The Mighty Oak
The voice of the Lord causes the mighty oaks to whirl,
and strips the forest bare;
and in his temple all say, ‘Glory!’
Psalm 29:9
March 2017
The Mighty Oak
The voice of the Lord causes the mighty oaks to whirl,
and strips the forest bare;
and in his temple all say, ‘Glory!’
Psalm 29:9
March 2017
Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church
647 Bethel Church Rd.
Latrobe, PA
Office: 724-593-2483
9:00amHoly Communion
10:30 am Sunday School
The Rev. James N. West
Eric Damon
(724) 593-5314
Dear Bethel,
I can still remember cutting out pictures of lions and lambs toplace on top of a March Calendar in grade school. We were learning the old saying that March comes “in like a Lion” and goes “out like a lamb”. The point is that March is a season of transition, beginning in winter and ending in spring. Within the church calendar, however, this month is completely draped in the penitential purple of Lent.
The very first day of March this year is the Wednesday of the seventh week before Easter, Ash Wednesday. On that day Christians throughout the world gather as we do for confession and the imposition of ashes one another’s foreheads. It is an invitation to Lent and the beginning of a season of penitence. It is a season we will still be deep into as this month comes to a close, but that doesn’t mean this month isn’t a time of transition.
The ashes placed in the sign of the cross on our foreheads carry many symbols. They remind us of God’s condemnation of sin, for as God told Adam “Dust you are and to dust you shall return” (Gen 3:19) the same is true of us. They remind us of the shortness of human life, recalling that familiar burial phrase “ashes to ashes and dust to dust”; and they are a symbol of our need to repent. They are a reminder of human suffering, sin, and death; but they are also a sign of renewal and cleansing.
The Mighty Oak
The voice of the Lord causes the mighty oaks to whirl,
and strips the forest bare;
and in his temple all say, ‘Glory!’
Psalm 29:9
March 2017
Ashes were once used in place of soap and so bear that symbolic meaning, but perhaps more relevant is the fact that we receive them with the same symbol that is placed on our heads in Baptism, the sign of the cross. The ELCA’s website states that “even in this ashen mark of death, we anticipate the new life of Easter.” The repentance to which we are called is not static. It is an act of turning back to God and accepting the promise of renewed spiritual energy. It is not a case of morosely beating ourselves up for the failings of our lives like a cartoon caricature of a Goth teenager. It is an opportunity to join in the renewal that God offers. This season which begins on March 1st is indeed a time of transition.
In that Spirit I would like to invite you all to look back on our Lutheran heritage this Lent with the hope of carrying our faith into the future. On March 14th our synod will be joining with Catholics at St John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cathedral in Munhall for an evening of repentance which will prepare us for the following services of thanksgiving and hope coming later in the year.
In commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the reformation, Pastor West will be leading a study of Martin Luther each Wednesday during Lent. This also provides us with an idea of how to travel on the road ahead by knowing from where we came.
As a child I cut out pictures of lions and lambs because those were the most opposed creatures we could think of. March was so but as Lent begins this month we are reminded of an even more drastic change that God has promised; the change from this world to one in which even those divisions fall apart. A world in which the Lion who has conquered is joined with the lamb who was slaughtered. We are reminded that our penitence and our victory are inextricably connected. Even in this ashen mark of death, we anticipate the new life of Easter.
Yours in Christ,
Eric Damon.
This month we lift up the efforts of our Synod’s partner in Ministry, Lutheran Senior Life.
Lutheran Senior Life provides some of the finest senior living communities and care options as well as community based health, wellness, and social services.
Their mission and values are described as follows:
Our Mission
On behalf of our moral owners*, Lutheran SeniorLife serves elders in our three-synod region, intending that the recipients of our services experience a moreabundant life regardless of their physical condition or financial circumstances.
* The Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, the Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod and the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod.
Our Values
The Mighty Oak
The voice of the Lord causes the mighty oaks to whirl,
and strips the forest bare;
and in his temple all say, ‘Glory!’
Psalm 29:9
March 2017
- We accept and value each individual as a gift from God.
