1.Who was Luke? Give as many details as you can about him.

2.How do you know Luke’s Gospel is authentic?

Who was he writing to?

3.What was Matthew’s emphasis in his Gospel – chapter 1?

What was Mark’s approach and emphasis in his Gospel – chapter 1?

What was John’s main emphasis in his Gospel – chapter 1?

4.What are Luke’s main points of interest in chapter 1?

5.Who were Zechariah and Elizabeth?

Describe them from Scripture. What meaning do you take from your description?

6.What were God’s plans for this couple?

How do you know that they had prayed for a child?

Does God really hear your prayers?

How does He answer them?

7.What did God think of Zachariah’s doubt? (vs.18-20).

How can you get rid of doubt?

8.Do you ever praywithout really believing God will answer your petition?

9.By whose authority did Gabriel deliver his message to Zechariah?

How important is God’s Word to you?

Do you consider God’s Word a firm foundation?

How can you tell if you do?

10.Elizabeth Barrett Browning said,“One without faith should be silent.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?

11.Why do you think Mary was chosen of all women?

It was through a woman that sin came into the world. How do you see God’s grace in salvation at work for all who believe? (Galatians 4:4-5)

12.How did Mary take this extraordinary news?

13.Do you really believe verse 37?

How can it be evident in your life that you believe it with all your heart?

14.From Luke 1:35, how do you know that man had no part in the conception of Jesus?

15.What is the critical difference between John’s and Jesus’ miraculous births?

16.What didElizabeth do for Mary?

17.What is true joy?

Do you have it?

Why or why not?

18.What was prophesied for John’s life’s work?

Why were you born?

19.Who is the key to your contentment and fulfillment?

20.Luke wrote with such certainty and assurance. Of what are you certain?

Of what do you have complete assurance?

There – now really LIVE!



1.Why did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem to pay their taxes?

What does this say about God’s promise? (Micah 5:2)

2.Caesar thought of himself as a god, and yet on his watch what was about to happen right “under his nose”?

3.What does the Old Testament prophet Micah prophesy in his book in chapter 5:2?

So, Who was, is, and always will be in control?

4.What does Mary wrap Jesus in?

What does this detail show?

Why would a doctor be concerned about that?

5.Does it really matter whether Jesus was actually born on December 25?

What is most important?

6.How was Jesus’ coming into this world the first time different from when He comes back again?

7.Why is it so important that Luke’s emphasis is on Jesus as the Son of Man? (Hebrews 2:17-18)

8.What did the angels say to the shepherds?

Who was this message for?

Are there any lessons here?

9.Why was a Savior necessary, anyway?

Again, what is the key word in verse 11?

10.In verse 16, what did the shepherds do?

Then in verse 17, what did they do?

Then in verse 20, what was their course of action?

What should you do with the message of Jesus? Why?

11.Jesus was born in a stable, and His parents could only offer two pigeons at His consecration. What does this say about how God chose to have Jesus come into this world?

What is this world all about, anyway?

Has it gone out of control?


12.Why did Simeon want to see the Lord’s Christ?

Can you think of why this might be a very important lesson for you?

In Simeon’s song, what does he see and proclaim?

13.How committed was Anna? Why would she be a wonderful mentor?

14.From Luke 2:40, how can you know that Jesus had a normal human childhood?

Do you think this could be of interest to a doctor?

15.What kind of parenting did Joseph and Mary provide for Jesus? (2:41.)

16.Describe Mary’s emotions in verses 43-52.

What Father is Jesus talking about?

What did she do with all of this?

How did she process it all?

What do you treasure in your heart?



1.Some pretty powerful names are mentioned here, but Who is really the powerful One, using what man?

What is true greatness and power?

2.How come John didn’t follow the custom and become a priest in the temple?

What does it take to go against “the flow”?

Have you ever had to do that?

3.Who is Isaiah? What did he prophesy in verses 4-6?

4.What was John the Baptist’s message and purpose?

Was or is this message negotiable?

Who was he preaching to?

5.Why did he not let them get away with saying, “We have Abraham as our father”?

6.Why did the crowds come to hear him?

7.Was John fearful of his listeners?

How can you tell?

What causes fear to flee?

How long do you think a minister would last today if he started his sermon the way John did in verse 7?

8.What do verses 8-9 mean?

9.What is true repentance?

What are its two parts?

Without a true relationship with Christ, what cannot happen?

10.How did John answer people’s questions?

11.There had not been a prophet in Israel for 400 years. So when John was mistakenly identified as the promised Messiah, how did he explain that he wasn’t?

12.Have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit or “fire”?

13.What is one of the things the Messiah is going to do according to verse 17?

