DWP UPDATES –December 2013

1.  Universal Credit Statistics published 3rd December

This Summary contains the first release of data from the Universal Credit Pathfinder offices on the benefit’s starters and caseload to September 30th 2013. These have been developed and released in accordance with the Code of Practice for statistics and its supporting principles.


2.  Universal Credit pathfinder claimant survey evaluation

DWP commissioned a claimant telephone survey in Pathfinder sites in the North West to generate quantitative data on those claiming Universal Credit (UC). Based on responses to this survey of new UC claimants, the survey data provides evidence on a broad range of factors, including, attitudes, experiences, behaviours and outcomes of new UC claimants.

UC claimant survey report

3.  Universal Credit:

Ministers revealed the next stage of delivery of Universal Credit, focusing on continued safe and secure roll out of the vital reform.


4.  Benefits Advisor Website

This website allows customers to find out if they may be entitled to benefits and tax credits. It can also be used to estimate how much a person may be entitled to. It uses information from DWP and HMRC to do this.

www.gov.uk benefits adviser

5.  Dementa Care

For the first time, members of the public will be able to see the quality of dementia care and support in their local area.

By entering their postcode into the interactive map people will be able to see this data in a way that’s easy to understand and in an accessible format.. This will help drive up standards across the country.


6. Single-Tier State Pension Fact sheet:

The Government has published plans to reform the current state pension into a simple single-tier pension. Please bear in mind that these plans must be agreed by Parliament before they become law.

/Single-tierState Pension fact sheet

7. Separated Couples

Ten pioneering projects have been chosen to help separated couples resolve long-standing grievances, and agree their own financial and other parenting arrangements, in the best interests of their children.


8. Access to Work Scheme

The Access to Work scheme has set aside £2 million to help disabled people take up work placements


9. Later Life Newsletter contains a number of topics you may find interesting.