work on Central and Eastern districts.
/ -- / LV / --
18. Theatrical Production /
  • Update provided
  • Cost $345 for AMO members and $395 for non-AMO members
/ -- / -- / --
19. Heather Huxter Story
Writing Contest: /
  • Program is on for 2005. Deadline is October 31st and the presentation will take place on November 16th. Information is ready to be sent to schools.
/ -- / LV / --
20. Intensive Core French: /
  • Four concerns discussed, Larry will re-iterate them to appropriate people when possible.
a) Number of Students in Classes
b) Student Selection
c) Parental Pressure in Gander
d) Follow up for students in Grade 7and beyond / AGREED / LV / --
21. Faculty of Education: /
  • ACTION: Larry is to contact Faculty of Education offering students in the faculty of Education a free newsletter plus a follow-up letter offering a reduced membership of $10.00.
/ AGREED / LV / --
22. FSL Report: /
  • 2005 report will be launched in the 3rd or 4th week of January 2006.
/ -- / -- / --
23. Summer Language Camp: /
  • July 11th to 15th
Deadline for application is
November 25th 2005. / -- / -- / --
24. French Club: /
  • ACTION: Jordan is to distribute his French Club proposal to Chapter Presidents for them to determine if they wish to avail of this program or not.
/ AGREED / JW / --
25. Other:
French Bridging Program: / Jordan will sit on this committee
ACTION: Report back to the board / AGREED / JW / --
26. Adjournment: /
  • The next board meeting will be held on December 2-3, 2005 in St. John’s
  • Motion by Elaine Huxter and seconded by Vic Lundrigan to adjourn.
/ AGREED / -- / --
Meeting Adjourned Saturday, September 9, @ 11:10 a.m.

Minutes of September 9-10, 2005. Held in Humber Valley at the Humber Valley Resort.

Jackie Mullaly, PresidentDate Approved


Jordan Wright, SecretaryDate Approved
