Group ‘safie’ marks launch of UK campaign to support Global Road Safety Week
The UK campaign to support UN Global Road Safety Week (GRSW) 2015 (1) was officially launched yesterday (11 March) at the RoSPA Road Safety Conference in Birmingham, where delegates posed for a ‘safie’ to show their support for the #SaveKidsLives campaign.
The focus for GRSW (4-10 May 2015) is child road safety. Using the slogan #SaveKidsLives (2), the UN Road Safety Collaboration campaign is seeking to highlight the plight of children on the world’s roads, and generate action to better ensure their safety.
Here in the UK, a comprehensive programme of activities and resources (3) is being prepared by an alliance of road safety organisations (4) headed by Road Safety GB.
Honor Byford, chair of the UK GRSW National Organising Committee, and chair of Road Safety GB, told delegates at the RoSPA Conference that GRSW is a milestone event on the global road safety calendar which gives added impetus to the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020) and its goal of saving five million lives.
She also said that here in the UK, it provides an opportunity for children to add value through a connected network of complimentary action, and for road safety professionals to share knowledge with colleagues in the developing world.
The UK campaign includes:
• A database of UK road safety practitioners who are keen to link with colleagues in other countries to share expertise, experience and resources (5).
• A series of child road safety resources for use by pupils here in the UK and overseas, which are free to download (6).
• A series of seminars and forums to be held during the week itself to enable practitioners across the world to interact with each other (under development).
• Resources for educators providing basic road safety information covering children as pedestrians, cyclists, on public transport and travelling in cars (under development).
Notes to editors
1. For more information about Global Road Safety Week 2015 visit:
2. For more information about #SaveKidsLives visit:
3. For more information about plans in the UK to support Global Road Safety Week visit:
4. The road safety stakeholders involved in the UK collaboration in support of Global Road Safety Week are: Road Safety GB (lead organisation), ACPO, AIRSO, Brake, CFOA, CIHT, DoENI, DfT, Highways Agency, PACTS, RoadSafe, Road Safety Analysis, Road Safety Support, Road Safety Wales, RoSPA, Safer Roads (Berkshire) and Transport Scotland.
5. To see the database of UK road safety practitioners (currently under development) visit:
6. To see the child road safety resources available for download visit:
For more information contact Nick Rawlings, Road Safety GB, on 01379 650112 or