NOVA – Apollo 13

1. Who was Apollo named after?

2. When did Apollo 13 lift off?

3. Who were the crew of Apollo 13?

4. What rocket was used in the Apollo missions? How much fuel was on board?

5. How far away was the rocket from all other people in case the rocket blew up?

6. How tall was the rocket?

7. What is the rocket’s flaw that no one knows about?

8. What time did Apollo 13 lift off at?

9. How many days will it take to land on the Moon?

10. Who was Gene Kranz?

11. What practical joke does Fred Haise play on the crew?

12. When was Sputnik launched? What did it mark in history?

13. What was the nickname for the dog carrying Sputnik?

14. Who was the first man in Space? What country was he from?

15. Who was Valentine Tereschkova?

16. What year did the Soviet Space Program become grounded?

17. What year did Apollo 11 land on the Moon?

18. What happened when the crew turned on the fans in the oxygen tanks on April 13?

19. What did James Lovell say to Houston?

20. How many failures did ground control see on their computer screens? What do they


21. What does Lovell see out the window? What was it?

22. What is dead (not working) in the space ship?

23. What saved the ship from the explosion in the Service Module?

24. How much longer could the command module support life?

25. How did the crew save themselves?

26. What does Sweigert do before he leaves the command module?

27. What was the fear about shutting down the Command Module?

28. Where was the guidance system for the Command Module built?

29. What happens for two and a half minutes? Who regains control?

30. How thick was the skin of the LEM?

31. How many people was the LEM designed to hold?

32. Why was ground control concerned about turning the spaceship around?

33. What is a free return burn? Do they have enough time to get home?

34. What uses the most power on the LEM? What will the crew have to do after the big


35. What happened to the crew of Apollo I?

36. Did the crew of Apollo I die in Space?

37. What happens to radio contact when Apollo goes behind the Moon?

38. Who is less impressed by the backside of the Moon?

39. Which Apollo flight first went behind the Moon?

40. What did Jim Lovell name a mountain on the Moon?

41. What does the crew have to do after the big burn?

42. What was the fear now of the ground crew?

43. What happened to the temperature in the spacecraft? How long would the crew

have to suffer these conditions?

44. What happens to Haise?