WASC Committee

November 21, 2013

Meeting Notes

11:00 – 12:00 p.m. Haak Ctr Boardroom 4115

Members Present: Michael Caldwell, Carolyn Coon, Michelle Den Beste, Jose Diaz, Xuanning Fu, Darlene Haines, Gillisann Harootunian, Asao Inoue, Andrew Lawson, Jane Magee, James Marshall, Maxine McDonald, Scott Moore, Arun Nambiar, Dennis Nef, Phillip Neufeld, Paul Oliaro, Tamyra Pierce, Chuck Radke, Rudy Sanchez, David Schecter, Dave Tyckoson, Terence Wan, Sandra Witte

Members Absent: Shirley Armbruster, Bryan Berrett, Thomas Boeh, Daniel Griffin, Robert Harper, Pranav Menon, Melanie Ram, Rebecca Raya-Fernandez, Angel Sanchez, Fariborz Tehrani, Lynnette Zelezny, Laura Alcantar

Called to Order: 11:08 a.m.

I. Announcements

a. Welcome Students - Darlene Haines

b. WASC Proposal Review – John Shields

c. WASC Accreditation Reviews Proposed Dates

i. Offsite Review: November 20, 2014

ii. Accreditation Visit: October 20-23, 2015

II. Review October 24, 2013 meeting notes

III. WASC Visit, Dr. Barbara Davis, WASC Liaison – 12/17/13

The WASC representatives will be visiting on Tuesday, December 17th all day. The committee took time to review the agenda and what topics should be discussed during their visit. If you have any other ideas, please forward them to us for consideration.

IV. Update on Core Competencies Perspectives – A. Lawson and L. Zelezny

a. Centralized vs. Decentralized Approach – A. Lawson and X. Fu

There was a lengthy discussion on how core competencies were going to be assessed. The debate is whether this should be assessed at the department level or whether it should be centralized. We wanted to bring this feedback back to the group to see what the perspective is. There are a few models that we could follow: department level assessment, university wide approach or e-portfolio approach. Another option would be for a group of people from this committee to meet and draft a universal rubric to share with the university and receive feedback. The e-portfolio puts the responsibility on the student.

b. Culminating experiences and portfolios update – D. Nef

The procurement office is about to send the letter out. We should be able to announce to the campus community next week.

V. Compliance with WASC Standards and Federal Regulations – D. Nef

This document has been posted to box.com for their review. D. Nef brought up some questions of which he needed some feedback from this group.

VI. Core Competencies Evaluation Proposal – X. Fu

This group met early this week and has a draft final report that he will be able to share with us later today. The group proposes that they have a number of different proposals. Once the decision on how to evaluate the competencies is reached then the standards need to be clarified.

VII. Newsletter Topics due by Monday, December 2nd – T. Pierce

Please email T. Pierce with any additional topics to be included in the newsletter. Also, we reviewed the bookmark that will be printed and distributed to the campus community.

VIII. Progress Update on Self Study Essays – Due Monday, December 2nd (Outlines will be uploaded to website)

1. Introduction: Institutional Context; Response to Previous Commission Actions – L. Zelezny and A. Lawson

2. Compliance with WASC Standards and Federal Regulations: Self-Review under the Standards; Compliance Checklist – D. Nef, S. Moore and M. Caldwell (G. Harootunian)

3. Degree Programs: Meaning, Quality, and Integrity of Degrees – D. Schecter (A. Lawson, Michelle DenBeste, S. Moore and D. Nef, J. Diaz, J. Marshall and R. Raya-Fernandez and Student)

4. Educational Quality: Student Learning, Core Competencies, and Standards of Performance at Graduation – X. Fu (R. Hall, R. Harper, A. Inoue, C. Radke, M. Ram, F. Tehrani, D. Tyckoson, P. Neufeld, T. Pierce and J. Magee)

5. Student Success: Student Learning, Retention, and Graduation – P. Oliaro and M. McDonald (A. Sanchez, C. Radke and Student)

6. Quality Assurance and Improvement: Program Review; Assessment; Use of Data and Evidence – A. Sanchez and S. Witte (D. Griffin and Lisa Kao)

7. Sustainability: Financial Viability; Preparing for the Changing Higher Education Environment – D. Nef and C. Matson (R. Sanchez, B. Berrett and C. Coon)

8. Conclusion: Reflection and Plans for Improvement – A. Lawson, L. Zelezny (M. Caldwell and T. Pierce)

IX. Upcoming workshops:

a. Assessment 101: The Assessment Cycle, Clear and Simple

January 29, 2014, southern California

b. Retreat on Student Success, January 30-31, 2014, southern California

c. 2014 WASC Academic Resource Conference

April 23-25, 2014, Los Angeles, CA

X. Next Meeting: December 19th 11:00 – 12:00 p.m., Haak Center Boardroom 4115

Reminder: Draft Institutional Reports Due – Monday, December 2nd via email to Tamyra Pierce and cc: .

Meeting adjourned: 12:00 p.m.