P.O. Box 8601, Station A, St. John’s, NL A1B 3P2
Held: September 9-10, 2005
Held at: HumberValley Resort, P.O. Box 370, HumberValley, NL A0L 1K0
PRESENT: Elaine Huxter (Treasurer), Vic Lundrigan (Vice-President), Mary Marshall (Board Member),
Jackie Mullaly (President), Jordan Wright (Secretary/Youth)
STAFF: Larry Vaters (Executive Director)
Items /Discussion
/ Decision / Resp / DeadlineFriday, September 9, 2005
- Call to Order:
- Meeting Called to Order at 5:47pm
2. Approval of the Agenda: /
- French Bridging Program added under 25. “other”
3. Adoption of Minutes of Last
Meeting: /
- Moved By Mary Marshall and seconded by Jackie Mullaly that minutes of May 7th Board Meeting be adopted as circulated.
- Moved by Mary Marshall and seconded by Vic Lundrigan that minutes of June 9th teleconferences be adopted as circulated.
-- / --
4. Business Arising From
Minutes (May 7th 2005): /
- Under Item 5:
- CPF-NL still outstanding $750 for Camp Insurance from Corner Brook Chapter. Cheque will be delivered shortly.
- Peer Tutoring:
- 2006 AGM and Concours:
- Presidents Vice-President’s Meeting:
- EFI in Labrador:
- Meeting with Min. of Education:
- Other:
-- / --
-- / --
5. Financial Statement: /
- Financial Statement presented with all queries of board members answered.
6. VP Selection and Board
- VP Selection:
- Board Recruitment:
- Vic Lundrigan announced as new Vice President of CPF-NL
- The board would like someone from Central
- ACTION: Larry is to send out a call letter to chapter presidents for expression of interest to sit on the provincial board.
- Require 2 of 4 to sign, signing officers will be Elaine, Larry, Jackie and Jordan
-- / --
7. Staffing: /
- Joanne Turner hired as a part time chapter development officer, term of employment Sept. 12th to March 31st . This will cost CPF – NL aprox. $4,000.
- Darlene will continue on with us to do website maintenance, newsletters and some other activities (surveys…)
-- / --
8. Chapter Development: /
- Joanne’s work will be focused on the east coast, with a main focus on a further “development” of the Northeast Avalon Region
9. Residential Summer Camp in
NL /
- To be held at Circle Square Ranch (CSR), Manuels, in the Summer of 2006, with the possibility of a second West Coast site in summer 2007.
- ACTION: Larry and Jordan are to continue their contact with CSR with final approval at next board meeting.
-- / --
JW/LV / --
10. High School Graduation
Requirements: /
- Three areas of concern were identified
2-Do high school graduate requirement limit course selection?
3-Recognition for students who complete immersion programs
- ACTION: Larry will draft a letter to the program specialists seeing what they do to recognize French Immersion graduates (also check with his national counter-parts)
- ACTION: Larry will discuss the course selection limitation issue with Department of Education officials to better understand their stance.
LV / --
11. Dissemination of
information from Dept. of
Education: /
- Being sent to the Chapters for them to Distribute
- ACTION: Larry to get copies for Board Members
-- / --
LV / --
12. Policy and Procedures
Manual Review
a. Board/Staff Travel
Policy /
- ACTION: By-Laws committee is to review the Policy and Procedures Manual following the National AGM in preparation for our AGM in May.
- ACTION:Larry to consult with National Board on selection process for National Board members. Consultation with Provincial Branch is recommended.
- Moved by Vic Lundrigan and seconded by Jackie Mullaly that Policy Number Gov. 24 Board and Staff Development Travel be accepted as presented. Changes: Effective Immediately; CPF NL will change our policy to coincide with National Treasury Board Regulations (minus excess baggage charges, personal phone call [local/long distance]) (taxi goes up under transportation)
-- / May
13. President and Vice-
President Meeting: /
- Past minutes were reviewed; CPF will continue to follow the policy that the President will attend both meetings, and the vice president will attend one, where finances will allow it. If a third meeting is scheduled, attendance will be discussed.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
14. Provincial and National
AGM’s /
- Both President and Vice-President will attend the National AGM in November.
- National: November 11th - 13th Fredericton
- Provincial: May 5th and 6th at the Battery Hotel and Suites
-- / --
15. Concours d’art oratoire
Review: /
- Changes were presented, all were accepted as tabled except:
- Only member AMO’s may send participants, or if the child’s family is a member
- Prizes: 1st: $150, 2nd : $100, 3rd : $50
- Eliminate the proposed travel subsidy
- Use the average to score participants.
- A Social Evening will also be hosted the evening prior to the concours
JW / --
16. Awards Review /
- Amalgamation of two French Teacher Awards into “Teacher of the Year”, and two French Students of the year award to “Student of the Year”
- Student of the Year Scholarship will now be $1,000 (amalgamate the amounts)
- Volunteer of the Year, give a $100.00 cheque instead of a gift certificate
- *Administrator of the Year
- *Chapter of the Year, to be reviewed with the President
- *Teacher Graduate of the Year
-- / --
17. Welcome Kits /
- Still negotiating with National in regards to complimentary memberships, everything else is ready for distribution in Western NL and Labrador. Larry will continue to work on Central and Eastern districts.
18. Theatrical Production /
- Update provided
- Cost $345 for AMO members and $395 for non-AMO members
19. Heather Huxter Story
Writing Contest: /
- Program is on for 2005. Deadline is October 31st and the presentation will take place on November 16th. Information is ready to be sent to schools.
20. Intensive Core French: /
- Four concerns discussed, Larry will re-iterate them to appropriate people when possible.
b) Student Selection
c) Parental Pressure in Gander
d) Follow up for students in Grade 7and beyond / AGREED / LV / --
21. Faculty of Education: /
- ACTION: Larry is to contact Faculty of Education offering students in the faculty of Education a free newsletter plus a follow-up letter offering a reduced membership of $10.00.
22. FSL Report: /
- 2005 report will be launched in the 3rd or 4th week of January 2006.
23. Summer Language Camp: /
- July 11th to 15th
November 25th 2005. / -- / -- / --
24. French Club: /
- ACTION: Jordan is to distribute his French Club proposal to Chapter Presidents for them to determine if they wish to avail of this program or not.
25. Other:
French Bridging Program: / Jordan will sit on this committee
ACTION: Report back to the board / AGREED / JW / --
26. Adjournment: /
- The next board meeting will be held on December 2-3, 2005 in St. John’s
- Motion by Elaine Huxter and seconded by Vic Lundrigan to adjourn.
Meeting Adjourned Saturday, September 9, @ 11:10 a.m.
Minutes of September 9-10, 2005. Held in Humber Valley at the Humber Valley Resort.
Jackie Mullaly, PresidentDate Approved
Jordan Wright, SecretaryDate Approved