Name: ______

Period: 3 5

10thHonors ELA Final Project

Congratulations…in three weeks, you will leave sophomore year behind! This is a perfect time to do some project-based learning since you are now halfway through your high school career. There is no better time to start thinking about the individual impact you are going to have on the world, whether it is the global community, your nation, or your local community.

Project Green Light gives you the opportunity to brainstorm how you plan to impact your world, whether it’s through a specific business opportunity, invention, non-profit organization, or skill you plan to hone. The sky is the limit for this project. Choose a current passion or career interest, and embark on a journey of discovery.

This project is called the Green Light because I want you to consider your plans as if there is nothing stopping you from achieving the end goal. Pretend there are no financial restrictions, nor any other barriers standing in your way. You have been given a veritable green light to pursue the particular positive impact you hope to give back to the world in your own unique way.

In theGreen Light, the process is just as important as the product. In the adult world, deadlines matter. Your bosses will expect you to submit your work on time with a specific timeline of task completions. You will also conduct online research and use MLA citations to give credit to your sources. Expect small writing tasks (all typed) and an annotated bibliography to demonstrate your research.

Supervisors also look for divergent thinking (i.e., thinking outside the box), so you are expected to let your creative juices flow in the different elements of your project. As you research your intended impact idea, you will research visual rhetoric and create an advertisement that combines color psychology, the rhetorical triangle, and design elements to attract your target audience.

The Green Light process culminates in a final showcase of project products. Audience members will walk around the room and stop in at your booth so you can wow them with your research and final product.

I understand that in the Green Light project, the process is just as important as the final product. I am expected to adhere to deadlines over the next two weeks to ensure that I make progress on my project. I understand that I will present my final product to my classmates on either May 17th or 18th.

Student SIGNATURE: ______

Today’s Date: May 1, 2017

Project Green Light Details

Task / Due Date / Points / Submitted?
1. Green Light Brainstorm / Monday, May 1 / 20
2. Project Proposal / Tuesday, May 2 / 50
3. Financial Narrative (research component) / Monday, May 8 / 50
4. Annotated Bibliography (research component) / Wednesday, May 10 / 100
5. Professional Contact / Wednesday, May 10 / 20
6. Advertisement / Friday, May 12 / 50
7. Advertisement Rationale (research component) / Friday, May 12 / 50
8. Project Presentation / May 17-18 (Wed.-Thurs.) / 50
  • What are you passionate about? What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
  • What do you think is your career calling?
  • If you could merge your career interest and a way to improve the world, what do you envision?
  • What conflict or issue bothers you? What do you want to do about it?
  • What do you wish you could give back to the world?
  • What solutions do you have to conflicts or issues in your community or on a global scale?
  • What local, national, or global issue are you so passionate about that you would be willing stand up and fight to address this issue?
  • What creative innovations or inventions would you create to have a positive impact on the world?
  • How do you like to spend your time when you’re not in school?
  • If you could read/learn about anything in the world, what would it be? What do you wonder about?