Mrs. Koussalya Balasubramaniam
Asha For Education
Name of the organization : HEALDS
Organization description : Health and Education Alternative Development Service
Date of establishment : 26.10.1996
Contact person(s) : M.S.A.Sadhish babu
Phone number : 04286 – 257111, 255202
Email :
Address : Opp. to Sugar Mills,
Pettaipalayam (po),
Mohanur –637015
Namakkal – (dt), TamilNadu.
Location (village/town) : Mohanur Block
Description of area : Mohanur is one of the backward block in Namakkal district.
Number of children currently : 460
Enrolled in the project
Ages of the children : 12-17
Standards taught : 7th Standard to 12th Standard
Number of boys : 222
Number of girls : 238
Number of teachers : 25
Number of MALE teachers : Nil
Number of FEMALE teachers : 25
Current Teacher/student ratio : 1: 18
Salary of Teachers : Rs. 500 (In Dollar $ 12 ) per month
School timings : Evening 5 pm to 7.30 pm
School days : Monday to Saturday per week
Over all school attendance percentage : 99%
Medium of instruction : Tamil (Local Language)
Economic background of the parents
of the children : Most of the parents are Agricultural Laborers, Vendor &
Seasonal workers (Including commercial sex work) earning $
1.5 per day.
Is the school in a rural or urban area : All the NFE Schools are activated in 25 rural panchayats.
Is it a residential school? : No
How far away are the homes of the
children? : All the NFE Centers located in their own village.
How do the children get to school? : By walk
School days : 5 days in a week, except general holidays
FCRA Number : 075890291
Please tell us the progress of the school in the last 12 months (January 2007 to December 2007)
Our NFECenter supported by Asha for Education from January 2007. 99% of NFE students properly attended the classes regularly. 68 Drop out children are enrolled in to our NFE Centers. 30 Students
Reenrolled in to mainstream education. Our primary focus is drop out children, regular school going children with poor economic background also admitted.
How do you think the school has improved in the last 12 months?
All the NFE school teachers are working with commitment also create awareness on girl child education in their community. From the beginning there is no adequate facilities like teaching materials, note books and etc., Now all the NFE Centers are running with the facilities like Black board, small education materials and proper class room structure, Note books and school bags etc., These are attracted the illiterate Parents towards motivated their working or drop out children into NFE centers.
What are the problems you have faced in the last 12 months?
We haveadmitted the students age between 12 – 17 wise 7th Standard to 12th standard. But all the primary school children want to join our NFE Centers. Due to over crowd and noise was making disturbance to middle and HigherSecondary School going children. Hence we separate primary school children in to another place.
NFE Teachers express their feeling that the Honorarium of Rs.500 is very low, they request to raise the Honorarium up to Rs.1000 /-.
How would you rate the overall effectiveness of this project over the past 12 months?
68 dropout children are reenrolled in our NFE Centers out of 460 students in 25 centers. 30 children are reenrolled in the mainstream education. Remaining 38 children are regularly attending our NFE Centers.
Please give examples of activities at the project in the last 12 months. Please give details.
- Group study in NFE centers. (See Photo gallery)
- Prevent girl child marriages and reenrolled in to NFE centers. .
- Rescuing married children and reenrolled in to regular school.
- Conduct sports and Games competition among all NFE students in our office campus.
- Provide Black board, Note books and bags to all NFE centers.
- Establish linkages with local administration, Government departments, and banks for student’s savings.
- We try to organize child brides towards continuing their study.
Please explain how Asha funds were used in the last 12 months.
- Asha funds were used to provide Notebooks, black board, school bags to children enumerated in NFE centers.
- Asha funds utilized for provide Honorarium to NFE Teachers.
Status of Kids
The Annual examinations will commences on April 2008. After that we able to find out how many children went through to next grade.
Feedback from the Teachers
Kala, NFE Teacher, Nadupatty , “ it’s a great opportunity to our poor girls and boys getting education support through the NFE center. Because many of our children exploited by land lords and misguided by their parents and relatives, resulted children are dropout from schools. Hence this NFE center actively encourage the children in school and changes the mind set of their parents” Thanks Asha, USA.
Mahalakshmi, NFE Teacher, Malapatty, “ Our village malapatty is foot hills of kolli Hills, Tribal population, one primary school is functioning in our village, but many of our children attending schools only for noon meals. After noon they back to home or play ground. Gradually we encourage the children through our NFE center to attend the school properly and follow up study conducted in our center. We very much thanks to Asha for education and HELADS”
How soon do you need the money and how are you managing now?
This month we need money for honorarium disbursed to NFE teachers. Alternative arrangements made for loan getting from outside volunteers.
Budget for Continuation NFE Centers (January 2008 to December 2008)
Sl.No / Honorarium to Teachers / Descriptive Cost details / Total Budget1 / Rs.1000 / Rs.1000 x Month x 12 months x 25 Teachers / Rs. 3,00,000
Request Grant From Ashya for Education ------$ 7563 (US Dollars)
Sincerely yours
M.S.A. Sadhish Babu
Date : 23rd January 2008
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