Group research paper assessment rubric

Criterion / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Score
Interdisciplinary concept / Interdisciplinary concepts are evident throughout the research paper. All aspects of the argument are clear, appropriate, and correct. / Interdisciplinary concepts are evident in much of the research paper. Most aspects of the argument are clear, appropriate, and correct. / Some interdisciplinary concepts are evident. Some aspects of the argument are confusing, incorrect, or flawed. / Interdisciplinary concepts are not evident. Argument is confusing, incorrect, or flawed.
Originality / The thesis shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the supporting arguments and many of the ideas are original, inventive, and based upon synthesized research and logical conclusions. / The thesis shows evidence of originality and inventiveness. While based on an extensive collection of other people’s ideas, it extends beyond that collection to offer new insights. / The thesis includes an extensive collection and rehash of other people’s ideas. There is little evidence of new thought or inventiveness. / The thesis includes minimal collection or rehash of other people’s ideas. There is no evidence of new thought.
Technology use / Makes excellent use of multimedia, virtual reality, digital games, etc. to enhance the argument. The research paper flows well, keeps the attention of the reader and is very interesting. / Makes good use of multimedia, virtual reality, digital games, etc. to enhance the project. The research paper flows well and is interesting. /
Makes use of multimedia, virtual reality, digital games, etc. to enhance the research paper. Majority of the paper flows well and has some interesting ideas.
/ Use of multimedia, virtual reality, digital games, etc. but these often distract from the content. Majority of the research paper is disjointed and interest level is sporadic.
Workload / The workload is divided and shared equally by all team members. / The workload is divided and shared fairly by all team members, though workloads may vary from person to person. / The workload was divided, but one person in the group is viewed as not doing his/her fair share of the work. / The workload was not divided or several people in the group are viewed as not doing their fair share of the work.

Note: Criteria are evaluated on a 4-3-2-1-0 basis. Total rubric points will be converted to a letter grade: 19–20 = A; 18 = A-; 17 = B+; 14–16 = B; 13 = B-; 12 = C+; 9–11 = C; 8 = C-; 4–7 = D; and 0–3 = F.