Supervised Agriculture Experience Project Rubric 2013
Name ______Date : ______
Grade _____
SAE Advisor ______
ACADEMIC EXPECTATION: Writing Student will demonstrate and apply effective writing skills across disciplines, to include a variety of tasks (e.g. persuasive essay, research papers, letters)
CRITERIA / EXEMPLARY 4 / PROFICIENT 3 / DEVELOPING 2 / BEGINNING 1 / S0Critical / Effectively and / Develops a clear / Develops a limited / Does not develop a
Stance / insightfully develops / point of view. / point of view. / point of view on
a point of view. / the issue.
Content / Exhibits outstanding critical thinking by / Exhibits critical thinking by using / Exhibits limited critical thinking by / Exhibits weak critical thinking by
using insightful / examples, reasons, / using some examples, / using inconsistent
examples, ample / and other evidence / reasons, and other / or inadequate
reasons, and other / to support the / evidence to support / examples, reasons,
evidence to support / position. / the position. / or other evidence.
the position.
Organization & / Well-organized, / Demonstrates / Limited in / Little evidence of
Fluency / clearly focused, exhibits coherence / organization, coherence, and / organization and focus, shows limited / organization. Exhibits problems
and smooth / progression of / coherence and / in coherence and
progression of ideas. / ideas. / progression of ideas. / progression of ideas.
Grammar, / No or rare errors in / Some errors in / Regular errors in / Many errors in
Spelling, Usage / grammar, usage, and / grammar, usage, / grammar, usage, and / usage, grammar
and Mechanics / mechanics. / and mechanics. / mechanics. / and mechanics.
ACADEMIC EXPECTATION: Oral Communication and Listening Students will demonstrate oral communication and active listening skills across disciplines (e.g. individual/group oral presentation, debate, interviews, dialog)
CRITERIA / EXEMPLARY 4 / PROFICIENT 3 / DEVELOPING 2 / BEGINNING 1 / 0Content & / Demonstrates / Demonstrates / Demonstrates some / Demonstrates little
Organization / exceptional knowledge of the topic and organizes information masterfully. / adequate knowledge of the topic and organizes much of the information. / knowledge of the topic and loosely organizes information. / knowledge of the topic and incompletely organizes information.
Delivery / Fully engages audience with exceptional clarity of voice and outstanding visual aids. / Engages audience with adequate clarity of voice and visual aids. / Occasionally engages audience with limited clarity of voice and visual aids. / Rarely engages audience with little clarity of voice or visual aids.
Oral Spontaneity / Displays comfort with spontaneous oral expression, remains fully on topic, and asks and answers questions with ease. / Speaks with regular spontaneity, stays on topic, and asks and answers questions appropriately. / Regularly relies on written information to speak. Strays from topic at times and does not fully ask or answer questions. / Relies completely on written information to speak. Little or no evidence of spontaneous expression and does not appropriately ask or answer questions.
Responsiveness / Gives others time to talk and offers exceptional questions and answers to develop the subject idea further. / Gives others time to talk and offers adequate questions and answers. / At times, gives others time to talk and rarely offers appropriate questions and answers. / Does not give others time to talk and responds inappropriately.
Comprehension / Demonstrates exceptional understanding of topic through the ability to recall and retell important information in detail, make strong connections, and expand on ideas. / Demonstrates appropriate understanding of topic through the ability to recall and retell important information in some detail and make key connections to previous learning. / Demonstrates some understanding of topic through the partial ability to recall information and few connections to previous learning. / Demonstrates little understanding of topic by recalling few pieces of information from the topic.
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0
Extracurricular FFA Activity participation / Student attends more than 6 FFA activities each year and actively participates and demonstrates leadership. / Student attends five FFA activities each year with good participation during events. / Student attends 3 FFA activities each year with moderate participation during events. / Student attends 2 or less FFA activities each year with minimal participation during events.
Community Service Hours / 25 hours or more of community service hours completed with verification / Between ten and 20 hours of community service hours completed, with verification / > than five but less than ten community service hours completed w/o verification / < than five community service hours, w/o verification / No
Service Hours
Students will apply fundamental numerical, algebraic, geometric and statistical concepts
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0Calculations
Scope, Income expense and summary / Demonstrates complete
mastery of all relevant
Computational skills.
Numerical answers are
correct and have
appropriate units. / Demonstrates a clear
understanding of all
mathematical skills and
Procedures needed.
