World History
Ms. Avar
Point Value:
/ 5 / / Downfall: Hitler Goes Bye-Bye / KEY

Complete the following questions while watching the video (see sample binder or webpage if absent)

1) Why is Eva (Hitler’s wife) upset? (Eva Anna Paula Braun – Hitler)

Hitler is going to have her brother-in-law killed, even though her sister is pregnant with his baby

2) What is the one thing Hitler won’t do?

3) Why does Hitler have his brother-in-law killed?

He is a “traitor”

4) What does the “Bunker” look like?

No windows, in a hole under the ground, but has an office and rooms

5) Who does Hitler test the poison on first?
Blondi, his dog

6) How does Magda Goebbels (Minister of Propaganda’s wife) kill her six children?

She gives them a poisonous pill (cyanide) while they’re sleeping and forces their mouths to bite down on it

7) What does Germany look like at the end of the war?

Death and destruction everywhere

8) What kinds of things are German people doing at the end of the war?