ELA 1st Nine Weeks Benchmark Review 15-16
Read the story carefully and answer the questions.
There are many ways to help the planet. One way that is easy and profitable is recycling. First, you must get a few containers, one for each type of recyclable item. A container is not necessary for paper, because paper can be tied into bundles with twine. I have found that trash cans are good containers. Using containers with lids will help avoid smell and mess. After you have found containers, you must label each one. Write directly on the container with a water-resistant pen.
After the containers have been created, begin to collect the recyclable items. You'll be amazed at the number of soda cans and juice bottles that will accumulate. Be sure to rinse all items before putting them into the container. This will prevent odors and bugs.
Before you know it, the containers will be full. Take the containers to your local recycling center. Most recycling centers will pay money for the recyclable items. Many recycling centers base the amount of money issued on the weight of the items.
Teach your friends and family about the importance of recycling. It saves natural resources, land fill space, and energy. It's also a fun way to make some extra money.

1. What is the central idea or main idea of this passage?
A. / There are many ways to help the planet.
B. / One way that is easy and profitable is recycling.
C. / After the containers are created, begin to collect the recyclable items
D. / Teach your friends and family about the importance of recycling.
2. According to the story, what should you do after the containers are full?
A. / Label each container.
B. / Dump the containers on the floor.
C. / Take the containers to the local recycling center.
D. / Rinse the items to prevent bugs and odors.
3. The author’s purpose for writing this passage is to --
A. / to persuade the reader to recycle
B. / to entertain the reader with a story about recycling
C. / to explain how to make money while recycling
D. / to inform the reader of how recycling can be easy and profitable

Using context clues, answer the following questions.

4. Most of America's Founding Fathers did not believe in women's suffrage. Only men could vote in the United States until 1920. What is “suffrage”?

A. something that causes physical pain
B. an early flag
C. skirts that did not cover ankles
D. the right to vote

5. Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving research. What does “esteemed” mean?

A. held over boiling water
B. very old
C. unable to chew gum
D. greatly admired

6. I believe that if you lower taxes so that people can keep more of the money they earn, it will be an incentive for them to work harder.What is the meaning of “incentive”? ______.

A. reason to do something
B. a small amount of money
C. a tax
D. a good job

7.As the summer sun sent scattered rays through the maple and oak leaves overhead, the young deer stood frozen, making it almost impossible for the hikers to see her.In the above passage, the word “frozen” means ______.

A. very cold
B. visible
C. not moving
D. not melted

8. A wonderful 98 year old woman is working day and night to knit scarves to send as gifts for the troops. What a selfless person she is!A selfless woman ______.

A. is selfish
B. has no name
C. likes to wear scarves
D. cares more about others than herself

The California Gold Rush

The desire for gold dates far back in the history of humankind, and the discovery of this valuable metal has always caused adventurous people to rush to the spot where someone had first seen it.

The discovery of gold in California has been important to its history. In 1848, a man by the name of James Sutter was building a sawmill in California. James Marshall, who was helping him, noticed some flakes of yellow metal mixed in with the gravel from the stream. Tests showed these flakes to be gold, and the California gold rush was on.

It was called the Gold Rush of ’49. Men and women who came to California to search for gold were called “the forty-niners.” A few found gold and grew rich; some died from the heat or starved. Others turned back before even reaching California. Others failed to find gold but stayed in California and found other jobs. It was this large number of settlers coming to California who changed the history of the region.

9. Which of the following BEST explains the central idea or main idea of the passage?
A. A man named James Sutter was building a sawmill in California.
B. The desire for gold dates far back in the history of humankind.
C. James Marshall was the first man to find flakes of gold in a stream.
D. The California Gold Rush of ’49 is an important historical event.

10. The first paragraph introduces the central idea by –

A. giving examples of other gold rushes
B. telling a story about a gold miner
C. describing the causes of gold rushes
D. explaining how California became a state

11. Which of the following details supports the idea that the Gold Rush was important to the history of California?

A. Gold was discovered in 1848.
B. Very few people actually found gold and grew rich.
C. A large number of settlers changed the history of the region.
D. The men and women who came to find gold were called the “forty-niners.”

12. What does the word mean in the sentence below?

The classroom at TCMS was subdued, as the children were taking their
final exam.


13. What does the word mean in the sentence below?

The students were excited to tour the cathedrals and places
of worship as they walked through the city.

A. stadiums
B. churches
C. schools
D. stores

14. What is most likely the meaning of this word?

The frigid air seemed to suck his breath away as he attempted to finish
his first snowman of the season.

B. deficient

15. What is most likely the meaning of this word?

Sally was sympathetic, but Mark was unkind.


Point of View:

First Person - story is told through the point-of-view of one character
-Readers can hear and feel the character's thoughts.
-Story uses words such as "I" and "me."

Second Person - this is used when the author is speaking directly to the reader
-This is often used when reading directions or a self-help guide.
-The author will use words such as "you" or "yourself."

Third Person - this point-of-view is used when a narrator is telling the story.
-This perspective means that someone who is not a part of the story is telling the story.
- This person seems to be all knowing. We know how the characters feel because of the details third person gives us.

Author’s Purpose
To Entertain: written to keep reader entertained
To Inform: written to give information
To Persuade: written to get reader to agree with the author

Vocabulary words to know:

Caught Ya’
Study all Caught Ya’ sentences for days 1-15