1200 S. Washington, Amarillo, Texas 79012
2016-2017 school year
Parent / Guardian Names
Student’s Name(s)
Upcoming Grade(s)
The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of students enrolled shall sign and return this Enrollment Contract and Note Agreement to the principal’s office. In consideration of the acceptance of this agreement, the undersigned parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to the Tuition Plan as described herein and to make payments according to the agreement and in full compliance with the Tuition Payment policy of St. Mary’s Cathedral School.
- PAYMENT OPTIONS (circle one)
Tuition Rates:Monthly Annual
5 Full Days $461.00$4,610.00
5 Full Days w/ Ext Day $602.00$6,020.00
5 Half Days$368.00$3,680.00
_____ I do want my child to nap. _____ I do NOT want my child to nap.
Yearly tuition is divided equally over ten months, August through May. If you register after the first day of the month, your first month’s tuition will be prorated.
Initial that you have read the information in section I ______
- FEES (all fees non-refundable)
a)Registration Fee: $225.00 ($200.00 if paid by 4/29/16) per child due at registration. Registration fee will NOT be prorated. The registration fee covers school supplies and $10.00 for Home School Association.
NOTE: The registration fee will be waived if the Montessori student has a sibling enrolled in Elementary. If both siblings are enrolled in Montessori, the registration fee will be waived for the second child.
b)School provided lunches are billed on the monthly statement.
Initial that you have read the information in section II ______
The School Board implemented the following procedures for tuition collection:
a)Statements will be sent out electronically at the first of the month. The only exception to this is if you do not have an email address. Please check below if that applies to you:
_____ I do NOT have an email address. I understand my monthly statement will be sent home with my child.
b)Payment is due no later than the 15th day of the month. After the 15th, a $20.00 late fee is assessed.
c)There are different payment options available to you: auto draft, cash, or check. You may also choose to pay with a credit card online through RenWeb; please note this option automatically charges you a credit card processing fee of 3.75%.
d)All accounts must be kept current. An overdue account may result in your child(ren) being withdrawn from the school. Unusual circumstances are subject to review by the Finance Committee.
e)Save $100.00 per child if paying for the whole year in full using cash, check or bank draft (ACH payment) by August 5th.
f)The School is entitled to full payment of the year’s tuition, fees, and charges, and no adjustment of the tuition will be made in any circumstance including absence, withdrawal or dismissal of students during the school year without justifiable cause. A refund would be subject to approval by the Finance Committee.
Initial that you have read the information in section III ______
All Montessori students must be at least 3 years old and completely potty trained before beginning the program. Regardless of the time of year, new students entering must bring his/her immunization records, social security card, birth certificate, and baptismal certificate. Following consultation with the Director, a decision is made as to acceptance.
Initial that you have read the information in section IV ______
Once a student has been assigned to a particular classroom, that student will not be allowed to change to another section of the same grade because of his/her own preference or that of the parent(s) or guardian(s). In rare cases where a change may be necessary, the decision is an administrative one.
Initial that you have read the information in section V ______
The reward for the hours spent at school includes the knowledge that the child(ren) see your witness, that you care about their school, and that the school and therefore the child(ren) benefit.
The tuition paid does not cover all the services necessary to educate the child(ren) and operate the school. We ask for your time and talent to help support the economy of the school. Your 40 volunteer hours are required to operate the school for the benefit of the students. See the Volunteer Form for a listing of the volunteer opportunities available.
Carnival volunteer hours may count toward the required 40 hours. Families are responsible for the sale or purchase of 10 tickets ($25.00/ticket). You will be charged for any unsold tickets. Due to the size of the event, every family is required to work a shift at carnival.
Initial that you have read the information in section VI ______
If you refer one new family to attend St. Mary’s Cathedral School, you will receive a $400.00 credit to be applied to your April and May statements. Refer two families and the amount credited will be doubled. You may use the free tuition yourself or share it with the new family. The choice is yours! The following requirements must be met:
a)The new family must pay full tuition without assistance.
b)All enrollment contract terms apply (tuition payments must be current, volunteer time fulfilled, etc...)
c)The new family must be enrolled for the entire school year. (If a new family enrolls after the school year has begun but before the first school day in January, a $200 referral credit will be given for a completed spring semester.)
This family was referred by ______
The family we referred was ______
Students not covered under a parent’s /guardian’s health insurance are strongly urged to obtain appropriate coverage. St. Mary’s Cathedral School shall not be liable to anyone including any student or his/her parent or guardian, on the theory of liability, including the sole or concurrent negligence of St. Mary’s Cathedral School or its employees, for any injuries or damages to any students.
Initial that you have read the information in section VIII ______
Picturesare occasionally taken of students and used for advertising and public relation purposes. There is no entitlement to any compensation, if a picture is used. Please indicate your permission choice by initialing below.
______YES, Igive permission for section IX.
______NO, I do NOT give permission for pictures of my child to be used.
St. Mary’s Cathedral School philosophy, rules and regulations are contained in the school’s handbook. This handbook is made available to families through the school website. Parents may request a hard copy. The parent’s/guardian’s initials and signature on this enrollment contract is acceptance of and compliance with all rules and regulations.
Initial that you have read the information in section X ______
I/We promise to pay the sums set forth here and in any related registration material for our child(ren) on the dates required herein, and to comply with the tuition payment policy and all terms set forth in this enrollment contract and note agreement.
Signature of Parent(s) / Guardian(s)
Financial Responsibility
If someone other than the parents/guardians listed above has financial responsibility for the child(ren) their name, address, and signature is required below.
Name of Person financially responsible: ______
Relationship to child(ren): ______
Mailing address: ______
(include address, city, state, and zip code)
Phone Number: ______
Signature: ______
For Office Use: