San AntonioIndependentSchool District

1215Austin StreetSan Antonio, Texas 78208

Telephone (210) 224-2781 Fax (210) 299-9028

Materials Management/Purchasing/Textbooks & Warehousing Department





Vice President




Asst. Secretary









TO:Deputy Superintendent, Associate Superintendents,

Senior Executive Directors, Chief Information Officer,

Executive Directors, Directors, and Principals

FROM:Pamela Morrison, CTPM, CPPB


SUBJECT:Procedures for SAISD Board Meeting Purchasing

Agenda Submissions

DATE:April 19, 2012

Effective immediately, the procedures outlined below are required for the submission of purchases valued at $25,000 and above, to be included in the Materials Management/Purchasing/Textbooks & WarehousingDepartment Board of Trustees’Agenda. These procedures have been revised in an effort to better serve the District by ensuring the preparation of timely, accurate and complete documents to be presented for Board approval. The primary change to these procedures from the May 18, 2009version pertain to the inclusion of Attachment # 2, “Initiative Impact Assessment Form”to be completed by campus/department to Materials Management.

Please read these procedures carefully and disseminate the information to your staff, as this process will impact every department/campus within the District.

I. General Procedures

Exceptions to these procedures will only be considered if they fall under one or more of the following conditions:

A)Superintendent’s Directive

B)Bonafide Emergency

C)Safety Hazard

A schedule of Board meeting dates has been developed to ensure all parties are given adequate time to prepare, evaluate and make changes and/or other arrangements, if necessary, prior to publishing the agenda for the applicable Board meetings. If Federal or State grant funds are to be used, please ensure submission of Board agenda items conform to the guidance, dates, and/or deadlines established by the Grants and/or Funds Management. Please refer to the Board AgendaSchedule (See Attachment #1)for future planning. Any changes to the Board Agenda Schedule will be posted on the SAISD PurchasingIntranet. It is imperative that departments/campuses adhere to the published schedule to ensure timely approval action. Late submissions will not be accepted without prior approval from the Superintendent.

II. Mandatory Documentation/Procedures

  1. The following documents must be submitted to Materials Management/Purchasing/Textbooks & Warehousing Department, Bid Section, before 12:00noon on the prescribed deadline date, as specifiedin the attached Board Agenda Schedule.
  1. All documents submitted must meet the following standards:

3.Initiative Impact Assessment Form from the Principal/Department Head with arecommendation toPamela Morrison, Director, Materials Management/Purchasing/Textbooks & Warehousing Department. (See Attachment #2). All spaces must be filled in.

4.PricingTabulation Spreadsheet or Price Quote

(This form will be an attachment to the package.)

This table must include the following elements:

1) Names of all participating vendors;

2) Item description and brand name of product;

3) Pricing (low to high) and for Discount Pricing (high to low);

4) Vendor Recommended for Award

5.Purchases for goods/services other than consulting/professional services will be “soft” encumbered through the Region 20 Automated Requisition System by Materials Management upon receipt. After Board approval is received, Materials Management will un-encumber the “soft” encumbrance and release the funding to the campus/department for completion and submission of an automated requisition through the Region 20 Automated Requisition System.

  1. A Budget Change Request (BCR) may be required to ensure sufficient funds are available for encumbrance. The BCR must be submitted to the Budget Department ten (10) business days prior to the submission deadlinefor Board Agenda items to be submitted to Materials Management. If sufficient funds are not available in the appropriate budget codes at the time the Board Agenda items are submitted to Materials Management, items will not be submitted to the Board for approval. The only exceptions to this requirement will be “pending Notification of Grant Award” (NOGA) or “pending receipt of funds from funding source”. The campus/department must provide status or projected receipt date of the Notification of Grant Award.
  2. Consulting/professional servicescontracts/agreements valued at $25,000 and above must be encumbered by the Campus/Department through the Region 20 Automated Requisition System prior to submission to Materials Management. A copy of the automated requisition must be included in the Board submission package as verification that funding is available for pending purchases. A department/campus shall not forward a copy of the order to the recommended vendor prior to Board approval.

6.If the Vendor being recommended is a sole source, a Sole Source Affidavit (Part A & B) Form must be submitted along with a copy of the price quote. If the Vendor being recommended is on an approved Purchasing Co-op, the contract number has to be identified along with a copy of the price quote.

