Conrad Wrestling Club
Scholarship Award
This scholarship is open to all graduating seniors in Pondera County who have participated and contributed to the wrestling program in Conrad.
The applicant must enroll in an accredited post-secondary school (college or Vo-Tech) and can go into any field of study and does not have to participate in wrestling there.
Transcripts of grades must be furnished by principal or counselor
One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $250.00
The award will be payable to the school of choice and will be applied toward the beginning of the first semester’s tuition.
All applications must be postmarked prior to May 1st
Return the completed application to the CHS office to be placed in the wrestling coach mailbox
Kevin Moritz, Head Wrestling Coach
Conrad High School
215 S. Maryland
Conrad, MT 59425
The criteria for determining the scholarship recipient are:
Ø Amount of help and support to the Conrad AAU Club 1-20 points
Ø Grades 1-10 points
Ø Financial Need 1-10 points
Conrad Wrestling Club
Scholarship Application Form
This form should be filled out by the applicant and mailed by May 1st, with an official transcript of high school work to: Kevin Moritz, Head Wrestling Coach, Conrad High School, 215 S. Maryland, Conrad, MT 59425
1. Applicant’s full name Age
Address High School
Phone Number
2. Date & Place of Birth
3. Father’s full name
Address Occupation
Mother’s full Name
Address Occupation
4. Number of dependent children including applicant
5. Number of children in family who will be attending college or trade school this fall
6. Amount of financial assistance you will receive from family
Other sources of financial assistance and/or scholarships
7. Positions you have held in gainful employment in the past 12 months
8. Savings from the above earnings
9. What recourse do you have if you do not obtain scholarships
10. Extra-curricular activities: (Memberships, offices, and awards)
11. Civic involvement/outside activities other than school
12. Your contemplated major field of study
13. Name of college or trade school you plan to attend and years required to complete
14. Indicate any additional information that may be of assistance to the selection committee