10th Harrogate (St Wilfrid’s) Walsh’s Own Scout Group
A.G.M 2014 - Minutes
21 September 2014
Leaders: Christine Turner, Amabel Turner, Phil Scurrah, Tim Bagnall, Ian Griffiths, Peter Martin, Sara Griffiths
Committee: Mike Whittaker, Chris Haynes, Annette Haigh, Elaine Davies, Jo Hemmingway
Parents: Mike Warren-Smith, Jane Haynes, Lucy Leckenby, Steve Barker, Anna Bryer, James Caton, Emily Fletcher, Julian Floyd, Hugo Mascie--Taylor
Apologies: Maggie Pattison, Karsten Hartman, Simon Shaw, Paul Clavert, Peter Romanec
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending. The minutes of the last AGM were proposed by Phil Scurrah and seconded by Amabel Turner
Group Scout Leader’s Report
Christine reported another successful year for the Group with continued growth across all Sections. The Scouts came 1st in the district Tohunga event and Chief Scout’s awards have been earned across all sections.
Executive Committee Report
For details, please see attached Word document.
Mike thanked the leaders, executive committee and parent volunteers for their hard work and support over the last year. He reported good progress had been made with the Online Scout Manager system but also highlighted that the Scout Association will soon be launching its own online membership system.
The committee has focused on improving the groups operational procedures. Local policies have been drafted for supporting parents in financial hardship and collection of membership subscriptions. The committee has also been strengthening its oversight of the Scout Association’s safety policy.
He acknowledged that with last year’s increase in subscriptions, our income for the year has balanced our expenditure. However with additional equipment needs for the group and general increases in operating costs, we will need to focus on collection of gift aid and additional fund raising with both activities requiring parental support for them to be successful. If these activities don’t raise the funds required then the committee will most likely have to increase subs further next year.
Tim Bagnall queried how much gift aid the group is likely to receive. Chris Haynes confirmed that he has budgeted for £1500 per annum. Tim suggested that future communications to parents to get gift aid forms returned should take a more positive spin; e.g. with an additional £1500 gift aid, we can buy the following equipment for our sections… Annette Haigh suggested that face-to-face contact with parents at the end of section meetings would be a better way to get forms completed and returned. At least one parent present was unaware of receiving any requests for gift aid forms to be completed. Further discussion highlighted the possibility that the email addresses held on ASM may not be up-to-date.
Mike confirmed that the committee had already agreed to work closely with the leaders over the next 4 weeks to contact parents to complete gift aid forms and promised to take the above points into consideration.
Hugo Mascie-Taylor raised the possibility of asking parents to make additional voluntary contributions when paying their children’s subs. Chris Haynes reported that this suggestion arose last year at the Group Council meeting (parent consultation) held to discuss the planned increase in hall rental and was implemented for the next term’s subs collection. However, only a couple of parents responded with an additional donation. It was again suggested that with a positive spin this might be more successful.
Treasurer’s Report
For details, please see attached Powerpoint presentation.
Overall Chris reported a net surplus of £540 income over expenditure. Figures reported do not include Pegasus Explorer Unit income & expenditure as they have decided to manage their finances separately.
Fund raising income fell as a result of the torrential rain affecting the number of visitors to the Stray Bonfire. Whilst operating costs increased over the previous year. Chris re-emphasised the importance of getting gift aid forms returned and the need for additional fund raising events in the year ahead to avoid the need to increase subscription rates further next year.
Election of Chair, Treasurer & Secretary
The following persons were happy to continue in their current roles for another year and with no other nominations standing, were confirmed in post:
ChairmanMike Whittaker (nominated by the Group Scout Leader)
SecretaryMaggie Pattison
TreasurerChris Haynes
Parent Representatives on the Group Executive Committee
Lisa Corby, Jill Blundell and Humph Vincent have all stepped down from the committee and were thanked for their hard work and support.
Annette Haigh and Elaine Davis confirmed that they are willing to remain on the committee for another year.
Mike Warren-Smith, Simone Bilton, Steve Barker and Andrew Sharpen volunteered to join the committee.
Financial Scrutineer Appointment
John Blundell is currently the Financial Scrutineer. John was not available to confirm that he is willing to continue in this post. Mike Warren-Smith offered to take on this role if John decides to stand down.
The AGM was closed by Mike with thanks to everyone who had attended. Mike confirmed that the presentation and reports from the Group Scout Leader, Chairman and Treasurer would be emailed out to all parents and leaders. The same documents will also be posted on the group’s website along with copies of the individual section reports.