DRAFT MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 10 JULY 2017 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chair: Cllr Meryl Liddell

Councillors: Richard Bell, Richard Leech, Derek Liddell, Debra Smith and Ron Stier

In attendance: Barnsley Chronicle reporter and the Clerk.


No residents were present. The Chair invited councillors to raise issues.

Cllr Stier advised that public footpaths around Silkstone Common have not been cut by Barnsley MBC so are not passable in places.

A query was raised regarding the permissions required to install gates in garden fences to give direct access into Parish Council woodlands. It was agreed that whilst Parish Council do not object to residents gaining access to woodlands through a gate in their fence, permission needs to be obtained from the Parish Council and any abuse of the agreement (e.g. depositing household rubbish in the wood) will result in the permission being withdrawn.

The Clerk was asked to chase the replacement of the post box on Moorend lane again.

Cllr Derek Liddell mentioned that he had received a number of nice comments about the hanging baskets in the villages.

Cllr Richard Leech raised the A628 gullies and a response from Cllr Barnard was read. The response states that some but not all the gullies have been cleared. Barnsley MBC highways intend to clear the remaining gullies at the end of September.

The Chestnut trees outside the sheltered housing across the road from the petrol station look in need of attention. The Clerk will ask Berneslai Homes to investigate.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllrs Andrew Browell and Susan Wareham.



RESOLVED to note that 2 residents have contacted the Clerk to express an interest in the role of Parish Councillor. They were both invited to attend this evenings meeting to observe. They will both be asked to submit written expressions of interest with a view to the co-option interviews being held at the September meeting.


RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Silkstone Parish Council meeting held on Monday 5 June 17 as a true and accurate record.

Matters arising from the minutes:

Cllr Stier advised that the damaged trim trail rope has been replaced but the sign has not yet been installed.

Cllr Liddell asked if a response had been received from No 10. The Clerk apologised as she had forgotten to send the letter.


RESOLVED to return the following comments on planning applications to Barnsley MBC.

2017/0870 / 5 Guest Lane, Silkstone / Erection of single detached garage
No comment
2017/0846 / Gardeners Cottage, Noblethorpe, Silkstone / Erection of single storey rear extension with a rearwards projection of 7.2m with a height to eaves of 3m and 4m to the highest point. (Prior notification householder)
No comment
20170803 / Land between 42 & 46 High street, Silkstone / Erection of 2No 3 storey detached dwelling houses, access, parking and detached garden store at plot 1
No comment on building construction. The builder has contacted the Clerk to explain that utilities connections will be necessary under the wagon way. It was agreed that BMBC should be asked to include a provision that wagon way sets if disturbed must be reinstated.
2017/0705 / Croft Cottage, Blacker Green lane, Silkstone / Erection of garden shed
No comment
2017/0730 / 50 High street. Silkstone / Alterations to existing building to create independent unit with two storey rear extension and creation of independent first floor with side staircase.
Parish Council raised concerns regarding increased car parking on High Street, which will be passed on to the planning officer.


RESOLVED that the Parish Council will aim to raise £2000 towards cost of a defibrillator and cabinet in Silkstone and Silkstone Common. The Silkstone unit will be located on the wall of the community centre. This location was considered the best option during a site visit with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service. The Clerk will contact the brewery of the Station Inn to discuss locating the unit on the wall of the pub. Alternatively the Methodist church have agreed to have the unit on their wall. It was also suggested that BT could be contacted about having the unit in the old phone box – this will be followed up if the brewery decline.

FURTHER RESOLVED that all fundraising for the defibrillators should be in by the end of September with a view to submitting a grant application to the ward alliance for their October meeting.


RESOLVED to place an order with Barnsley MBC for the annual RoSPA inspection on the MUGA and Trim Trail at £58 + Vat each every September.


a. Silkstone Playing Fields Committee

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee held on Monday 3 July 17.

b. Health & Safety

RESOLVED to note that the issues with the boiler are being resolved by a plumber this week at a cost of £80 + Vat for a call out , part and repair.


RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council are fully supportive of the Silkstone pre-school’s proposal to install planters next to the Martin Croft play area using funds raised through the Co-op local charity fund.

