Dear Club Representative,19/05/2013
The Committee wishes to bring to the attention of all players an area of the By-laws most of you may be aware of but not totally certain of the detail , namely:
- Use of players from your other teams, and
- Use of emergencies
1.Use of Players from your Club’s other Teams
If your team is unable to field 4 players for any match, your team may of course ask a player in a lower section to play in the higher section. However, be aware 3 games in a single season ties that player to the higher section, (ref By-law 3.5) and if your Club has two or more teams in the same section eligibility to play for your team may also be an issue, (ref By-law 3.6). A penalty will be applied for playing an unregistered or ineligible player, (ref. By-law 3.7)
3.0 Players
3.5 Once a player has played three or more matches in a particular section then that player is ineligible to play in a lower section.
3.6 Where a Club has two or more teams in the same section, a player who has played three matches with one team shall be ineligible to play with the other team(s).
3.7 Any Club playing an unregistered player or one whose eligibility does not comply with the rules of the Association shall forfeit each set in which that player takes part in.
A new By-law was introduced last AGM to ensure teams avoid forfeits and help keep all teams playing every Tuesday. Your team may call upon players from any other registered club, provided that player comes from a lower section and Match & Permit approval is obtained, (ref. By-Law 3.8.7). The best way to find a player for your team is to call the Team Contacts listed in the fixture (
3.8 Emergencies (including Pool Players)
3.8.7 A team which is unable to field 4 players for any match may call upon players from any other registered club to play with them provided those players come from a lower section. Teams in the bottom section may call on any players from their own section. A permit must be obtained from Match and Permit Committee member to satisfy the requirements of By-law 3.3 (No player shall play with more than one Club in the Association in the same season without a permit).
Reference: MDLTA By-laws August 2012
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Hope this email clarifies some issues around Players. Also could you please pass this information on to all your teams.
Anna Karopoulos
President MDLTA