Federal Communications Commission DA 02-1185

Before the

Federal Communications Commission

Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of)


Requests for Review of the)

Decision of the)

Universal Service Administrator by)


Bemus Point Central School District)File No. SLD-239526

Bemus Point, New York)


Cassopolis Public Schools)File No. SLD-256502

Cassopolis, Michigan)


City School District of New Rochelle) File No. SLD- 232297

New Rochelle, New York)


Danbury Public Schools)File No. SLD-128420

Danbury, Connecticut)


East Lebanon County School District)File Nos. SLD-220586, 220549

Myerstown, Pennsylvania)


Esko Public Schools)File Nos. SLD-538750, 538791

Esko, Minnesota)538452, 538456, 538465, 530629


Gloversville Enlarged School District)File No. SLD-252672

Gloversville, New York)


Good Shepherd Center)File No. SLD-266044

Baltimore, Maryland)


Granger School District No. 204)File No. SLD-254932

Granger, Washington)


Gunter Independent School District)File No. SLD-265245

Gunter, Texas)


Hamblen County School District)File Nos. SLD-125142, 125173

Round Rock, Texas)


Henryetta Public Schools)File No. SLD-268075

Henryetta, Oklahoma)

Holy Ghost Catholic School)File No. SLD-280798

Marksville, Louisiana)


Johnson City Independent School District)File No. SLD-251001

Johnson City, Texas)


Johnson Elementary School)File No. SLD-223824

Johnson, Vermont)


Kenedy Public Library)File No. SLD-263244

Kenedy, Texas)


Mabton Public Schools No. 120)File No. SLD-233034

Mabton, Washington)


Mirrer Yeshiva K’Tana)File No. SLD-226530

Brooklyn, New York)


Mississippi Department of Human Services)File No. SLD-239430

Jackson, Mississippi)


Nederland Independent School District)File No. SLD-274014

Nederland, Texas)


Pajaro Valley Unified School District) File No. SLD-239267

Watsonville, California)


Paso Robles Public Schools)File No. SLD-157477

Paso Robles, California)


Peru Central School District)File No. SLD-209015

Peru, New York)


Tallulah Falls School) File No. SLD-283913

Tallulah Falls, Georgia)


Weathersfield Local Schools)File Nos. SLD-226039, 226107

Mineral Ridge, Ohio)


Yeshiva Beth Yitzchok D’Spinka)File No. SLD-262909

Brooklyn, New York)


Federal-State Joint Board on)CC Docket No. 96-45

Universal Service)


Changes to the Board of Directors of the)CC Docket No. 97-21

National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.)


Adopted: May 16, 2002Released: May 17, 2002

By the Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau:

1. The Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) has under consideration the above-captioned Requests for Review of decisions issued by the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company.[1] These requests seek review of SLD decisions pursuant to section 54.719(c) of the Commission’s rules.[2]

2.The Commission’s rules provide that the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) must issue a decision resolving a request for review of matters properly before it within ninety (90) days unless the time period is extended.[3] The Bureau requires additional time to review the issues presented. Accordingly, we extend by an additional sixty (60) days the deadline by which the Bureau must take action regarding the instant Requests for Review of decisions by the SLD.

3.Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to section 54.724(a) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 54.724(a), that the time period for taking action in the above-captioned Requests for Review IS EXTENDED BY an additional sixty (60) days to July 19, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Bemus Point Central School District, Bemus Point, New York; to July 19, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Cassopolis Public Schools, Cassopolis, Michigan;to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by City School District of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, New York; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Danbury Public Schools, Danbury, Connecticut; to July 19, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by East Lebanon County School District, Myerstown, Pennsylvania; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Esko Public Schools, Esko, Minnesota; to July 16, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Gloversville Enlarged School District, Gloversville, New York; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Good Shepherd Center, Baltimore, Maryland; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Granger School District No. 204, Granger, Washington; to July 29, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Gunter Independent School District, Gunter, Texas; to July 1, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Hamblen County School District, Round Rock, Texas; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Henryetta Public Schools, Henryetta, Oklahoma; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Holy Ghost Catholic School, Marksville, Louisiana; to July 19, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Johnson City Independent School District, Johnson City, Texas; to July 19, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Johnson Elementary School, Johnson, Vermont; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Kenedy Public Library, Kenedy, Texas; to July 29, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Mabton Public Schools No. 120, Mabton, Washington; to July 19, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Mirrer Yeshiva K’Tana, Brooklyn, New York; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Mississippi Department of Human Services, Jackson, Mississippi; to July 29, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Nederland Independent School District, Nederland, Texas; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Pajaro Valley Unified School District, Watsonville, California; to July 19, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Paso Robles Public Schools, Paso Robles, California; to July 19, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Peru Central School District, Peru, New York; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Tallulah Falls School, Tallulah Falls, Georgia; to July 19, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Weathersfield Local Schools, Mineral Ridge, Ohio; to July 26, 2002, for the Request for Review filed by Yeshiva Beth Yitzchok D’Spinka, Brooklyn, New York.


Mark G. Seifert Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division Wireline Competition Bureau


[1]Letter from Susan G. Gauch, Bemus Point Central School District, filed February 20, 2002; Letter from Richard S. DeVos, Cassopolis Public Schools, filed February 19, 2002; Letter from Liz D’Amico, City School District of New Rochelle, filed February 28, 2002; Letter from Timothy P. Connors, Danbury Public Schools, filed February 27, 2002; Letter from Gwen M. Boltz, East Lebanon County School District, filed February 20, 2002; Letter from Richard Singpiel, Esko Public Schools, filed February 27, 2002; Letter from Dr. Paul V. Fiacco, Gloversville Enlarged School District, filed February 15, 2002; Letter from Maggie McCarty, Good Shepherd Center, filed February 27, 2002; Letter from Timothy Dunn, Granger School District No. 204, filed February 27, 2002; Letter from Dawna Uselton, Gunter Independent School District, filed March 1, 2002; Letter from Sharon Gonzales, Hamblen County School District, filed February 1, 2002; Letter from Dan Edwards, Henryetta Public Schools, filed February 25, 2002; Letter from Connie Richard, Holy Ghost Catholic School, filed February 28, 2002; Letter from Kevin R. Jacks, Johnson City Independent School District, filed February 19, 2002; Letter from Charles F. Cavanaugh, Johnson Elementary School, filed February 20, 2002; Letter from Silvia Pena, Kenedy Public Library, filed February 28, 2002; Letter from Kevin Chase, Mabton Public Schools, filed March 1, 2002; Letter from M. Rosenblum, Mirrer Yeshiva K’Tana, filed February 20, 2002; Letter from Willie Blackmon, Mississippi Department of Human Services, filed February 27, 2002; Letter from Melissa Wong, Nederland Independent School District, filed March 1, 2002; Letter from Terry McHenry, Pajaro Valley Unified School District, filed February 28, 2002; Letter from Laurie Crowe, Paso Robles Public Schools, filed February 20, 2002; Letter from Bonnie Berry, Peru Central School District, filed February 20, 2002; Letter from George Roller, Tallulah Falls School, filed February 28, 2002; Letter from Angela J. Lewis, Weathersfield Local Schools, filed February 19, 2002; Letter from Zalman Horowitz, Yeshiva Beth Yitzchok D’Spinka, filed February 25, 2002 (Requests for Review).

[2]See Requests for Review. Section 54.719(c) of the Commission’s rules provides that any person aggrieved by an action taken by a division of the Administrator may seek review from the Commission. 47 C.F.R. § 54.719(c).

[3] 47 C.F.R. § 54.724(a).