Chapter 19 Notes: Railroads

Pony Express – messengers on horseback that brought information out west (1860’s)

Transcontinental Railroad – a railroad that would cross the continent from East to West

The Great Race – a competition by the Union Pacific and Central Pacific companies to complete the transcontinental railroad, ended in Promontory Utah at the Golden Spike

The Golden Spike – a symbol of where the two new railroad lines would meet

What were condition like for railroad workers?

Low pay, long hours, using explosives, dangerous weather conditions

What sad irony exists between the Chinese railroad workers in the 1800’s and some immigrant workers today?

They took dangerous and low paying jobs because the pay and conditions were still better than their mother countries.

How did the railroad affect the development of the west and the economy?

Provided many jobs, transported people and goods west, shortened travel times, encouraged settlement by selling land

Chapter 19 Notes: Politics (page 602 - 605)

National Grange – social and educational organization for farmers

Populist Movement – called for the government to own railroads and telegraph and telephone systems

Why did the Populist Party want the government to own railroads and telegraph and telephone systems? To help control prices

Do you think farmers were successful in bringing about economic change and political change? Explain. Yes, Interstate Commerce Act ensured fair rates. No, their financial recovery was very slow.

Why did the frontier cease to exist in the United States?

Americans had settled all of the frontier land and their was no more open range left.