LB Sutton Multi Agency Sexual Exploitation (MASE) Meeting Referral Form

Child Presentation Type:
Missing: / CSE: / Both:
Professional Completing the Assessment:
Contact Details:
Subject of Assessment
Alias / Other given names:
D.O.B: / dd/mm/yyyy / Gender: M/F / First Language:
Ethnicity: / Nationality:
Legal Status: / CIN Plan: / CP Plan: / LAC (S20, S31 or S38): / Not open to Social Care:
Allocated Social Worker & Team: / FWi No:
(please state):
Home Address of Child: / Placement Address:
Parent/Guardian details: / Foster Carer details:
Contact Number: / Placement Contact Number:
Other children in household: / Name / Date of Birth / FWi Number

Use the space provided to risk rate the young person based on the different factors in each box. This is not an exhaustive list and professionals should use the additional spaces to record any additional information. There are a number of warning signs that can indicate a child may be being groomed for sexual exploitation and behaviours that can indicate that a child is being sexually exploited. To assist you in remembering and assessing these signs and behaviours we have created the mnemonic ‘SAFEGUARD’.

Additional Guidance and Assessment Frameworks are below:

London Safeguarding Boards - CSE Procedures and The London CSE Operating Protocol

Sexual Exploitation Levels of Risk / Descriptors
Category 1 / A vulnerable child or young person, where there are concerns they are being targeted and groomed and where any of the CSE warning signs have been identified. However, at this stage there is no evidence of any offences
Category 2 / Evidence a child or young person is being targeted for opportunistic abuse through the exchange of sex for drugs, perceived affection, sense of belonging, accommodation (overnight stays), moneyand goods etc. The likelihood of coercions and control is significant.
Category 3 / A child or young person whose sexual exploitation is habitual, often self denied and wherecoercion/ control is implicit
Sexual Health & Behaviour / Risk Category
Evidence of sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy and termination;
inappropriate sexualised behaviour, meeting adults / unknown young people through the internet
Absent from School or repeatedly running away / Risk Category
Evidence of truancy or periods of being missing from home or care
Familial Abuse and/or Problems at Home / Risk Category
Familial sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, risk of forced marriage or honour-based violence; domestic violence; substance misuse; parental mental health concerns; parental criminality; experience of homelessness; living in a care home or temporary accommodation
Emotional & Physical Condition / Risk Category
Thoughts of, or attempted, suicide or self-harming; low self-esteem or self confidence; problems relating to sexual orientation; learning difficulties or poormental health; unexplained injuries or changes in physical appearance identify
Gangs, Older Age Groups and Involvement in Crime / Risk Category
Involvement in crime; direct involvement with gang members or living in a gang afflicted community; involvement with older individuals or lacking friends from the same age group; contact with other individuals who are sexually exploited
Use of Technology and Sexual Bullying / Risk Category
Evidence of ‘sexting’, sexualised communication on-line or problematic use of the internet and social networking sites
Alcohol & Drug Misuse / Risk Category
Experimenting with Drugs / Alcohol, Regular use of substances, Problematic Substance Misuse
Receipt of unexplained gifts or money / Risk Category
Unexplained finances including phone credit, clothes and money
Distrust of authority figures / Risk Category
Resistance to communicating with parents, carers, teachers, social services,
health, police and others
Additional CSE Indicators
Please use this space to provide information about any other potential indicators of CSE.
Brief Summary of action taken so far i.e. contact to MASH, MAP Meeting,S47)
Overall Assessment of Risk (please make a professional judgment based on your analysis of the information)
3 / 2 / 1
Please bullet point case summary and any key incidents:
Monthly Panel Update
Panel Decision on Category of Risk: / 3 / 2 / 1
Agreed Panel Actions: / Timescale: / Who: