Name: ______Date: ______CP: ______

Properties and Changes Milestones Review

Learning Target: I can compare physical and chemical properties and changes of matter.

Vocabulary: Physical Property, Chemical Property, Chemical Change, Physical Change

Directions: Use the blue science textbook to complete.

Pages 36-37

  1. What is a physical property?
  1. Explain why melting point is a physical property.

Skills Activity

  1. Identify each substance’s physical state at room temperature. Is it a gas, a liquid, or a solid?

  1. Water –
  2. Ethanol –
  3. Propane –
  4. Table salt –

  1. Explain how physical properties can be useful to identify substances.
  1. List at least 3 physical properties of metals.
  1. What is a chemical property?
  1. What must you do to observe a chemical property of a substance?
  1. List chemical properties of methane, iron, and gold.

Pages 186-191

  1. What is a physical change?
  1. List 3 physical changes you have observed today.
  1. Complete the skills Activity.
  1. Explain why flattening and pulling on a marshmallow is physical change.
  1. Explain why toasting a marshmallow is a chemical change.
  1. What happens to the bonds of molecules when a chemical change occurs?
  1. Explain what happens when magnesium metal reacts with oxygen. Is this a chemical or physical change?
  1. Draw Figure 3 part 1 and 2.
  1. List evidence for identifying chemical changes.
  1. What is a precipitate?
  1. How is a precipitate evidence for a chemical reaction?
  1. Explain and give an example of an endothermic reaction.
  1. Explain and give an example of an exothermic reaction.
  1. Explain why frying an egg is an endothermic reaction.
  1. Complete Analyzing Data:
  2. Reading Graphs –
  1. Calculating –
  1. Interpreting Data-
  1. Inferring –
  1. Drawing Conclusions-
  1. Complete the Section 1 Assessment
  2. a. Explaining –

b. Posing Questions –

c. Making Generalizations –

  1. a. Listing –

b. Interpreting Photographs –

c. Comparing and Contrasting –

  1. Page 213. Explain and give an example of combustibility.
  1. Page 119. Explain and give an example of reactivity.
  1. Page 47. Explain and give an example of density.
  1. Classify each as a chemical property or a physical property

  1. Combustibility
  2. Reactivity
  3. Density
  4. Boiling point
  5. Melting point