1001 Haysland Road; Huntsville, AL 35802
Phone: 256-428-8000
~Honors Algebra II with Trig~
Course Syllabus
Instructor:Ms. Paige Ashley / E-mail:
/ Phone:
256-428-8000 ext. 2193 / Planning:
A-Day 12:39 – 2:07
B-Day 10:03 – 11:31
I. Huntsville City Schools Mission Statement: The mission of Huntsville City Schools is to inspire, develop, and engage all students in becoming career and college ready; creative problem-solvers; active citizens; and life-long learners in a globally connected society.
II. Grissom High School Mission Statement: The mission of Virgil I. Grissom High School is to prepare students, through innovative learning opportunities, to be well-rounded, responsible individuals capable of achieving their full potential in our modern society.
III. Course Description and Objective:
This is an accelerated, fast-paced course designed to challenge the highly-motivated math student as well as prepare them for Pre-Calculus and AP Calculus. This approach requires maturity, personal commitment, and a strong background in mathematics. The course teaches students to understand algebra in the study of the structure of the system of complex numbers, to recognize the techniques of algebra and trigonometry as reflections of this structure, to comprehend the function concept, to acquire facility in applying algebraic and trigonometric concepts and skills, to perceive the role of deductive reasoning, and to appreciate the need for precision of language. Use of the graphing calculator may be helpful.
*The Alabama Common Core Course of Study with detailed objectives for Algebra II with Trig can be located at
There are eight Standards for Mathematical Practice that will be utilized in helping students master the standards for this course.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
IV. Textbook: Algebra 2 Common Core by Pearson 2015
The electronic version is found on the student’s desktop. The textbook can also be accessed online using MathXL.
V. Required Materials: Suggested (Optional) Materials:
1. Spiral-bound notebook OR 1. Colored Pencils/Highlighters for note-
3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper taking purposes
2. Graph Paper 2. Graphing Calculator (TI-84 or TI-89)
3. Pencils TI-84 is ACT approved
4. School-issued ThinkPad TI-89 cannot be used to take the ACT
VI. Grading Policy: (correlated with Huntsville City Schools Grading Distribution Policy)
Students will be assessed through quizzes, homework assignments, class work, and individual/collaborative projects.
*Late work will be docked 10% of the points assigned.
Grades are determined based on the following scale:
60 % - Standards-Based Summative Assessments (Tests, Projects, Collaboration Tasks)
40 % - Formative Assessments and Assignments (Homework, Quizzes, Classwork)
A category points system will be utilized.
Semester Average = 45% (1st 9 weeks) + 45% (2nd 9 weeks) + 10% (Semester Exam)
VII. Daily Classroom Agenda:
1. Complete Do Now which may be review problems, ACT problems, or quizzes.
2. Review homework.
3. Take notes, complete in-class assignments/projects, and/or work collaboratively with peers.
4. Homework or some formative assessment is given. Students will work on these tasks until the bell rings to exit.
VIII. Classroom Rules:
1. Be on time with all materials and immediately begin working on the Do Now assignment. #nofreedays
2. Be respectful of yourself, others, the teacher, and school property. #benice
3. Act appropriately during instruction, while others are speaking, during testing, etc. #nocheating #workhard
4. Conduct yourself properly in the hallway, cafeteria, and rest room; at all school functions, and during school safety drills. #tigerpride
5. Keep all personal electronics put away. #onlywithpermission #notexting #nosnapchatting #nopictures
6. We will adhere to all HCS policies and rules as presented in the handbook.
IX. Expectations:
Students are expected to be courteous, respectful, responsible, and work-oriented. Come to class with a positive attitude and willingness to learn. You are also expected to be academically and personally honest! Put forth your best effort, and I know you will reach the pinnacle of success! Our goal is to work together to achieve an understanding of the course objectives. Only behaviors conducive to learning will be tolerated.
X. Support Systems:
Additional Teacher Support / Mu Alpha ThetaSchedule a time with me before school, during Tiger Time, or after school if you need extra assistance. / Wednesdays and Fridays after school in room 1212 and 1216.
XI. Absences and Tardies:
To optimize learning, students need to be in class. Class will begin promptly when the bell rings. Any work missed is the responsibility of the student to acquire and make up. To keep up with assignments while out, please check Edmodo for instructions. Students should schedule a time with the instructor to make up any exams he/she was absent for.
What to do if you were absent (also see Classroom Procedures):
- Immediately upon arrival to class, see the class’ calendar to copy down what we did the day(s) of absence.
- Also, check Edmodo for posted weekly assignments and correspond with fellow classmates to copy any notes taken.
- Copy Do Now that you missed. If we took a quiz I will give you a copy of it to complete. The quiz will be turned in the respective tray by the end of class.
- If handouts were given, I will have a copy to hand to you.
XII. Homework:
Homework is expected to be completed daily and in pencil. I will not accept work in pen. Students can take notes in pen if they would like, but homework and tests will only be taken up if they are in pencil. Students are expected to show all work! Homework will be posted to Edmodo weekly. Students will be given access to the group code on the first day of class. A parent login will also be available through the student site.
Please email me if an account needs to be reset.
Classroom Procedures
1.Be seated on time, lay out your homework, and take out a pencil. Begin working on the Do Now assignment immediately. If you are tardy to class, sign the tardy notebook on the cabinet, and leave any tardy notes beside the notebook.
*Leave laptops and cell phones put away until instructed to have them out.
2. Be prepared to ask any questions on homework. Please respect others who have questions.
3. Always take good notes and ask questions when you do not understand something.
4. Please refrain from talking during class instruction.
5. You are expected to work on assignments until the bell rings.
6. Unless I have created extended deadlines, homework/assignments are due the next class day.
*If you are absent and need to turn in make-up work and/or late work, please turn it into the tray
located in the back.
7. The hall pass is located by the door. Sign out in the notebook on the counter.
8. When turning in papers, we will pass them to the left.
9. TEST DAYS: Do Now assignments will be checked. A quiet atmosphere will be implemented.
10. Nurse: Only in case of emergency will you be allowed to go to the nurse.
11. Extra paper and pencils are located on the counter if you need them.