ME 425/525, EE 425/525: Mechatronics
Spring Semester 2008
College of EngineeringIdaho State University
Tu – Th 3:30 – 4:45 pm
Rend 103
Course Description
Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field that integrates Mechanical, Electronics, Control and Computer Engineering in the design of systems and products. The course deals with basic kinematics, sensors, actuators, measurements, electronics, microprocessors, programmable logic controllers, feedback control, robotics and intelligent manufacturing. PREREQ: ENGR 340, ENGR 342 and MATH 360.
Instructor / Coordinator
Alba Perez, Assistant Professor
Colonial Hall, 3
Phone: 282 5655
Clarence W. de Silva: “Mechatronics: An Integrated Approach”. CRC Press.
This book is a very complete reference book. Its emphasis is in the integration of mechanical and electrical systems. However, the book does not cover in detail the description of robotic systems that will be an important part of the course. Because of this, alternative textbooks are included here. These textbooks can be borrowed from the instructor.
Other Reference Textbooks
· Martin, F.: “Robotic Explorations”. Ed. Prentice Hall. This is a “hands on” book, useful as a manual for choosing sensors, mechanical components, for ideas on interfacing, etc. You can borrow this book from me for one day.
· Siegwart, R. and Nourbakhsh, I.: “Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots”. The MIT Press. This book contains both theory and applications and may be useful if you decide to design a mobile robot as your final project.
· Craig, J.: “Introduction to Robotics”. Addison-Wesley. This book is a very good book to understand the basics of robot kinematics and dynamics.
· Tsai, L.W.: “Robot Analysis”. Ed. Wiley. This is a more advanced book to cover topics of serial and parallel robot manipulators.
Course Goals – Targeted ME Program Outcomes
As an introduction to the study of mechatronics, this course heavily emphasizes on robot kinematics, dynamics and control, sensors and actuators, component interconnection and specific aspects of mechatronics systems design. After completing this course, the students will have achieved,
a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering: Be able to analyze the motions and forces associated to robotic and other complex mechanical systems and to design basic control strategies for them.
c) Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability: Be able to integrate mechanical, electronics, control and computer engineering in the design of mechatronics systems. Gain experience in the complete design, building, interfacing and actuation of a mechatronic system for a set of specifications.
e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems: Be able to analyze the effects of component interconnection and the overall behavior of mechatronics systems.
g) Ability to communicate effectively: Learn to present design projects through written and oral means.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues: Gain exposure to recent research results in mechatronics and robotics.
k) Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice: Be able to use computer tools for system analysis and data acquisition, and to program microcontrollers.
Computer Tools
Some project assignments may require the use of computer software. Maple or Matlab can be used for the mathematical derivations and for simulations. LabView or Matlab may be used for the final project., as well as programmable microcontrollers The programs are available at the engineering computer labs. The students can use the computers and material in the LEL24 lab for developing the final projects.
Final Projects
There will be a course project where the students will be able to apply and integrate the knowledge gained during the course. The projects will be developed by teams of two students and will consist of the design, setup and implementation of a mechatronics system.
There will be one midterm (20% of the grade) and one final exam (35% of the grade). The course workload will include the final project (45% of the grade) and some homework assignments.
Course Topics and Tentative Course Outline
In order to understand the topics presented in this course, previous knowledge of the following topics is required: linear algebra, multi-variable calculus, static force analysis, dynamics, basic motion analysis, fundamentals of electrical circuits and devices and measurement systems.
Week / Days / Topic / Reading / Assignments1 / Jan 15,
Jan 17 / Introduction to mechatronics
NO CLASS / Ch. 1
2 / Jan 22,
Jan 24 / Introduction to dynamic models
Dynamic model representation / Ch. 2 / Project assign. 1
3 / Jan 29,
Jan 31 /
Dynamic model representation.
Lab 1: Microcontrollers. / Ch. 2Ch. 11 / Homework 1
4 / Feb 5, 7 / Analysis of robot manipulators / Ch. 3
5 / Feb 12,
Feb 14 / Analysis of robot manipulators.
Parallel robots. / Ch. 3
6 / Feb 19,
Feb 21 / Analysis of mobile robots.
Path planning. / Ch. 3, handouts / Project assign. 2
7 / Feb 26, 28 / Analog sensors. / Ch. 6 / Homework 2
8 / Mar 4,
Mar 6 /
Digital sensors.MIDTERM I
/ Ch. 79 / Mar 11,
Mar 13 / Lab 2: sensors.
Component interconnection and performance specification. / Ch. 4, 5 / Project assign. 3
10 / Mar 18, 20 / Robot dynamics / Ch. 3 / Homework 3
11 / Mar 25, 27 / SPRING BREAK
12 / Apr 1, 3 / Robot dynamics. / Ch. 3, handouts
13 / Apr 8, 10 / Actuators. / Ch. 8, 9
14 / Apr 15,
Apr 17 /
Lab 3: Motor control. / Ch. 8, 9 / Project assign. 415 / Apr 22, 24 /
Control systems and implementation.
/ Ch. 12 / Homework 416 / Apr 29,
May 1 / Robot control.
Case studies. / Ch. 12, 13, handouts
17 / May 6, 8 / FINALS WEEK / Project due.
[1] Prepared by Alba Perez