RESOLVED to hold this in abeyance for consideration at a future Parish Council meeting. In the meantime Cllr Stier will enquire about any funding available through South Yorkshire Police

17-057 SUMMER FAIR 2017

RESOLVED to note that the summer fair will be held on Saturday 2 September 17. The last meeting notes were noted. Additionally it was noted that the primary school will open up the car park for stall holders and that there are now 15 raffle prizes thanks to local businesses and newsletter advertisers.


RESOLVED to pre-approve a grant of £70 for Silkstone Common Women’s Institute.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 6 June 17 and 10 July 17 summarised below:

Payee / Description / Total / Cheque number
Parish Clerk, Newsletter deliverers, HMRC, SY Pensions / Salary, Tax & NI, Pensions / 965.23 / 301236, 301243
301237, 301239
Profell Tree Services / Tree works in Conroyd wood and Orchard Wood / 800.00 / 301241
Yorkshire Water / Pavilion water bill / 9.31 / DD
Expert Water Services / Legionella monitoring June 17 / 54.00 / 301242
Handyman / Maintenance June 17 / 508.60 / 301248
Barnsley MBC / Hire of Silkstone Common Rec for summer fair / 80.00 / 301244
Parish Clerk, HMRC, SY Pensions / Salary, Tax, NI and Pension / 1,661.00 / SO, 301255
Chappelows / Football field drainage / 5,843.33 / 301249
EON / 2 months of Pavilion gas and electric bills / 310.81 / DD
KDA, Amazon / varnish for notice boards and monitor overlay / 24.69 / Charge card
Cash / Cash for summer fair float / 100.00 / 301250
Expert Water Services / Legionella monitoring July 17 / 54.00 / 301251
Bothams prestige / Grounds maintenance / 1,379.51 / 301252
Silkstone Common Methodist Church / Grant / 193.80 / 301253
Streetscape / Replacement of rope on trim trail / 120.00 / 301254
KDA, Amazon, Timpsons, Asda photoshop / Cable ties for hanging basket signs, bin bags and paint brushes for pavilion, keyboard wrist support, computer monitor, photos and Hi-Vis vests for summer fair / 205.35 / Charge card
Total / 12,309.63

All payments include VAT where applicable.


Cllr Richard Bell / Summer Fair meeting
Cllr Derek Liddell / YLCA South Yorkshire branch meeting
Cllr Ron Stier / YLCA South Yorkshire branch meeting
Silkstone Common Good Companions summer fair
Penistone East Crime and Safety Sub group meeting
Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting
Cllr Richard Leech / Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting
Number of twinning meetings (visit 13-17 July)
Meeting with Clerk to do office risk assessment
Cllr Meryl Liddell / Summer Fair meeting


YLCA – Documents relating to the annual meeting – passed to Cllr Stier. Clerk to send reply slip to advise Cllr Liddell will represent Silkstone PC
Letters from ex – parish councillor with historical information relating to the Silkstone Recreation Ground. Information to be kept on file for reference, no further action.
Resident query on accounts relating to Silkstone Recreation Ground and employee payments – information supplied by return.
CARE grant success – Grant from Tree Council approved for the picnic area next to the Trim trail and also 5000 crocuses secured from Rotary club. Clerk to meet Bill Barkworth from CARE next week to agree suitable locations.
Barnsley MBC – Community governance review consultation. Considered extra ordinary meeting but agreed to wait until normal PC meeting on 4 September – post meeting note – An extra ordinary meeting has now been agreed for 7 August 17 at 7pm at Sports Pavilion.
Rural officer from Community Lincolnshire asking for information relating to the public works loan and construction process for the Huskar Community rooms.
Nicholson Roberts quote for repairs to the Huskar community room entrance door – Clerk to request an invoice for the emergency repair work and a quote for the repairs to the door to forward to the insurer.


The next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be held on 4 September 17 at Silkstone Sports Pavilion commencing at 6.45pm.

Whilst there is no Parish Council meeting in August, an extra ordinary meeting of the Council will be held on Monday 7 August 17 at 7pm to discuss Barnsley MBC Community Governance Review.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.24pm

Silkstone Parish Council 10 July 17