July 14, 2016
The meeting was opened by Vice President Ky Agnew. Those in attendance were Ky Agnew, Laura Boggs, Alandra Mothorpe Boyle, Jessie Danielson, Nicole Danner, Sue Fenniman, Susie Forerson, Stephine Hancock, Emily Hobbs, William Kistler, Bob Lanky, Gayle Larsen, Jenni Marcols, Tanya Matthias, Carrick Meyers, Jennie Miller, Kris Nelson, Don Opeka, Mary Ellen Peters, Shirley Proppe, Mike Rengel, Lennie Rickman, Shannon Sheppard, Kirsten Strietzel, Linda Stumpp, Sara Taylor, Michelle Trejo, Dar Vriesman, John Walsh, Nancy Wellnitz, Connie Ward,
MINUTES: It was moved and seconded to approve the June minutes.
TREASURER’S REPORT. Treasurer Tom Hitpas was absent but submitted a treasurer’s report. Expenditures for July were $5.90 for miscellaneous expenses and $2,240.16 for Senior Heroes expenses. Year to date expenditures were $3,605.04, leaving a current balance of $3,944.77. It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted.
TRIAD Their summer Bar B Q with learning modules will be Tuesday, July 26 from 1:30 to 3:00 P.M. There will be presentations on Gun Safety, Home Safety, how to use a defibulator, fire extinguisher and much more.
District Attorney’s Safety Fair will be at the Jefferson County Fair Grounds on Saturday, August 13, from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. There are some Vendor slots available.
Colorado Senior Lobby Social and Business meeting will be Saturday, August 20 from 8:30 A.M. to noon.
JCCoA Legislative Forum will be Thursday October 13 from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. at Mile-Hi Church. All members are asked to attend and help as this takes the place of our regular monthly meeting.
Program Committee: Chairman Jenni Marcols reported that the guest speaker for August will talk about Social Networking Safety. The September meeting will be a planning meeting for the Legislative Forum.
Marketing Committee: Chairman Sue Fenniman reported that JCCoA had participated in four fairs so far this year. They are almost out of jar openers. The committee has started working on the Annual Report.
Special Events Committee: Chairman John Walsh spoke on the success of Senior Heroes. He also thanked all the volunteers who worked on Senior Law Day. It is an event that is growing very fast and becoming very challenging. This year they ran out of food and had to get more from Jimmy John’s.
Ky Agnew introduced our visitor, State Representative Jessie Danielson. Representative Danielson was JCCoA’s elected official of the year at our Senior Heroes Event. She spoke briefly on her dedication to work on behalf of the best interests of senior issues.
Guest speakers were Jennifer Harris from Juniper Communities who spoke on Implementing Creative Arts in a Memory Care Environment and Shirley Proppe from A3 who talked about how losing your vision doesn’t mean losing your independence. Both were very informative and enlightening.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ellen Peters, Secretary