  1. Agreements for Consulting and/or Professional Services must be in the SAISD approved format unless approved by the Associate Superintendent for Financial Services. Formats are in the appropriate SAISD Administrative Procedures.
  1. For consulting agreements, the following are required: Consultant Services Contract andTimeline for Consultant Contract. Contract must be signed by the Requestor and Consultant prior to submission to Materials Management.

Note: Forms may be changed or updated periodically, so please refer to the Materials Management intranet website for the current version of form(s).

Attachment #1



All applicable purchases presented to the SAISD Board of Trustees must be submitted to the Materials Management/Purchasing Department no later than 12:00 noon on the dates listed below. Late submissions will not be accepted after that time unless one of the three conditions exists:

1) Superintendent’s Directive

2) Bonafide Emergency

3) Safety Hazard

Special Note: The following timelines pertain to the Board approval process for “Discretionary (Competitive) Grants” valued at $25,000 and above.

  • Requirements that must undergo the formal competitive bidding process require a four (4) month submission lead time prior to the grant end date.
  • All other requirements valued at $25,000 and above including “Sole Source”, “Non-Bid”, “Cooperative Purchases” etc., require a three (3) month submission lead time prior to the grant end date.
  • Requirements valued at less than $25,000 require a minimum 30 calendar-day purchase order cutoff prior to grant end date.

Please contact the Funds Management Department for a copy of the schedule for “Deadlines for Discretionary (Competitive) Grants.”

Rev: April 19, 2012

Board Business Meeting "B" Dates / Due Dates to Materials Management
June 18, 2012 / May 14, 2012
July 16, 2012 / June 4, 2012
August 20, 2012 / July 16, 2012
September 17, 2012 / August 13, 2012
October 15, 2012 / September 10, 2012
November 26, 2012 / October 15, 2012
December 17, 2012 / November 5, 2012
January 22, 2013 / December 3, 2012
February 18, 2013 / January 14, 2013
March 25, 2013 / February 11, 2013
April 15, 2013 / March 4, 2013
May 20, 2013 / April 15, 2013

Attachment # 2


1. Description of goods, services and/or contract recommended for purchase:

2. How will goods, services and/or contract be used?

3. Submitted by:

Printed Name Department Org #. Date Submitted

4. Recommended Vendor: (Include: Company Name, Address, City/State/Zip Code, Phone Number,Name of Contact Person, E-mail Address).

Contract/Program Start Date: End Date:

5. Type of Request: (check one)

One-Time Purchase

Purchase throughout the school year or on an “as needed” basis

Approval of Vendors and/or Agreed Pricing or Discount

New Contract

______Renewal or Amendment to Existing Contract (if checked, please explain in more detail and provide rationale for recommendation

6. Selection Method Used: (check one)

Competitive Purchase Professional Services

Purchasing Coop Sole Source

Consulting Services Other ______

(i.e., Reg. 20, DIR, TCPN, BuyBoard – include contract number)

How was Consultant selected?:

(provide explanation on how consultant was selected and their qualifications)

7. Campuses/Grades Impacted:

(Elementary, Middle, High, Academies, Alternative Schools, AllSchools, or Not Applicable)

8. Official/Statutory Mandate: [ ] Yes [ ] No

a. If “Yes”, Cite Authority or Law: (example: HB1, NCLB, TEC ____, etc.)

9. Total Cost for Goods, Services and/or Contract to be Purchased: $

10. Funding Source(s) – check all that apply: Federal____ State Grant ____ Local _ _

Provide Budget Codes & Descriptions:

11.Additional Impact:

  1. Other Estimated Financial Impact (other costs that will be needed as a result of this purchase):

1)C & I (Goods, Materials, Services)$

2)Facilities (Additional Space, Infrastructure, Utilities)$

3)Transportation (Additional Routes)$

4)HR (Additional Staff)$

5)Technology (Cabling/Equipment, etc.)$

6)Vehicle Insurance (Director of Employee Benefits signs below)$


  1. Any continuation of Services or Programs Required at the End of this Purchase Period?
  1. Other Options Considered (Minimum of One Required):


Originator/Director/Principal Signature:Date

Director of Materials Management/Purchasing Signature:Date

Associate Supt./Senior Executive Director/Executive Director Signature:Date


Deputy Superintendent Signature: Date


Chief Information Officer, Technology & MIS Signature: (if required) Date

Associate Superintendent, Facilities Services Signature: (if required) Date

Associate Superintendent, Human Resources Signature: (if required) Date

Director of Employee Benefits & Risk Management Signature: (if required)Date

Revised: 02-05-2010