The Mighty Oak
The voice of the Lord causes the mighty oaks to whirl,
and strips the forest bare;
and in his temple all say, ‘Glory!’
Psalm 29:9
March 2017
- We honor our commitments and act with justice and love.
- We strive to understand and satisfy the needs of those we serve.
- We express God's love by providing a more abundant lifeto those whom we serve and those who serve.
Lutheran SeniorLife is a Social Ministry Organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We offer services without regard to race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, ancestry, disability or sexual orientation.
We advocate for each person's individual rights while caring for the entire person - mind, body and spirit.
More information is available online at:
Lenten Midweek Service
Ash Wednesday is on March 1st. A worship service with imposition of ashes will be held at 7:00 PM
Beginning March 8th, this year’s Wednesday evening Lenten Series will be led by Pastor West and will feature an in-depth look at the life and theological struggles of Martin Luther using portions of the 2003 film, Luther.
Many who have seen the film complain that while the costumes, art direction, scenery and swashbuckling action was impressive; the storyline doesn’t quite match the Hollywood production values. Basically, the complaint is a fair one - since the movie races at breakneck speed through a series of vignettes in the life of Luther without giving the viewer a chance to catch up on the action, ask questions and dive deeper into Luther’s evolving theology and a life that altered western history.
In this five-part series, Pastor will introduce us to each of the characters in the film in sequence and provide a historical introduction to each portion of the film. Then, following a twenty minute film segment, we will share in a conversation of the implications for our life and the life of the church addressed in the film. We will gather at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall for informal worship and Pastor West’s presentation and discussion.And, as is our custom, a Lenten Soup Supper will be served at 6:00 pm.
From Conflict to Communion.
Tuesday, March 14, 7:00 p.m.
St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cathedral
210 Greentree Road, Munhall 15120
In 2017, Lutherans and Catholics world-wide are commemorating the 500thanniversary of the beginning of the Reformation and are looking forward together in hope. All are welcome to thisEvening of Repentanceas we join together with our bishops in prayer and fellowship. Sponsored by the Catholic-Lutheran Planning Group of Southwestern PA.
A Parish Round of Prayer
March 5----Greg & Darcie Lawson
March 12---Galvin Leighty
March 19---Joe, Isaac & Madeline Leighty
March 26---Drew & Rhonda Lenhart
Valentine’s Food, Music, and Dance
Last Month we had a wonderful time at the Valentine’s Dinner. The night included some great food followed by Cathi Rhodes tribute to Patsy Cline and other country standards.
A big thank you to everyone who helped organize the event and provide food. IT was an enjoyable evening for all involved and raised over $1,300 dollars for the capital improvement fund.
Request for Prayer
Andy Benedict, Ray Noble, Tom Noble, Connie Kimmick, Gerry Gross Varnell, Carl Lenhart, Linda Piper, Dawn Muenchow, Angie Keslar, Chrissy Bombach, and the families of Leonard Poklembo and Raymond Lenhart
God calls each of us to lift others up in our times of daily prayer. We are blessed to be a congregation that is filled with people who love each other and care deeply for one another.
Please submit prayer cards or call the Church Office to make changes.
Committee Meetings
Christian Education Committee
Sunday, March 5-- 11:30 am
following Worship
Worship & Music Committee
Mon. March 13 – 7:00 pm
Church Council
Monday, March 20 – 7:00 pm
The Mighty Oak Committee
Monday, March 27 – 9:30 am
to assemble newsletter
Property Committee
Monday, March 27 – 7:00pm
Please continue your support of the St. Michael’s Food Pantry. Bethel Lutheran continues its on-going collection of non-perishable food by displaying a basket at the front of the sanctuary for all your donations. Distribution days are the third Saturday of every month. Thank you, the need is still great. March 18, 2017 from 8:30 to 10:00am is the March date, if you would like to volunteer.
Bethel Members and Friends’ Breakfast
Saturday, March 11 2016
8:00-9:00 am
Brady’s Restaurant (Donegal)
Join us for Fellowship and Breakfast
each 2nd Saturday of the month!
Thank you to those who reached out after the death of my mother. It meant a lot.
