Department Name: Finance

Step 1: Review 16-17 School-to-District Alignment document, posted at
(School Improvement Plans and Department Improvement Plans from prior years also posted at the above webpage)
Step 2: Identify two to three Department Goals for 16-17; complete the forms below
Step 3: Submit your Department Improvement Plan to Anita Seay by 10/5/16 or
bring 18 copies of the Plan to the 10/10/16 Cabinet meeting; be prepared to present Plan on 10/10/16
2016-17 Department Improvement Plan
Goal #1
Implement a new budget timeline to meet the instructional and operational needs of the school district for FY18.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan
(Check all that apply)
Meet with Departments and the Superintendent to determine departmental and school wide budgeting needs.
Review prior year and current year budget variances and overall results. / Develop the budget for FY2018 during FY2017. / X
X / Purpose Direction
Governance Leadership
Teaching & Assessing for Learning
Resources & Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / X
X / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility & Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Describe how your Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Review budget comparison on a monthly basis and through discussions with Department leaders as the year progresses.
Goal #2
Identify internal accounting control weaknesses and provide training for school bookkeepers to improve operations by the end of 16-17.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan
(Check all that apply)
Through the internal audit procedures performed at the schools we will determine internal accounting control weaknesses.
Training for school bookkeepers will then be held based on the audit results. / During FY2017 and on- going. / X
X / Purpose Direction
Governance Leadership
Teaching & Assessing for Learning
Resources & Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / X / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility & Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Describe how your Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Discussions with school bookkeepers on a daily basis as needed regarding the areas needing attention.