How can you tell that you are wheat and not chaff when it comes to Christianity?

14.Luke flashes forward in verses 19-20 to tell what story of John?

15.Why was Jesus baptized?

What happened?

What role does each person of the Trinity play in your salvation?

16.Verses 23-28 show the ancestors of Mary. Luke traces the line of Christ through David’s son Nathan. Mary had the blood of David in her veins. So Jesus is the Son of whom?

17.Luke reveals Jesus as the Son of Man and the Savior of the world. So His line does not stop with Abraham, but goes all the way back to whom?



1.Explain what temptation is. (Read James 1:13-15.) It can do two things to you. What are they?

2.What was the purpose for Jesus’ temptation? (Hebrews 4:15.)

3.When does temptation seem to be the strongest?

Does Satan play with your mind?


4.Is Satan a real being?

What is Satan’s goal in tempting you?

What does he hit on the hardest?

How should that make you feel, and what should you follow that feeling up with?

Why is Jesus such a great mentor in His battle with the enemy?

5.What do you learn from verse 13?

6.By Jesus not giving in to the devil, what do you have?

By you not giving into the devil, what do you have?

7.What is the only way to fight temptation victoriously? (Luke 4:1 and Ephesians 6:10-18.)

Is it an easy fight? OK, now KNOW this and get dressed for battle!

8.What does verse 16 say about you and your family’s need for church fellowship?

How do discipline and feelings reveal themselves in this verse?

As parents, or someone caring for children, what is your responsibility toward them?

9.How did Jesus fulfill what Isaiah prophesied?

10.The people were amazed at Jesus, but how do their words in verse 22 spoil it all?

11.Why aren’t prophets easily accepted in their hometowns?

How did Jesus explain that this could be very dangerous?

12.How can verses 29-30 be bittersweet for you?

13.Howwas Jesus’ preaching different from the Scribes or Pharisees that usually preached in the synagogue? (v. 32.)

14.Where does Jesus confront a demon?

Should this surprise you?

Why should the fact that evil is everywhere, even in the church, not put fear in you?

What do demons know?

15.How did Jesus heal Simon’s mother-in-law?

What was her response?

16.How long was Jesus day that day?

Where did He get His energy and strength?

Where do you get your energy and strength?

What does it take?

If you are feeling weak and powerless, what could be your problem?



1.What did Jesus ask Peter to do, and then what did He do?

2.Why was that such a great illustration of what makes a preacher’s pulpit?

3.After speaking, what did He ask Peter to do?

What was Peter’s first response?

What did he want to make sure the Lord knew?

Does the Lord ever give impossible commands?


4.What happened when the nets went down?

What was Peter’s response?

What did the Lord want to teach Peter?

Why is that a must as we begin our spiritual journey with the Lord?

5.What does it mean to leave everything and follow Him?

What is your “everything”?

6.How severe was the man’s case of leprosy?

7.Why did the man say, “if you are willing”?

What did this show?

8.By touching the leper, what did this show about Jesus,who He is, and what He came to do for sinful mankind?

9.If you know the song, “He Touched Me,” sing it and personalize those words from the leper to you.

Do the words of that song express what happened to you? When did it happen?

The leper could certainly tell his story; can you?

10.How willing is Jesus to cleanse you?

How thoroughly does Jesus cleanse?

11.After giving of yourself, what must you do to regenerate and renew your energy and passion to keep going?

What happens if you don’t?

12.If this paralytic did not have friends who cared, what would have been his future?

What lesson is there here for you?

Can you think of someone right now?

13.Why did Matthew give a dinner for all of his rascal friends?

What was the response of the religious leaders?

What was Jesus’ perfect answer?

14.What is Jesus basically explaining in verses 33–35?

Can you explain the meaning of the first parable in the Gospel of Luke? (vs. 36-39.)



1.The disciples were not breaking the Mosaic Law, but the Pharisees had their own interpretation. What is the danger of manmade interpretation, and what damage can it do? Check motive and attitude here.

2.Who did Jesus refer to in His explanation to the religious leaders?

What point was Jesus making to get them to see their rigidness?

3.What were the temperaments and thoughts of the religious leaders in verses 6-7?

Do you think this man was planted there on purpose?

Actually, by doing that, what did they know of Jesus already?

4.In verse 8, what is ALWAYS good to remember?

5.Those leaders might have been religious, but what did their hearts look like?

What was the difference between the religious leaders’ hearts and Jesus’ heart?

Are there any personal applications here?

6.Before Jesus picked twelve disciples for His inner circle, what didHe do?

Why is this so important before making decisions?

7.When Jesus calls you, what is He responsible to do?