~Sandra Buerklin
Your kindness is appreciated very much. Thanks to everyone for your help at Leonard’s (Poklembo) funeral.
~Duane Stockberger
The Mighty Oak
The voice of the Lord causes the mighty oaks to whirl,
and strips the forest bare;
and in his temple all say, ‘Glory!’
Psalm 29:9
March 2017
Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Congregation Council Meeting
January 16, 2017
7:00 PM
Present: Pastor West, Eric Damon, Bob Popey, Pat Morris, Danielle Bates, Anja Popey, Emily Lenhart, Ray Noble, Fred Shank, Pete Piper, Jennifer Siesky, Steve Schott, Peg Black, (Donna Marsh taking minutes).
Pastor West opened with prayer. Devotional led by Bob Popey. RE: Confirmation promise.
Approval of agenda: 1st Fred, 2nd Peg Black, All Ayes, all in favor.
Approval of minutes from December 11, 2016: 1st Pastor West, 2nd Bob, all in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Jennifer reviewed report. Ray questioned the collection that was taken for the Blackburn Center, back at the beginning of December. No check had been written yet. It was reviewed and noted that Jennifer would send them a check for the collection amount of $52.00. 1st Danielle, 2nd Pat. All ayes, in favor.
Pastors Report: Pastor West advised that we had one funeral so far for 2017. Leonard Poklembo passed. Motion: Eric missed one church service. The motion is that he is excused, as this was a family leave situation. 1st Pastor West, 2nd Peg Black, all in favor.
Committee Reports:
Christian Education: Heaven High….Please see the January Report that she provided.
Fundraising: The wreath fundraising money hasn’t been assigned yet. Possibly will go towards basement repairs or the air conditioner installation.
Property: Air conditioning job to Mullen’s. Will be installed. There is a question of what to do with the logs. Pete to get a price for them, if we are going to sell them. A lot of heavy lifting, if we are going to try to process on our own.
Worship & Music: Bob stated that all is going as planned with One Voice. Regarding Lenten services, Peg was asked if Fellowship would handle the soup. She agreed. It is estimated that 25 people will attend each of the services. Bob mentioned that we should be including a “minutes from the council meeting” in the M.O. Pastor West mentioned that this is something that used to happen and that we have gotten away from it.
Outreach: Ray stated that there is no formal report.
Youth: Anja reviewed the report for 2016 and stated that the youth group is organizing a lock-in for February and that they would like to include the youth from surrounding area churches.
Finance: Pat advised that there is nothing new to report.
Fellowship: No report.
Mutual Ministry: We don’t really have a committee. We should be meeting quarterly, in support of Eric. Encourage congregation to join. Also, we need a council member to represent on this committee.
Meal on Wheels: Pete reviewed what was included in the 2016 MOW report.
Old Business: Nothing left on the table.
New Business: Crowsfeet Consulting. A consulting group that helps churches with their mission. It was agreed that the council will listen to their initial presentation, which will cost $0.
History committee. Bob proposed that a committee be organized, to display the historical items of the church. Bob advised that he will talk to people and try to get this moving.
Council retreat. Bob brought this up. Wanted to see if there was any interest from the council meeting. Still on the table.
Men’s Group. Ditto the above.
Motion to adjourn: Anja/Fred, All ayes
Close with Lord's Prayer.
**Please be advised that the Minutes from the Council Meeting will be one month behind, because of the limited time between the meeting and when the Newsletter is created.**
Altar Flowers, Bulletins and Sanctuary Candles Charts for 2017
Please note that there are charts for Altar Flowers, Bulletins and Sanctuary Candles, on the bulletin board in the back of the church.
If you wish to remember someone, honor someone, celebrate someone, this is a lovely way to do so. If you should have any questions, please see Chap Goodman, or call her at 724-593-7943.
Also, please see the order form for Easter Flowers. Chap is your contact for those, also.
The Mighty Oak
The voice of the Lord causes the mighty oaks to whirl,
and strips the forest bare;
and in his temple all say, ‘Glory!’
Psalm 29:9
March 2017