Monday 19th November

1. Members
Apologies / C Jackson
M Hover
G Bennett
S Cocks
G Stockley
R Pates
Dr Thorp
L McCluskey
H Sayers
R Stevenson
2. Terms of
Reference / CJ went through.
* Add Pupil Premium – to consider the use of
Pupil Premium in the curriculum.
* Terms of Reference agreed.
3. Minutes of Last
Meeting / These were agreed as being accurate.
4. Matters
Arising / No matters arising.
5. / ·  CJ outlined what Pupil Premium is and the main aims in using this for disadvantaged children.
·  CJ went through the allocation for 2012-2013.
·  Highlighted how the school can spend the allocation.
·  Outlined how we allocate the funding with reference to the policy.
à Policy adopted by the Governing Body.
* GS asked if we had to prove how we use
this money.
·  CJ showed a summary of the Sutton Trust Tool Kit – Governors invited to look at the detailed version if they wish.
·  Went through Intervention programmes.
·  Helen to look into Secondary Schools that officer facilities/support for Gifted and Talented children.
·  CJ to ask EIP to source G&T activities and courses (next EIP meeting).
* Add to intervention list – (access to Gifted
& Talented courses).
·  CJ outlined other strategies we use.
·  Went through costing (provision map) including the differences between FSM children and CIC.
·  CJ went through other potential costs.
·  Impact on the children – went through results sheet, Raise Online for FSM and Vulnerable children list.
·  CJ went through where the school is going next with Pupil Premium.
Ø  Information on VLE and new website.
Ø  Letter to ask Parents to apply for FSM even if they do not take the offer up.
·  Consider other interventions on the Sutton Trust.
·  Continue to apply for bids to supplement application.
* Instead of sending out initial packs, send
out a tick box list for eligibility with
the letter.
·  Governors were asked to look at the funding opportunities when list is circulated. / HS
6. A.O.B. / CJ gave dates for Safeguarding Mop Up.
Meeting closed at 7.35pm
7. Date of Next
Meeting / Wednesday 30th January 2013 at 6.00pm / ALL

My Documents/Minutes/Curriculum Committee Meeting 19th November 2012