12-12-2017 Water Board Mtg. Minutes

The Santa Claus Waterworks Board met in regular session on December 12, 2017 at the Santa Claus Town Hall located at 90 N Holiday Blvd. Santa Claus, IN.

The meeting was called to order by President: Scot Elliott at 6:00 P.M.

Present: Michael Crosby,Frank Fowler, Scot Elliott and Theresa Hartwig

Absent:Stephen Leibering

Also, Present:Kevin Patmore (Town Attorney) Cathy Kroeger(Deputy Clerk), Chris Glenn(Working Supervisor)


Frank Fowler made a motion to approve the minutes of November 14, 2017regular monthly meeting as written and Theresa Hartwigseconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.


Scot Elliott stated the water operational report was sent out prior to the meeting, does anyone have any questions/concerns. Revenue is 108,000 which is normal. Expenditures are at $117,807 leaving and ending balance of 1,137,478. New budget is a 1 to 2 % increase from last year. Water plant is not running unless absolutely necessary.


470 with 600 to go. Water department has been busy with boring crew.


Effective date 1-1-2018

Town council will be working on an ordinance to approve for water/wastewater customer pertaining landlord/tenants accounts, the accounts will stay in the landlord’s name at all times.

New Service agreements forms-Kevin Patmore to get copies to Kelly Greulich.

BOND REFINANCING: Kevin Patmore states bank will not be able to get back to us until after the 1st of the year due to year end closing. Scot Elliott asked Kevin Patmore if the board will have to have another meeting to agree to paying the 2% penalty & 2018 interest. Kevin Patmore is hoping to have information before the meeting in January then present it to the town council at the February meeting. Even with penalties & interest we should save $30,000.


Scot Elliott states that he is not concerned about getting the water to them but the return is in question.


Scot Elliot stated that he met with Town Council and budget was approved for 2018.

Hatches bill will be expensed out in 2017 budget, will fall within the $16,000 that was approved for this project. Chris Glenn states that it will come in around $14,000 with a few other pieces to purchase.


Chris Glenn wants to talk about fire hydrants. Parts are hard to find for the current ones. 5-year plan is to get fire hydrants taken care of.


Cathy Kroegerstated the voucher totals for December, 2017 are $329,473.30 including the semi-annual water bond payment.

Frank Fowler made a motion to approve the vouchers in the amount of $ 329,473.30 andTheresa

Hartwig seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried


Scot Elliott made motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:28pm andFrank Fowler seconded the motion.

Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried

The next scheduled water board meeting will be January 9, 2017.


Scot Elliott, PresidentFrank Fowler, Vice President


Stephen LeiberingMichael Crosby



Theresa Hartwig Kelly K. Greulich, Clerk-Treasurer