Name and Surname:
1- Which horoscope is this?10-A) He is short and fat.
A) ScorpioB) TaurusB) He has got long wavy hair.
C) VirgoD) PiscesC) He is weak and tall.
D) He is tall and strong.
2- Which sun sign is this?
A) CancerB) SagittariusHeight: 190 cm
C) AriesD) Aquarius
11-A) She has got long curly hair.
3- Which one is “Capricorn”?B) She is slim and hardworking.
C) She is overweight and short.
A)B)D) She is tall and beautiful.
Height: 152 cm
C) D)
12- Transportation: ……………………………………………………….
A) hotels and pansions B) fish
4- He is “Aries”.What will he do next week?C)plane, bus and taxi D) Mustafa Paşa Mosque
A) He should buy new T-shirt.
B) He won’t go to birthday party.13- Location: ……………………………………………………………….
C) He will have a phone call.A) In İzmir, in the west of Aegean Region
D) He will meet new friends.B) The Museum of Underwater Archeology
C) Mıhlama, kuymak, karalahana
5- She will have a health problem this week.D) Camping sites and hotels
A) B)14- A) You shouldn’t watch TV all the time.
B) You should eat fruits and vegetables.
C) You should go to bed early.
D) You shouldn’t throw rubbish on the
C)D) ground.
15- A) You shouldn’t eat a lot of chips or
6- Which one is “PERSONALITY”? candy.
A) funnyB) curly B)You should use public transportation.
C) overweightD) slim C) You should do some exercise.
D)You shouldn’t buy recycled products.
7- Which one is “PHYSICAL APPEARANCE”?
A) cleverB) handsome16- We shouldn’t …………………………………..
C) politeD) rudeA) save energy
B) pollute the air
8- What is your star sign?C) cut the trees
A) DoctorB) By carD) protect the environment.
C) 8 hoursD) Gemini17-
You are very
9- What is his occupation?………………..A) stingy
A) BlueB) TeacherB) beautiful
C) In Hamitler StreetD) LeoC) funny
D) hardworking
18- You should go on a diet and eat less.
19- Which part of computer is this?
A) system unit
B) speakers
C) mouse
D) screen
20- Which one is “keyboard”?
A)B) 25,26,27 ve 28. soruları“yol haritası”na göre cevaplayınız.
25- Where is the “Fire Station”? It’s …………………………
A) opposite of the Theatre.
B) between the Cinema and the Library.
C) behind the Park.
D) next to the Post Office.
26- Where is the ……………..? It’s opposite of the Cinema.
A) TheatreB) Bus Station
21-If …………………………, you will get some money. C) SchoolD) Bank
A) break a mirror B) walk under a ladder
C) your right hand itches D) open an umbrella 27- It’s behind the “Library”.
A) Police StationB) Hotel
22- If you put a horseshoe outside your house, C) Fire StationD) Bank
your family have a good luck.
A)B) 28- Where is the “Hotel”?Walk along Street…………………
A) Turn left. Go straight ahead. Turn left again. It’s near the
B) Turn left. Pass the Cinema and the Post Office. Turn right.
C)D) It’s next the School.
C) Turn right. Go straight ahead. It’s in front of the Police
23- Problem: Smokes of factories pollutes the air. Station.
Advice: …………………………………………………………. D) Turn right. Walk along Rose Street. Turn right again. It’s
A) We should use public transportation. between the Fire Station and the Post Office.
B) We should use ozone-friendly products.
C) We should recycle them. 29- A) A is different from B.
D) We should use filters. B) B is the same as A.
A B C) A isn’t the same as B.
24- Problem: ………………………………………………………… D) B is as expensive as A
Advice: We shouldn’t cut down trees.
A) Private cars’ gases contaminate the air. 30- A) January isn’t as hot as July.
B) Deforestation is harmful for environment. B) July is the same as January.
C) Perfumes are dangerous for the ozone layer. July 40’ January -2’ C) January is hotter than July.
D) There are a lot of waste paper on streets. D) July is colder than January.
31- A) Ayşe’s doll is the same38- Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yanlıştır?
as Pervin’s doll.A) Ford is more expensive than Woswos.
B) Pervin’s doll is as cheapB) Woswos is the most slowest of all.
as Ayşe’s doll.C) Ford is faster than Woswos.
C) Pervin’s doll is differentD) Ferrari is the cheapest of all.
Ayşe’s doll Pervin’s doll from Ayşe’s doll.
D) Pervin’s doll is the same39- Mike always buys a lot of presents to his friends.
as Ayşe’s doll. He is very ……………………. friend.
A) lazyB) ugly
32- What is the COMPARATIVE of “good”?B) thinD) generous
A) goodderB) more good
C) the bestD) better40- Janet always thinks positively. She is …......
A) curlyB) stingy
33- What is the SUPERLATIVE of “bad”?C) optimisticD) pessimistic
A) the worstB) baddest
C) the most badD) worse41- Julian is a ………………… student. He always gets high
and good marks from the exams.
34- What is the COMPARATIVE of “new”?A) helpfulB) overweight
A) newerB) the newestC) shyD) hardworking
B) more newD) newwer
42- It causes “WATER POLLUTION”.
A) Waste of factoriesB) Deforestation
C) Gases from carsD) Aerosol sprays
43- Have a conversation with people on the Internet.
FerrariFord WoswosA) billB) to chat
80.000 TL 35.000 TL 15.000 TLC) keywordsD) mouse
20122005 1999
240 km 180 km 120 km44- It’s “GOOD SIDE” of computer.
A) It makes our life easier.
35,36,37 ve 38. sorular yukarıdaki tabloya göreB) It makes eye problems.
cevaplanacaktır.C) It makes backache and headache.
D) People don’t read books in their free times.
35- Aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?
A) Ford is more expensive than Ferrari.45- It’s “BAD SIDE” of computer.
B) Woswos is the oldest of all.A) It gives us a lot of information.
C) Ferrari is the slowest of all.B) People can read news from Internet.
D) Ford is cheaper than Woswos.C) You can send messages and pictures to your friends.
D) People aren’t sociable.
36- Aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?
A) Ford is the fastest of all.46-A) sport program
B) Woswos is newer than Ford.B) quiz show
C) Ferrari is newer than Woswos.C) weather forecast
D) Ford is slower than Woswos.D) documentary
37- Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yanlıştır?
A) Woswos is the oldest of all.47-
B) Woswos is the best of all.A) talk show
C) Ferrari is faster than Ford.B) soap opera
D) Ford is older than Ferrari.C) news
D) music program
48-keywords: children, disneychannel, tom and jerry
A) TV seriesB) western film
C) cartoonD) cookery
49- keywords: cultures, countries, animals
A) comedyB) documentary
C) sportsD) weather forecast
50- Weather forecast = ………………………………….
A) romantic, loveB) answers, points, questions
C) sunny,windy,rainyD) funny, laughing, humour
Youfishingplaying football
My fatherreading a book talking
51,52,53,54 ve 55. soruları yukarıdaki tabloya göre cevap
51- …………… you …………….. fishing or playing football?
A) Do/ prefersB) Does/ prefer
C) Does / prefersD) Do / prefer
52- My father ………………………. reading a book to talking.
A) doesn’t preferB) prefer
C) don’t preferD) prefers
53- Mike …………………………. hamburger to apple.
A) doesn’t preferB) prefers
C) preferD) don’t prefer
54- You …………………………… playing football to fishing.
A) prefersB) prefer
C) don’t preferD) doesn’t prefer
55- ……………… Mike ……………… apple or hamburger?
A) Do / prefersB) Does / prefer
C) Does / prefersD) Do / prefer