So, why should you be comfortable in accepting His call rather than being fearful and rejecting it?

8.What does Dr. Luke want you to see for sure in verses 17-19?

9.Verses 20-49 contain the Sermon on the Mount. List all the points of instruction you can find.

10.What is the difference between the false prophets and the genuine preachers of the Word of God?

Who and what are their main interests?

11.How can you love your enemies?

12.What are you supposed to judge?

What are you not to judge?

13.What keeps you from forgiving?

Who enables you to do it?

What are the results?

14.What all-important principle is in verses 39-40?

Why should these verses keep you motivated?

15.Why is it so much easier to see someone else’s faults?

What is a hypocrite?

How ugly isit?

What is humility?

How beautiful is it?

16.From verses 43-45, what fruit is Jesus talking about?

Is there real fruit and counterfeit fruit?

What’s the difference?

Everything you say and do stems from what part of you?

How do you keep that part working and moving and producing in the right direction?

17.It’s easy to be impressive on the outside while the inside is as phony as can be. What parable does Jesus tell to demonstrate the real and the fake?

18.Is it possible to call Him Lord and yet not do what He says?



1.What can you say about the Centurion?

What were the results of his faith?

What is the Lord’s feeling on faith? (Hebrews 11:6.)

2.Can you think of a difference between the resurrections of humans, the resurrection of Jesus, and the resurrection of the dead when Jesus returns?

3.In this story in verses 11-17, what is so obvious in the character of Jesus?

What was this widow’s future if Jesus hadn’t done this?

What do you know about the shout of the Lord? (I Thessalonians 4:16-17.)

4.What was John the Baptist’s question in prison?

Why do you think he asked this question?

Can you think of a time that you specifically questioned God?

What was Jesus’ answer to John and to you today?

5.Why did Jesus refer to the religious leaders as children when it came to listening to John’s message?

6.Who really understands Jesus’ answer and who does not? (both then and now)

7.What is wisdom?

Explain the powerful words of verse 35.

8.Why do you think Jesus was even invited to the Pharisee’s house?

In that day, what was done first to guests in a home? (vs. 44.)

Who do you think were the other guests of the Pharisee?

9.Who was NOT invited but came anyway?

Who was she, and how did she get in?

How did the story unfold?

10.How did Jesus know what the Pharisee was thinking? (Psalm 139.)

11.What was the message in Jesus’ story to the Pharisee?

Who are you in this story?

12.What did the woman come to hear?

Why wasn’t she disappointed?

13.Why did this gesture take faith?

14.Why do love and forgiveness have to go together?

15.What did Jesus just do for her life?

Has He done that for you?

Why do you think that her personal name isn’t mentioned?

16.What does Jesus tell the woman to do?

Explain those instructions.

17.When your life is changed dramatically, can you really keep a story like this quiet?

Just what could your story do for someone else?



1.As Jesus traveled from one town to another, what can you say about the women who were following Him?

What was their attitude toward Jesus and His toward them?

2.Jesus communicated truth through parables. From verses 4-15, how does this parable explain how the Word of God is proclaimed?

So, do you believe that every time you hear God’s Word, you have to decide what kind of “soil” it is going into?

3.The parable of verses 16-18 is a parable of action. What must you personally do with the light?


So then, when you have the light, what is your responsibility?

4.What is Jesus trying to say about family in verses 19-21?

What is the purpose of being a part of a family?

5.Look at all the contrast of emotions in verses 22-25. Name them.

What was Jesus teaching His disciples through this storm?

What is He teaching you through your storms?

6.From verses 26-39, they cross the Sea of Galilee to a gentile territory. Notice who got out of the boat and who didn’t. What does this say?

Why are you afraid to get out of the boat?

7.What is a demon?

What happens when a demon possesses a person?

Describe the scene in verses 26-27.

8.What did the demon call out to Jesus?

Why should that not surprise you? (James 2:19.)

9.What was the demon’s name?


10.Where did the demons NOT want to go?

11.Demons want to inhabit someone or something, so where did they beg Jesus to send them? What happened?

12.What was the reaction of the pig herders and the townspeople?

What did it appear that they cared about most?

13.What do you know about Jairus?

14.As Jesus was on His way to Jairus’s home, what interruption did he experience?

Look howillJairus’s daughter was and how many years the woman suffered from her health issue.

15.What did the woman need to do, and what was Jesus’ response?

16.What does Jesus want from each individual—one at a time?

What, then, does He promise?

What is your ultimate healing—and why is any other healing so secondary?

17.What did Jesus tell this woman to do?

18.What would you have been feeling if you were Jairus during this interruption?