10 Tips for Managing Adult ADD/ADHD
For adults with ADD/ADHD, trying to get through everything that needs to be done on a typical day can feel overwhelming. Here are 10 ways to help you stay on track at home or at work.
By Amy Paturel, M.S., M.P.H.
Page 1 of 12 Next »Stay on Course
Once considered a disorder of the elementary-school years that children "outgrew," attention deficit disorder (ADD)/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) now affects about 9 million adults. That's a problem, since experts argue that ADHD is responsible for reduced productivity in the workplace — to say nothing of its effects on household chores. And in addition to those with true ADD/ADHD, an increasing number of adults are showing similar symptoms because they are simply overstimulated. "We're seeing more and more 'attention deficit trait,' which mimics ADHD, but is really a situation in which adults are overworked, overtired, and overstimulated by technology and various demands and can't sustain focus," says Caroline Miller, positive psychology and goal-setting specialist and author of several books, including the forthcoming Creating Your Best Life: The Ultimate Life List Guide (Sterling, January 2009). If you're among the growing number of Americans who have a hard time completing tasks, give one or more of the following strategies a try.
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Downsize Distractions
Between cell phones, voicemail, instant messaging, and the Web, even a non-ADD/ADHD brain gets distracted. "Turn off instant messaging programs, check e-mail at prescheduled times (not randomly), and create an environment that is geared toward success," says Miller. The fewer audible, visual, and mental distractions you have, the more likely you are to stay on task.
Get Organized
Keep a daily to-do list, note events and appointments in a master planner, and post reminders in places where you can see them (jotted on sticky notes attached to your dashboard, for example). And when it comes to paper, remember the four D's, suggests Miller: dump, do, delay (with a specific deadline), or delegate.
Take Ten — and Think It Through
Adults with ADD/ADHD are more likely to blurt out statements they later regret. If you take ten seconds to think before you speak, you'll be less likely to commit the unthinkable. "Naming your emotions as you feel them has the ability to neutralize your reaction," says Miller. "So instead of being hijacked by your brain when you are swept away by emotion, you can step back and name your feeling before saying or doing something impulsive."
Get Moving
Exercise may improve ADD/ADHD symptoms, claims Floyd Sallee, M.D., Ph.D., professor of psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati. "If you have blood pumping to your brain because you're exercising, it does improve attention." Some experts believe a workout can also enhance mood and make medication more effective. Incorporate some form of meditation into your regimen, and you may have a silver bullet for ADD/ADHD symptoms. Yoga, tai chi, or qi gong may be your best bets, but any form of exercise is likely to do the trick.
Get Some ZZZs
Many adults with ADD/ADHD suffer from insomnia, which only exacerbates their attention problems. "Do not get involved in projects at night that will allow you to hyperfocus on something and then get the second wind that will cause you to stay awake past your limits," says Miller. Instead, wind down with a bedtime ritual like a warm bath or a short, peaceful story. Still can't sleep? You could try taking melatonin, a natural sleep hormone (3 to 5 mg before bed). Get your doctor's okay before taking any supplement, though.
Eat a Power Breakfast
You'd be hard pressed to find anyone, with ADD/ADHD or not, who doesn't lack focus a few hours after a doughnut-and-coffee breakfast. For adults who do have ADHD though, the repercussions can be severe. Instead of carb-loading at breakfast (bagel with cream cheese, anyone?), eat a few hard-boiled eggs and a banana, or granola mixed with plain yogurt. The combination of protein and fiber-rich carbohydrates will give your brain the fuel it needs to stay focused and on task.
Boost Your Odds of Success
"People who have ADHD can do well, but only with really explicit instructions," says Sallee. "Leaving things to chance doesn't work well for this group." Once you have a solid set of instructions, make choices about where and how you work that fall in line with your particular weakness or strength. If you're an early bird, get to the office first thing in the morning. At your best at night? Ask the boss if you can work from home part-time. Additionally, break up big projects with lingering deadlines into small, manageable chunks. And use a timer to remind you when you have to change tasks or get to an appointment.
Page 9 of 12 « Prev | Next »Reward Yourself
If you don't celebrate the small, everyday lifestyle changes, there will be times when your long-term goals are so far off, it will seem that there's little payoff. Rewards can be as simple as a gold star or a smiley face in your notebook or calendar. Pick something that's unique to you and makes you feel good. You might even plan a weekend getaway and put aside a little money toward that end every time you achieve a short-range goal.
Try Guided Imagery
"Both imagery and hypnosis bring your brain into a deeply relaxed state," explains Donna Fremon-Powell, a certified guided-imagery therapist and hypnotherapist in La Habra, California. "In this alpha-brainwave state, the subconscious mind is more willing to accept beneficial suggestions, such as 'You stay focused and complete tasks efficiently and easily.'" Experiencing hypnosis or guided imagery — even listening to an appropriate imagery CD as you fall asleep — can help you change negative patterns.
Ask for Help
"When the fallout of ADD/ADHD affects your quality of life, it's time to look for assistance," says Miller. Specialized coaches, organizational systems, medications, and therapists can all help, and books and Web sites can demystify the disorder. Furthermore, finding a role model who has ADD/ADHD has never been easier (consider Michael Phelps). In fact, many athletes, CEOs, and artists who have ADD/ADHD are active, bright, and successful. Rather than seeing their diagnosis as a liability, they have learned to appreciate it as an asset.