7.W.3: A student is writing a narrative essay. Read an excerpt from the essay and follow the directions.

I never particularly enjoyed sports when I was younger. Reading books and listening to music were my main interests. I did not understand what other kids found fun about trying to hit a baseball as it hurtles at 60 miles an hour toward their heads. And shooting a basketball was never a skill I wanted to develop. However, that all changed when I met Charlie and he convinced me to try out for the track team.

1.What sequence of events should the student cover in the next paragraph?

  1. a flashback about when the writer met Charlie
  2. a description of other sports the writer disliked
  3. a description of Charlie's appearance
  4. a description of the writer's first track meet

A student is writing a narrative essay. Read an excerpt from the essay and the directions that follow.

“How much farther do you think we need to walk?” Jennifer asked.

“I don’t think it’s more than a mile or two.” I replied.

It was getting dark and our parents were probably wondering why we hadn’t returned to the campsite. Jennifer and I had taken the wrong trail, but at least we had a good story to tell.

2. What sequence of events should the student write about next?

  1. a description of the writer’s campsite
  2. a description of Jennifer’s appearance
  3. a description of what happened when the writer returned to the campsite
  4. a description of what happened when the writer took the wrong path

7.W.3:A student is writing a narrative essay. Read an excerpt from the essay and the directions that follow.

Much of my success at school is because of two people: my parents. I do not think that I would have been as interested in learning or as confident in myself without their support.

When I was younger, my parents always encouraged me to try new things. Whether it was urging me to taste sushi for the first time or fostering my interest in reading random encyclopedia entries, they helped me to develop a healthy sense of curiosity. I also developed great confidence in myself because my parents encouraged me to do things on my own. It is this curiosity that has driven me to learn something new every day.

Now that I am ready to start high school, I will be able to put the tools that my parents have helped me develop to even greater use. My curiosity will be piqued by more challenging classes, and I have confidence in my abilities and know that I will do well in my situation. Without the support and guidance of my parents, I would not be the person I am today.

1. Which sentence in the second paragraph does not belong and should be removed?

  1. When I was younger, my parents always encouraged me to try new things.
  2. I also developed great confidence in myself because my parents encouraged me to do things on my own.
  3. Whether it was urging me to taste sushi for the first time or fostering my interest in reading random encyclopedia entries, they helped me to develop a healthy sense of curiosity.
  4. It is this curiosity that has driven me to learn something new every day.

2. Which of the following will help improve this section of the essay?

  1. more examples describing how the writer’s parents contributed to his success
  2. more biographical details about the writer’s parents
  3. more information about the high school that the writer will attend
  4. more information about the classes the writer looks forward to attending the most

3. Based on these paragraphs, which topic should the writer develop in another paragraph?

  1. how the writer’s parents helped him build his confidence
  2. whether the writer still enjoys eating sushi
  3. which encyclopedia entry the writer enjoyed reading most
  4. what the writer plans to do when he graduates high school