American Dream Interview
Directions: With a partner, you must obtain the interviews of four different people, using these questions. They may be people you know personally or not. You may use teachers, friends, family members, neighbors, coaches, etc. At least one of the interviews must be of a minority, immigrant, child of an immigrant, or person in the military. I encourage you to speak to people with different careers and backgrounds. One interview must be of someone under the age of 18, one between the ages of 20 and 35, one between the ages of 40 and 55, and one over the age of 65. Additionally, I would like you to answer the questions (in addition to the four interviews). You may write the answers neatly on notebook paper or type them.

Highest Education level:
Marital Status:
# of children:
Country of birth:
Ancestors' country of birth:

1. What famous person or persons did you admire growing up? Why?

2. What historical events/ tragedies/ scandals do you recall growing up? Did any of these directly or indirectly affect you?

3. What is the one piece of advice you remember your parents trying to impress upon you? Did you take their advice? Why or why not?

4. Do you consider your parents successful? Why or why not? In what specific ways?

5. How would you define “the American Dream”?What does the American Dream mean to you personally? (This may or may not be different than the definition.)
6. What do you believe people in other countries would say is the American Dream?
7. In what ways are you trying to achieve (or have you tried to achieve) the American dream? What obstacles have you faced or do you believe you will face?
8. Has your view of the American dream changed since you were a teenager? If so, what life experiences caused your view to change? (This question does not need to be answered by you or other teenager.)
9. Do you believe younger generations and older generations have the same view of the American Dream? Why or why not?
10. Do you believe that we, as Americans, have a different view of the American Dream than they did approximately 100 years ago? (think World War I and Great Depression) 200 years ago? (think pioneers or founding fathers) How so?
11. In what ways does our system (political/economic/educational) help make the American dream easy to achieve or hinder its achievement?

12. Do you believe the American Dream has been lost or is being lost? Why or why not?
13. What is one change for the better would you suggest for this country?
14. Do you believe we, as Americans, are still striving for excellence in education? Faith/morality? Work ethic? Friendship/relationships?