Cover Letters

1. Which of the following is not true about a cover letter?

A. It is a letter sent with your resume when you are applying for a job.

B. A cover letter should be well written because it is more important than a resume.

C. A cover letter helps direct the reader’s attention to whatever the writer wants to emphasize.

D. The purpose of a cover letter is to get a job interview.

2. Why is a cover letter called a “cover letter”?

A. It is used as the envelope of the application.

B. It is placed on top of the application materials.

C. It is covered by the resume.

D. It is a make-believe letter.

3. “You should address your cover letter to a specific person when writing it.” What does the sentence mean?

A. You should make sure the address where you are sending the letter is correct.

B. You should talk to the right person to find out about the company before you write the letter.

C. You should include specific examples of your experience and skills in the letter.

D. You should write to the person in charge of the recruitment.

4. Which of the following should not be mentioned in the first paragraph of your cover letter?

A. The reason why you left your last job

B. The reason why your are writing this letter

C. The position for which you are applying

D. How you heard of the opening

5. Which of the following is not normally done in the closing paragraph of a cover letter?

A. Emphasize that you are very interested in the position or organization.

B. Show your appreciation for the reader’s time.

C. Inquire about the salary.

D. Request an interview.

For questions 6-8, read the excerpt of a letter.

Dear Prof. Kang:
As an experienced computer programmer who is presently pursuing a master’s degree in electrical engineering at National Central University, I am writing to ______. I believe this is a great opportunity for me to combine the talents I have developed in both computer programming and electrical engineering.

6. Which of the following should be used to fill in the blank to complete the letter?

A. invite you to the computer exhibition at the Taipei World Trade Center

B. inquire for the book about computer programming that you mentioned in your lecture last week

C. apply for the summer internship in your institute

D. tell you my dissatisfaction about the faculty of our school

7. Which of the following is more likely the correct heading of this letter?

A. Su-Hwa Chang

123, Peach Rd., Mu-Za, Taipei, 116


B. Prof. David Kang


Computer Center, Kates Institute

55, Nan-Wen Rd., Taipei, 117

C. Oct. 16, 2006

D. A Letter for Prof. David Kang

8. Which of the following are the most appropriate close and signature for this letter?

A. Yours Sincerely, Su-Hwa Chang (Ms.)

B. Yours, Nancy

C. Yours Faithfully, Su-Hwa

D. Yours Truly, David Kang