Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
Level I Fieldwork Evaluation

Student: ______Date: _____/_____/______

Dates of Placement:

From: ______/______/______To: ______/______/______

Fieldwork Setting:



Address: ______


City: ______

Fieldwork Educator Name: ______

Level I Fieldwork: (check one)

☐ Level I Fieldwork A: Integration and Practice Applications – OCTH 1019

Midterm Date______Score ______

Final Date______Score ______
☐Level I Fieldwork B: Integration and Practice Applications – OCTH 1029

Midterm Date______Score ______

Final Date______Score ______

☐Level I Fieldwork C: Integration and Practice Applications – OCTH 1039

Midterm Date______Score ______

Final Date______Score ______


Fieldwork Educator Signature OTA Student Signature

Fieldwork Educator Summary:



OTA Student Summary:



Please complete evaluation at Midterm and Final. The OTA student must complete self-assessment and discuss with supervisor at midterm and final.
Please return signed copies of all documents to Karen Kowalski, Academic Fieldwork Coordinator.

Score the UMDNJ Level I Evaluation using the criteria below and include to support rating:

4 = Exceeds Standards: Performance is skilled and self-initiated. This rating is rarely
given and would represent the top 5% for Level I students.
3 = Meets Standards: Performance is consistent and meets the standards for this Level
fieldwork. This rating is given infrequently at midterm and is considered a strong
final rating.
2 = Needs Improvement: Performance is progressing but l needs improvement.
This is a realistic rating of performance at midterm, and some ratings of 2
may be reasonable at final.
1 = Unsatisfactory: Performance is below standards for a Level I student and
requires significant development. This rating is given when there is a concern
about performance at midterm or when the student is unable to meet requirements
by the final evaluation.



I.  Becoming an OTA Professional

The OTA Student:

1.  Attends all fieldwork sessions, is prompt, and participates in learning activities. 4 3 2 1

2.  Adheres to policies and procedures of fieldwork site. 4 3 2 1

3.  Uses sound judgment in regard to safety of health and others. 4 3 2 1

4.  Participates in the supervisory process by giving, receiving, and responding to questions and feedback and seeking guidance as necessary. 4 3 2 1

5.  Effectively interacts with client and family or identified caregiver in a professional and therapeutic manner. 4 3 2 1

6.  Effectively interacts with supervisor, colleagues, and other care providers. 4 3 2 1

7.  Uses language from OT Practice and medical terminology effectively. 4 3 2 1

II.  Occupational Beings Across the Lifespan

The OTA Student:

8.  Gathers client information from the medical/educational record, client/family
interview, and from other professionals, records appropriately, and discusses

with supervisor. 4 3 2 1

9.  Describes a client’s occupational performance using the terminology of the
OT Practice Framework- II. 4 3 2 1

10.  Gathers information to help determine a client’s occupational profile and describes the meaning and benefits of occupation for the client. 4 3 2 1

III.  Adaptation

The OTA Student:

11.  Describes the effects of physical and mental health, diseases, disability and traumatic injury to the individual on occupational performance and participation.

4 3 2 1

IV.  OT Practice

The OTA Student:

12.  Describes the practice setting including the state and federal policies and regulations that impact OT practice in this setting. 4 3 2 1