The Oaks Gables Partnership – Patient Participation Group


1st March 2016 at Crompton Health Centre

5.00 pm

Present:5 PPG Committee Members

2 Doctors

6 Practice Staff

8 Patients

2 Guests

  1. Welcome and Introduction

PH, PPG Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Committee.

  1. Presentation by Partners of Oak Gables Practice.

Dr Iram Butt told the meeting about some of the changes which had occurred in the Practice during the last 12 months which included:-

  • the appointment of a new Partner Dr David Roney
  • The appointment of Joe Shaw who looks after phlebotomy and weight loss.
  • The Practice is also looking to employ a new receptionist.
  • A new patient check in service has been introduced which is working well
  • The revised repeat prescription service, which is now in line with other Practices in the Borough, appears to be running smoothly.
  • A Carers Event was heldin June last year and although the turnout was not large, the information available to those who attended was well received. This event will be run again later this year.
  • Also in the planning this year is an AGE UK Open Day Event which will be held on 20th April, designed for “Promoting Independent People”.
  • Some modernisation is planned for the Reception area and this will take place shortly

Dr Butt also thanked the PPG for their support during the year.

A short question and answer session followed before Dr Butt had to leave the meeting.

  1. Apologies for Absence were received from (patient names removed for website)
  1. Minutes of the AGM held 24th March 2015 – were taken as a true record.
  1. Chairman’s Report

Peter’s report contained a snapshot of the work done by the PPG during the last year, which included:-

  • Promotion of PPG Awareness Week in June when a photograph and article about the PPG appeared in the Oldham Chronicle.
  • In the same week the PPG took part a patient survey
  • Assistance at the Carers Event
  • Composition of the Autumn Newsletter
  • An Open Forum in November
  • Representation at a Partner and staff meeting to discuss the AGE UK Open Day
  • Representation at the PPG Networking meetings currently hosted by Oldham CCG

PH also congratulated Debra, Clare and Alyson on their new appointments within the Practice and said that the PPG was looking forward to assisting the Partners and staff in further projects this year. The first of these would be the AGE UK Open Day in April.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

JShad no formal financial report to offer as all the expenses incurred by the PPG had very kindly been paid by The Practice. These included the annual fee to N.A.P.P., the cost of our Roller Banner and various promotional flyers.

JS offered the grateful thanks of the PPG to the Practice for this.

  1. Election of Officers 2015 – 2016.

There being no other nominations from the floor, the current officers will remain in position.

PH – Chair

JS – Treasurer

NP – Secretary

VK wished to step down as Vice Chair and nominated JD to take her place. This was seconded by NP and agreed by the meeting.

VK, EH, JS and JD will remain on the committee.

  1. Presentation by Carly Harper, Engagement Officer, Oldham CCG

Carly introduced herself to the meeting and gave an outline of “the Oldham Health Huddle”. This is a new initiative which will be a means of challenging the way that patient’s voices are heard by those who commission the services we use. The CCG currently has very few direct dealings with patients and it is hoped that the “Huddle” will be able to accumulate the views of a wide variety of patients. A quarterly Newsletter is planned, together with invitations to join patient panels and/or focus groups. The Health Huddle has a page on the CCG website where more information can be found. Carly also handed out literature which explained what the scheme was all about and included a registration form.

Carly also spoke of the forthcoming GM Devo which will happen in April 2016. The entire health and social care budget will be in the hands of the 10 local authorities in Greater Manchester but as yet no definite decisions have been made as to how the budget will be split amongst the 12 CCG’s and 15 Health Authorities.

A listening event is planned for Wednesday 16th March at Chadderton Town Hall from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm to hear what the Oldham Locality Plan is going to be.

A publicity bus will be outside Oldham Civic Centre on Monday 7th March from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm and Key 103 Radio, the Manchester Evening News and Healthwatch will also be giving out information. More information can be found at via Twitter Feed at #takingcharge.

After a question and answer session, PH thanked Carly for giving us her time.

  1. Any Other Business

JD suggested that part of the PPG’s forward work plan could be to work together with the Partners to address issues within the Practice. It was agreed that this item be brought to the next committee meeting

  1. Date and Time of next AGM

The meeting closed at 6.10 pm and the 3rd Annual General Meeting of The Oak Gables Partnership PPG will take place in March 2017, date and venue TBA.