Bio 2SG Chap 6 Blood

6.1 Functions

1. What is a normal heart rate? What volume of blood is pumped each minute?

2. What are the 3 functions of blood?

3. What is an antibody?

4. What are the formed elements?

5. What is plasma?

6. What is plasma made up of?

7. What % of the blood is plasma? RBCs?

8. What is the most abundant organic molecule in plasma?

9. What does osmotic pressure do for us?

10. What are the 3 types of plasma proteins?

6.2 Red Blood Cells

11. Describe the structure of an Erythrocyte. What is a normal amount of RBCs per microliter?

12. What is Heme? What does it do?

13. In what forms is carbon dioxide transported in the blood?

14. What enzyme is important for transport of carbon dioxide by RBCs?

15. How long does the average RBC live?

16. What happens to it?

17. How many RBC are destroyed per second?

18. What hormone cause the production of RBC? Where does it come from?

19. What is jaundice?

20. A low level of RBCs is called ______.

21. What vitamins and mineral are necessary for RBC production?

6.3 White Blood Cells

22. What is a normal count of white blood cells?

23. What roles do WBC play in our body?

24. What is an antigen?

25. What are the 2 major groups of WBC?

26. What are the 3 types of granular leukocytes?

27. What are “polys” and what do they do?

28. What color are eosinophils?

29. What color are basophils and what do they do?

30. What ae the 2 types of Agranular leukocytes?

31. What are the 2 types of lymphocytes and what do they do?

32. What do monocytes become?

33. What is leukemia?

34. What causes mononucleosis and it is known by what other name?

6.4 Platelets

35. What are platelets and where do they come from?

36. What role do platelets play?

37. How are prothrombin and fibrinogen related?

38. What does prothrombin activator do?

39. What does thrombin do?

40. How does fibrin work?

41. What enzyme destroys the fibrin network?

42. What situation can cause a clot to form inside a blood vessel?

43. What is this clot called?

44. If a clot is moved along a vessel it is called an ______.

45. What is hemophilia?

6.5 Blood Types

46. What is an antigen?

47. What are the 4 possible types of blood?

48. What type of plasma antibodies would each type of blood have?

49. How does agglutination occur?

50. Why is type O blood universal donor?

51. Why is type AB a universal recipient?

52. What does it mean when we say a person is Rh – or Rh +?

53. What is the problem with an Rh- mother having an Rh+ child?

54. What drug can prevent this problem?