
Complete the statements below to complete a summary of this unit. The missing words are found in the list below.

1.  The scientific study of organisms and their environments is called ______.

2.  A ______describes where an organism lives.

3.  Sheep, cattle, rabbits and kangaroos all ______with each other for food.

4.  A fungus and an alga living together as a lichen are a good example of ______.

5.  A ______feeds on its host but does not usually kill it.

6.  ______involves individuals of the same species working together for a shared benefit.

7.  A species is ______when its population is decreasing.

8.  Most fungi are ______because they live on decaying plant matter.

9.  Animals in zoos and circuses are examples of some of the animals in ______.

10.  Domestic animals such as cats and dogs that have escaped and become wild are ______.

11.  All animals are ______because they eat other organisms or their products.

12.  Animals that eat only meat are called ______.

13.  An interaction where one animal harms another for its benefit is termed ______.

14.  ______is an interaction between populations of two species in which one benefits from another without damaging the host.

15.  The arrows in a food chain show the direction of the flow of ______from organism to organism.

16.  The interlocking relationships between animals and plants that depend on each other for food can be illustrated by drawing a food ______.

17.  A plant or animal that has been released into an ecosystem where it does not normally occur is called an ______species.

18.  ______is the key to survival.

19.  Light, temperature and water are ______factors in an ecosystem.

20.  ______and ______provide information about density and distribution of organisms which don’t move around.

21.  Eucalypt tress have ______that have helped them survive fire for thousands of years.

22.  ______is the interaction between two species were both organisms benefit.

23.  Many people still throw out food scraps in their rubbish instead of ______it and returning the nutrients to the soil.

24.  One of the major sources of household rubbish is ______.

25.  ______species are those that are very small in number and close to extinction.

Redraw the table below to correctly match the heads and tails


Herbivores are …… / organisms that produce their own food.
Producers are …… / animals that eat plants.
Consumers are …… / organisms that live in or on other organisms and obtain their food from them.
Parasites are …… / organisms that break down dead plants and animals.
Decomposers are …… / animals that eat other organisms.

Unjumble the words below to reveal some of the important terms in this topic. Write down what each term means and give an example.

(a) lottlupan (b) phetypie (c) cudperro (d) ovinorme (e) dofo incah (f) asitreap

A wedge-tailed eagle kills and eats a farmer’s lamb. The farmer is very angry about his loss and shoots and wedge-tailed eagles that come close to his farm. Within a year his farm is overrun by rabbits which eat all the grass. He tries everything to kill the rabbits, but finds that he can’t control their increasing numbers. He has to sell his farm because all of his sheep starve. Explain fully what went wrong, and how he could have avoided the disaseter.