10th International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids (2014)

Paper ID (To be added by Programme Committee)

Title of the Paper

Name1 Surname1, Name2 Surname2

Affiliation (Company / Institution)

Address, City, Country


Name3 Surname3

Affiliation (Company / Institution)

Address, City, Country

Authors presenting papers to HND 2014 Conference should use this template to prepare and upload the proposal. Maximum length of the abstract text is 2400 characters with spaces. Please do not change any font styles and their sizes.

The author is required to submit abstract following the 4-step online submission procedure, through the conference homepage www.nuclear-option.org, and by choosing Conference Information à Proposal Submission, and logging in.

A participant from HND2010 can use her/his existing account. Those who have forgotten the password can obtain a new one by following the link Forgot your password? below the login filed. New participants would need to register and then send an abstract.

Please have the abstract information ready before you start as that will make proposal submission a lot easier. We strongly advise that you have any text parts in a file in your word processor so that you can copy and paste them into the web form. You will be able to type them in, too.

Step 1 (Starting the Submission)

Propose a conference track (session) from a drop-down menu in which you paper will be presented.

Mark all seven check boxes in submission checklist.

Write comments for Conference Director, if needed.

Save and continue with step 2.

Step 2 (Entering the Submission's Metadata)

For each author provide necessary data (first name, last name, affiliation, country, email etc.).

Submission type: single presentation.

Title: copy and paste from your Word file directly.

Abstract: copy and paste from your Word file by clicking on the “Paste from Word” icon.

Save and continue with step 3.

Step 3 (Upload Supplementary Files)

Upload your abstract - this abstract form (max. one page).

Step 4 (Confirming the Submission)

Confirm your submission by clicking on Finish Submission.

You will be notified about your abstract once it is evaluated by the Programme Committee.

Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4, keyword5, keyword6, keyword7

Session X: Tiltle of Session X (To be added by Programme Committee)