Bingham High School
English 12CP
Ms. Katie Jones
Please call or email for appointments: 256-4134
Office Hours: 7:00-7:30am and 2:30-3:00pm
Goals: This level of twelfth grade English assumes that you have a basic competency in language arts. More importantly, it assumes that you have a strong desire to improve your reading, thinking, listening, and writing skills—with an emphasis on writing.
Selection of senior novels/plays from the following list:
Pride and Prejudice Empire of the Sun
Asher Lev
Heart of Darkness
Lord of the Flies
Gulliver’s Travel
Black Boy
Jane Eyre
Dead Man Walking
The Last Lecture
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
A Raisin in the Sun
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Merchant of Venice
Oedipus the King
Brave New World
Selection of DVDs from the following list:
(Signature on this disclosure constitutes permission to view any or all of the following)
Hamlet— (PG-13): It is rated PG-13 for violence and adult themes. We watch it to help students visualize the play while we read. Plays are meant to be seen!
Amazing Grace (PG)
Jane Eyre (Masterpiece Theater version)
A Man for All Seasons (PG)
Othello (PG)
Pride and Prejudice (PG)
This is a college prep class—not just in matters of English curriculum, but also in just preparing you for how college/life will be. Remembering these few simple rules will help you enormously as you move forward in your educational and professional life.
Assignments and Make-up/Late Work:
First, we need to define a couple of very important terms:
· Make-up work: Work you missed because of an excused absence.
· Late work: Work you missed because of an unexcused absence.
I will accept make-up work until two class periods after the initial due date for full credit.* If you are sick, please email me (that day, if possible) to find out what you missed. This goes a long way with me (and with most teachers) because it shows that you are aware of your responsibility even when you’re under the weather. Of course, there will be times when you are unable to contact me, and I completely understand, but most of the time, you should be able to get ahold of me that day.
I will not accept late work. Of course, you are welcome to talk to me if you have extenuating circumstances. I am happy to work with you, but only as long as you are willing to do the same. The easiest thing to do is to plan ahead and let me know when you’ll be gone, so we can keep you up to date.
*If I assigned something to be due while you were gone that you KNEW was due before you were gone, that due date stays the same. You CANNOT turn the assignment in when you return—even if your absence was excused. You must turn it in before you leave or via email by the due date. If you turn an essay in via email, I will mark it as on-time, but you still need to provide me with a hard copy of your paper when you return, so I can grade it. If I never receive a hard copy, you will not receive credit for that assignment.
Attendance: Please see the Bingham web site for more information regarding the attendance policy.
Any unexcused tardy will result in the loss of participation points, and you will be unable to make up that day’s bell work. I also do not allow you to make up tardies. Please do your best to make it to class on time. It shows professionalism, and, again, it is great practice for that elusive “real world” that is right around the corner.
You will often hear people say that “it is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.” This may be true in some areas of life, but academia is not one of them. Please ASK ME FIRST. You and I will both be much happier.
All assignments, test, quizzes, and projects will receive a point value and the percentage of points accumulated will then be used to determine final grades.
A 93% + C 73% +
A- 90% + C- 70% +
B+ 87% + D+ 67% +
B 83% + D 63% +
B- 80% + D- 60% +
C+ 77% + F less than 60%
Classroom policies and procedures:
· Students will follow the Bingham High School rules and expectations (dress code, Internet use, etc.)
· Electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, headphones, etc.) are allowed at appropriate times in class.
· Come to class prepared with necessary materials (books, paper, pen, pencil)
· This classroom will be a place of respect—for people, possessions, and ideas. This is not only my classroom, but yours, and I expect nothing less than a safe and comfortable learning environment for all of us.
· This class takes place in a computer lab, so when you sign this disclosure, you agree to all lab rules posted in the classroom.
If you follow our policies, you will receive full participation points (5 points a day) and help create a productive learning environment.
If you don’t, you will lose participation points.
Integrity policy: Learning is a personal responsibility; cheating is unacceptable. Cheating (including plagiarism) will result in the loss of all points for that test, quiz, assignment, etc.
School Dress and Grooming: Students shall dress in a manner that shows respect for the educational environment and is befitting the day’s activities. Students’ clothing and jewelry must not present a health or safety hazard or distraction, which would disrupt the educational mission. Disruption is defined as reactions by other individuals to the clothing or adornment, which causes the teacher/ administrator to lose the attention of the students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints.
Parent questions and suggestions are welcome.
Please print, sign, and return to Ms. Jones ASAP. Please keep a copy of your disclosure with you as I will often ask you to refer to the policies.
Printed student name: ______Period: ______
Student signature: ______Date: ______
Parent signature: ______
Parent E-mail address: ______