Name: ______

Manifest Destiny Unit

Notes Sheet: January 7 – January 22

1: Why is it important to use evidence to support an argument?

_If you do not use evidence to support an argument, no one has any reason to believe your claims are true

2: Which of the two original political parties wanted a strong national government?


3: Which of the two original political parties wanted a weak national government with strong state governments?


4: What did the Alien and Sedition Acts do? (In other words, what did they make illegal, what power did they give the president, etc.)

The Sedition Act made it illegal to say bad things about the government; the Aliens Acts allowed the president to deport any alien who was dangerous or from a hostile nation; the Naturalization Act made it harder to become a citizen.

5: Which 3 rights in the Bill of Rights did Thomas Jefferson say were being taken away with the Alien and Sedition Acts? (Hint: Check out the Kentucky Resolutions primary source.)

1st Amendment: Freedom of speech and press; 5th Amendment: Right to a trial/due process; 10th Amendment: All powers not given to the federal government go to the states.

6: What does “Manifest Destiny” mean?

Clear/Obvious Fate

7: Americans believed their Manifest Destiny was to…

Spread the country’s borders from ocean to ocean, bringing knowledge and technology with them.

8: What was the piece of land called that Thomas Jefferson bought from Napoleon, which doubled our country’s size?

Louisiana Purchase

9: What were some of Sacagawea’s contributions to the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

Interpreter; Got horses from her long lost brother; Found edible plants and roots; saved items from the boat that overturned; guided Lewis and Clark through the land.

10: What does “impressment” mean?

Men are captured and forced to serve in the Navy.

11: What were “war hawks”?

People who were hungry for war.

12: What were the 3 causes of the War of 1812?

1)British impressment of American sailors

2)America wanted Canada but it belonged to Britain

3)America was expanding into Native American territory; British gave them guns

13: What were the 5 important impacts of the War of 1812?

1)End of the Federalist Party

2)Whitehouse was burned

3)Francis Scot Key wrote the poem that would later become our national anthem

4)Andrew Jackson became a war hero

5)Treaty of Ghent was signed – did not lose or gain land

14: What was the biggest overall impact of the War of 1812?

The US gained a sense of nationalism and pride.