Errors result from
insufficient non
knowledge; rounding
values, and some minor
mistakes in
calculations. / Demonstrates a reasonable
understanding of the
mathematical skills and
procedures that are
needed. Errors resulting
from faulty reading,
writing and drawing;
insufficient non
knowledge; and
careless mistakes in
work. / There are many
errors related to
mathematical skills
and procedures.
Mistakes in
calculations including
the use of order of
operations, the use of
appropriate units in
calculations, and
rounding errors exist.
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0
Inventory / Demonstrates complete
mastery of all relevant
Computational skills.
Numerical answers are
correct and have
appropriate units. / Demonstrates a clear
understanding of all
mathematical skills and
Procedures needed.
Errors result from
insufficient non
knowledge; rounding
values, and some minor
mistakes in
calculations. / Demonstrates a reasonable
understanding of the
mathematical skills and
procedures that are
needed. Errors resulting
from faulty reading,
writing and drawing;
insufficient non
knowledge; and
careless mistakes in
work. / There are many
errors related to
mathematical skills
and procedures.
Mistakes in
calculations including
the use of order of
operations, the use of
appropriate units in
calculations, and
rounding errors exist.
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0
Income and Expense / Demonstrates complete
mastery of all relevant
Computational skills.
Numerical answers are
correct and have
appropriate units. / Demonstrates a clear
understanding of all
mathematical skills and
Procedures needed.
Errors result from
insufficient non
knowledge; rounding
values, and some minor
mistakes in
calculations. / Demonstrates a reasonable
understanding of the
mathematical skills and
procedures that are
needed. Errors resulting
from faulty reading,
writing and drawing;
insufficient non
knowledge; and
careless mistakes in
work. / There are many
errors related to
mathematical skills
and procedures.
Mistakes in
calculations including
the use of order of
operations, the use of
appropriate units in
calculations, and
rounding errors exist.
Technology Student will demonstrate and apply effective use of technology to access, organize, and communicate information responsibly.
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0Skill Attainment / Student experiences, applies and documents at least 11 new skills which lead to accomplishing longer term goals / Student experiences, applies and documents 10 skills which lead to accomplishing longer term goals / Student experiences, applies and documents 10 skills / Student experiences, applies and documents less than 10 skills / No list of
Application of
Save and
Organize / Consistently saves
and organizes
appropriately. / Demonstrates the
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates limited
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates an
inability to save
and organize
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0
Documentation / Three or more documents including letter of recommendation business cards, ads, etc. which support current SAE year + hours verification / Provides two documents from current SAE year for submission in addition to the hours verification
form / Provides one document from current SAE year for submission in addition to the hours verification form / Provides only an hours verification form for submission / No documents
Save and
Organize / Consistently saves
and organizes
appropriately. / Demonstrates the
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates limited
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates an
inability to save
and organize
Technology Student will demonstrate and apply effective use of technology to access, organize, and communicate information responsibly
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0SAE Hours / Student has completed more than 150 hours / Student has completed min. of 150 hrs / Over 100 hours but less than min. 150 hours / Less than 100 hours / No Evidence
of SAE
Save and
Organize / Consistently saves
and organizes
appropriately. / Demonstrates the
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates limited
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates an
inability to save
and organize
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0
Record Book / Sheets available/up-to-date with income and expenses if app. / Sheets available and hours up-to-date / Has sheets available –Partially complete –Hours not updated / Has sheets available, some sheets missing / No Sheets
Save and
Organize / Consistently saves
and organizes
appropriately. / Demonstrates the
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates limited
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates an
inability to save
and organize
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0
Photos / Six pictures provided for current SAE year which demonstrate observable student skills, with captions / Six pictures provided for current SAE year, with captions, limited observable skills / Three pictures provided for current SAE year, with captions / 3 or fewer pictures provided for current SAE Year, w/o captions / No pictures
Save and
Organize / Consistently saves
and organizes
appropriately. / Demonstrates the
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates limited
ability to save and
organize information
appropriately. / Demonstrates an
inability to save
and organize
CRITERIA / Exemplary 4 / Proficient 3 / Developing 2 / Beginning 1 / 0
Resume / Up to date, high quality FFA resume in correct format / Up to date, FFA resume in correct format / Resume requires updating and revision to meet FFA format / Resume lacks important elements / No Resume
Cooperates with teacher to arrange visits/planning of SAE project / Student has coordinated and arranged two or more visits with SAE supervisor / Student has provided assistance in planning and arranging two or more SAE visitation. / Student has demonstrated a limited level of assistance in planning and arranging SAE visitation. / Student makes an effort to arrange an SAE visit - changes time for visit more than once / No effort in
SAE visit.
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SAE Rubric 2013Page 1