___1. Which of the Following Is True of the Social Structure of Mesopotamia?

Name: ______

Date: ______

Period: ______

Middle East 8000BCE-600CE

Multiple Choice

___1. Which of the following is true of the social structure of Mesopotamia?

A.  Women had no rights in marriage nor could they own or inherit property

B.  Low-level officials, priests, and other professionals constituted the majority of the population

C.  Slavery existed on a limited scale and included prisoners of war and debtors

D.  Little formal social structure existed because of the disruptive nature of frequent invasion and migration from neighboring areas

___2. Having turned the Persian Empire into the largest the world had yet seen, Darius I ruled by

A.  Incorporating terror tactics like forced deportation and slavery to keep people from rebelling

B.  Oppressing even elite women so that society remained male-dominated

C.  Acquiring as much land a s possible for his own use and control so as to undermine rivals

D.  Granting autonomy to local people so they could follow their own traditions and culture

___3. The discovery of the figure (pictured to the right) at Çatal Hüyük can be used to support which of the following theories about society in that city?

A.  Hunting retain an important role in the city even as a reliance on agriculture increased

B.  There was a clear political structure and dominant social class in Çatal Hüyük

C.  The role of women was valued in Çatal Hüyük, and women may have played an important role in religious rituals

D.  Stone and metal work were far more advanced in Çatal Hüyük than in any other river-valley civilization

___4. Which of the following is true of the political organization of both Egypt and Mesopotamia?

A.  Kings dominated each bureaucracy

B.  Political legitimacy in Egypt and Mesopotamia came from the belief that the leaders descended from the gods

C.  Egypt spent far more money on buildings and structures to legitimize their rule in Mesopotamia

D.  Immigration placed great strains on the culture of both societies

___5. Which of the following is true of the empires of Alexander the Great and Darius I?

A.  The leaders of both relied on loyal officials, who could exercise some level of autonomy

B.  Both empires valued Greek culture and helped spread it from the Mediterranean to the South Asia

C.  Both were democratic empires that gave a voice to all free, land-owning males

D.  Both empires benefited from long-distance trade with Asia and sub-Saharan Africa

___6. Which of the following statements best describes the condition of women in ancient Greece?

A.  Women enjoyed freedom of movement and speech

B.  Women were equal participants in Greek democracy

C.  Women were confined to the home and had few rights

D.  The condition of women varied depending on the community

___7. Zoroastrianism was influential because

A.  It promoted the rights of women and the idea that marriage was a partnership

B.  Key ideas such as monotheism and the Messiah were later adopted by Judaism and Christianity

C.  It empowered the poor to rise up against the king and caused chaos within the empire

D.  It provided a rigid social structure in which one’s life was dictated by gender, age, and occupation

___8. The Persian Empire imposed a tribute system in order to

A.  Share its wealth with neighboring regions

B.  Promote conversion to Zoroastrianism

C.  Fund all of the vast expenses of the empire

D.  Hoard wealth and highlight its power over its neighbors

___9. The Phoenicians were significant because

A.  They developed the city-state model of governing

B.  They created an alphabetic system of writing

C.  They were the first empire in the region

D.  They dominated overland trade routes that crossed the region

___10. All of the following are true of Judaism and Christianity EXCEPT

A.  Jews received better treatment than Christians while under Roman rule

B.  Christians see Jesus as the Messiah while Jews still await the Messiah

C.  Both religions originated in present-day Israel and Palestine

D.  The Hebrew torah is also part of the Christian Bible

___11. Which of the following was the largest geographic challenge for the people settling in Mesopotamia?

A.  The unpredictable nature of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

B.  The absence of the useful building materials

C.  The great distance from regional and long-distance trade routes

D.  Poor soil for agriculture

___12. Which of the following best describes women’s roles in city-states in Mesopotamia?

A.  The opportunity arose for women to occupy positions of political power

B.  They gained more freedom and choice in marriage

C.  Women no longer worked outside of the home

D.  Women could own property and engage in trade

___13. Which of the following best describes how the Assyrians treated the people they conquered?

A.  The king ruled directly over the people of the empire so as to maintain tight control

B.  Freedom and autonomy were granted to conquered people in an effort to win their allegiance

C.  Mass deportation and terror were used to keep people in line

D.  Wealth was channeled from the center to the outlying areas to the paternalistic ruler

___14. Which of the following is an example of Hellenism?

A.  Alexander the Great’s military strategy for expansion

B.  The presence of Greek architecture in the Middle East

C.  The limited democracy of Athens

D.  The presence of pyramids in Egypt and ziggurats in Mesopotamia