January 27, 2016
NKEPC meeting
10 Fire Training Dr.
Highland Heights, Ky. 41076
Attendees: see attached
Rod Bell, Adam Fritsch, Clinton Wilson, John Scheben, Valeri Hines, Dave Guethlein, James Pilcher, William Turner, Kirk Reinhart, Ron Schneider, Rick Watkins, Todd Schulkers, Chuck Korzenborn, James Sparks, Steve Hensley, Trisha Brush, Kathy Stevens, Mark Ihrig, William Fletcher, Kelly Joe Aylor, Steve Hearne, Carl Agner, Bob Stark
I hope the recording comes out
Roll Call and approval of minutes:
Motion:Passed Ron Schneider motioned, 2nd by Steve Hensley
Planning Committee – Ron Schneider talked about new guidelines for the Tier 2 from the KERC(State). New check off boxes (PC303) and administration changes
Bill Fletcher stated we are slow in receiving these reports compared to 2015. We received only 15 where last year we received 50 by now. Guidance to include quadrants. Send updates to Bill.
Point of contact – use positions instead of names. Names change too fast.
Rod Bell will send a certified letter by the end of march for our compliance. Waiting to update membership of the NKEPC
Grants – HMEPGrant – using for HazMat training – 30 seats, April 9 & 10, Boone Co. Fire Training Center
Steve Hensley is now serving on the KERC and stresses that we follow the format for applying for grants including an updated membership list. If not followed correctly we may not receive any funding.
Training – N/A (Kirk R., Bill F., Steve Hearne, Ron S) on committee
Compliance – N/A
President Report – Rod thanked everyone for their efforts in making the NKEPC what it is. He thanked Ron Schneider for all his years of service. Ron is retiring in March 2016
Rod asked all new members to take the FEMA ISclasses on line 100, 200, 700 then possibly the 300 & 400 classes
Website – being updated. Rod showed some new website via the overhead projections from the pc
Steve Hensley suggested that we have the committees books audited; this was seconded by Jim Pilcher. Sheriff Korzenborn offered his auditor to assist. A review of books will be done on January 29, 2016.
Motion: To have books audited – Passed (Ron Schneider motioned – Mark Ihrig second)
Issues to place an ad for January – Jim Pilcher to help. Many changes with the Enquirer
Old Business–Bus Wrap seen all around town, Web Site updates with NKU
New Business – Ron Schneider asked to attend the March meeting at SD#1. Asked for replacement nominations
Sub-Committee asked to help update membership list (Bill Turner, Bob Stark)
Motion: Passed (Jim Pilcher motioned, Steve Hensley 2nd)
Motion: Passed – Approve Chief Kelly Joe Aylor, City of Florence to committee
(Motion – Mark Ihrig 2nd Jim Pilcher)
Nominations:Rod Bell President – accepted and passed, Bob Stark Secretary/Treasurer – accepted and passed, Vice Chair – Kirk Reinhart – accepted and passed
Adjourn: 3:00pm
Add new member Kerry Hill – Assistant Superintendent at Campbell County Schools