All things children should do by the time they are clever

  1. Blow a dandelion clock
  2. Have a picnic
  3. Ride a bike (and fall off)
  4. Act out a battle
  5. Play monopoly
  6. Visit the theatre
  7. Make a cake
  8. Plant a seed
  9. Plant a pot
  10. Sing in a group
  11. Hold a baby and understand what it needs
  12. Kick leaves
  13. Build a sandcastle
  14. Speak on a stage
  15. Learn to swim
  16. Read a story to someone else
  17. Grow something
  18. Handle a pet
  19. Look after a young child
  20. Jump a puddle
  21. Go on a bus, tram or train
  22. Go on a plane
  23. See the sea
  24. Go to church/place of worship
  25. Lie in the snow
  26. Make a mud pie
  27. Make a rose petal perfume
  28. Go on a picnic
  29. Look after an animal
  30. Collect shells
  31. Sleep in a tent
  32. Pat a dog
  33. Build a fire
  34. Grow a sunflower
  35. Roll down a hill
  36. Eat a snowflake
  37. Visit a wood
  38. Climb a mountain
  39. Dress up
  40. Get soaking wet/muddy
  41. Watch a sunset
  42. Watch a sunrise
  43. Lie down and watch the clouds
  44. Play games
  45. Read comics
  46. Eat spaghetti with their fingers
  47. Walk through a forest
  48. Climb a tree
  49. Treasure hunt
  50. Sing a song
  51. Perform
  52. Go sailing
  53. Kick leaves
  54. Go to London
  55. Go shopping – pay
  56. Plan an event/party
  57. Have a conker fight
  58. Have a snowball fight
  59. Speak another language
  60. Read a story to someone else
  61. Write/create a book
  62. Use clay
  63. Write a letter – get a reply
  64. Perform
  65. Act
  66. Start saving
  67. Count the stars
  68. Walk through the countryside – different walks in different seasons
  69. Playing on the beach
  70. Watch the fireworks
  71. Play hide and seek in the dark
  72. Have a picnic
  73. Be part of a secret society
  74. Be part of a team
  75. Make something
  76. Take something apart to see how it works
  77. Go on a sleepover
  78. Eat a meal in a restaurant
  79. Visit the cinema
  80. Grow something to eat
  81. Paint
  82. Make a model/sculpture
  83. Sledge down a hill
  84. Roll down a hill
  85. Paddle in the sea
  86. Catch a fish
  87. Make a go kart
  88. Fly a kite
  89. Kick leaves
  90. Feed the ducks
  91. Play conkers
  92. Jump streams
  93. Row a boat
  94. Build dens
  95. Build a tunnel
  96. Make a tent
  97. Build a damn
  98. Build a snowman
  99. Skim a stone
  100. Stay up past midnight
  101. Hunt for ghosts
  102. Make a raft
  103. Feel the rain on their face
  104. Represent a team/school
  105. Play a musical instrument
  106. See a rainbow
  107. Been awake through a night
  108. Have a cuddle
  109. Visit a farm
  110. Visit the seaside
  111. Talk to an old person
  112. Go to a stadium
  113. Experience all weather
  114. Visit a museum
  115. Use camera
  116. Learn to whistle
  117. Strawberry picking