Safari Organiser – Rose Hardisty
The Headlands, School Hill, Mevagissey, ST AUSTELL, Cornwall, PL26 6TH
Tel: 01726 842869 Mob: 07989 050409
2 0 1 2 S A F A R I R E P O R T - A G M 28.02.2013
Once again these were a great success and three full days of safari were undertaken. They took place on Saturday 28 April, Monday 21 May and Saturday 16 June 2012. Over the three days, in the region of 100 hives were inspected on 28 sites. Adam Vevers (RBI) and Jo Widdicombe (SBI) led the groups and there was a strong focus on education as well as checking for disease. The safaris are an excellent way for the general health of bees in our area to be monitored and with visits stretching from Truro to St Austell and Summercourt to Portscatho a huge geographical area was covered. On two occasions we were joined by junior members (accompanied by their parents) and this was welcomed by inspectors and beekeepers – they are the future! I am pleased to report that no serious disease issues were found although sadly, as always, varroa was making its presence felt in many colonies (even those which had received appropriate treatments). Many thanks for the hard work of all those who help to make the safari days run smoothly. And especially to our lunch hosts for the very welcome cups of tea, pasties and puddings!
Looking forward to this season, I believe there are to be some changes to the inspectors but at the present time FERA will still support the inspectors’ participation in our safaris. RBG are vigorously advocating that the safaris are a very valuable and cost effective use of inspectors’ time and I am hopeful that this message has been taken on board!
As you all know, I have stood down from the role of RBG Secretary. However, I have agreed to remain as safari organiser. So my usually bossy emails to you all are not completely a thing of the past!!!
The safaris for this coming year are scheduled for Saturday 28 April, Monday 21 May and Saturday 16 June 2013. I shall be sending out request forms in late March and it is of great assistance to me if you can send in your responses quickly (and answer ALL the questions when you do so). Organising the safaris is a significant challenge but is made infinitely easier if everyone does their bit. There will be a small charge to cover pasty costs again this year and I will be looking for members who are willing to host the group for lunch on the days themselves. If you require more information about what this involves before you volunteer then don’t hesitate to get in touch.
It is hoped that any members keeping bees who have not had a formal inspection will get one done this year. It is vital not just for the health of your own bees but also of the whole community of bees in this area. If the safaris do not fall on convenient dates, or the idea of having hoards of other beekeepers in your apiary is not for you, then individual inspections can usually be arranged and I can help you liaise with the bee inspectors about this.
Rose Hardisty, Safari Organiser