Consortium Non-Lead Application Process Overview
1) Notify Research Services: Please notify UofC Research Services of your intent to be a collaborator with another institution on an NIH application. The UofC will be an intermediary and facilitator between you and the sponsoring institution to ensure that the sponsoring institution gets the most accurate information they need to submit a complete and successful application.
2) UofC required documents: Prior to signing any institutional forms required by the lead site for your submission, UofC requires the following documents be submitted to RSO:
A full study proposal for the UofC portion of work
A budget for the UofC portion of work for all the years of the study. Usually use the PHS 398 page 4 & 5 forms (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html).
Budget justification. Usually use the PHS 398 page 4 & 5 forms, as above
A completed and signed “Research Funding Application Approvals” form, found at: http://wcm.ucalgary.ca/research/files/research/140808-rfaa-updated.pdf.
3) Lead site documents: Usually the sponsoring institution will notify you of what they need. Please forward their list and your submission information to Research Services. In addition to the documents required by UofC, the sponsoring institution will likely need the following:
PHS 398 Face Page – use the RSO template
o This will include an eRA Commons ID. If you do not have one, notify RSO immediately as it may take up to two weeks to register you on the eRA Commons website.
A Letter of Support from the UofC, supplied by Research Services and signed by an Authorized Institutional Official
Biographical sketches for the key UofC personnel involved in proposed study, use the NIH format. Make sure you follow the page limit restrictions
Resources and equipment needed for the UofC portion of the study
4) Internal Deadline: The Office of Research Services (RSO) deadline for lead site applications is 2 days prior to the internal deadline set by the sponsoring institution.
5) Additional documents: If you require specific NIH forms (PHS 398 forms) that aren’t supplied by the sponsoring institutions, you can find them here: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html
6) Revisions: If you are communicating directly with the sponsoring institution regarding revisions, please cc RSO to ensure that the most up-to-date grant application will be on file at RSO. An accurate and complete grant application is the foundation of your file at RSO and will assist us in helping NIH, the sponsoring institution, and you if any questions or concerns arise concerning the future administration of this grant.
Direct questions or concerns to:
Anna LeMarquand, Research Grants Officer
Phone: (403) 210-9815
E-mail: or
Timeline for new applications (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/submissionschedule.htm)
R01 / R21 / U01 Grants (most common NIH grant applications)
R01 / U01 NIH Due Date / R21 NIH Due Date / Scientific Review / Council Review / Award DateFebruary 5 / February 16 / July / October / December
June 5 / June 16 / October / February / April
October 5 / October 16 / March / June / July