AP Recommended Reading List

AP Recommended Reading List

AP Recommended Reading List

?:Beowulf Sr.

Achebe, Chinua:Things Fall Apart (set in Africa)

Adams, Douglas:The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (difficult/action/absurd comedy/stream of con.)

Aeschylus:The Oresteia

The Eumenides

Agee, James:A Death in the Family

Albee, Edwards:The Zoo Story

Who’s Afraid of Verginia Woolf?

Anaya Rudolfo:Bless Me, Ultima


Arnot, Harriet:The Dollmaker (creepy/gothic/mysterious)

Atwood, Margaret:The Handmaid’s Tale (feminist slant/futuristic horror)

Cat’s Eye (life seen from a cat’s perspective)

Austen, Jane:Emma


Pride and Prejudice (class distinction/courting/love)

Baldwin, James:Go Tell It on the Mountain (spiritual journey)

Beck, Martha:Expecting Adam (tear jerker/ philosophical/down syndrome baby)

Beckett, Samuel:Waiting for Godot

Bellow, Saul:The Adventures of Augie March

Henderson the Rain King (quirky/search for identity/set in Africa/SC/difficult)

Bradbury, Ray:Fahrenheit 451 Soph.

Dandelion Wine

Bragg, Rick:All Over But the Shoutin (memoir/ alcohol & poverty/laugh & cry)

Brecht, Berthold:Mother Courage and Her Children

Bronte, Charlotte:Jane Eyre (girl comes of age through many obstacles)

Bronte, Emily:WutheringHeights (class distinction/love/jealousy and its effects)

Bulosan, Carlos:America is in the Heart

Camus, Albert: The Stranger

Cather, Willa:Death Comes for the Archbishop

Cervantes, Saavedra, Miguel de:Don Quixote de la Mancha (humorous/parody on chivalry)

Chaucer, Geoffrey:The Canterbury Tales Sr.

Chekhov, Anton:The Cherry Orchard

Chopin, Kate:The Awakening (going against societal expectations during women’s repression)

Collins, WilkieThe Moonstone

Conrad, Joseph:Heart of Darkness Sr. (evil of men’s hearts)

Lord Jim

Cooper, James Fenimore:The Last of the Mohicans

Dante:Inferno Sr.

Defoe, Daniel:Moll Flanders

Robinson Crusoe

Dickens, Charles:Bleak House

David Copperfield

Great Expectations (Expectations thwarted/class distinction/dark humor)Fr.

Hard Times

A Tale of Two Cities (mystery/government cover-ups/injustices/family struggles)

Dostoevski, Fyodor:The Brothers Karamazov

Crime and Punishment

Notes from the Underground

Dreiser, Theodore:An American Tragedy

Sister Carrie

Eliot, George:The Mill on the Floss

Eliot, T.S.:The Wasteland

Murder in the Cathedral

Ellison, Ralph:Invisible Man

Erdrich, Louise:Love Medicine

Faulkner, William:As I Lay Dying

The Bear

Light in August

The Sound and the Fury Jr. (aristocratic family’s demise/stream of consciousness)

Fielding, Henry:Joseph Andrews

Tom Jones

Fitzgerald, F. Scott:The Great Gatsby Jr.

Flaubert, Gustave:Madame Bovary

Forster, E. M.:A Passage to India

Gaines, Ernest:A lesson Before Dying

Garcia-Marquez, Gabriel:One Hundred Years of Solitude

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins“The Yellow Wallpaper” ( repressed intellectual woman’s struggle in early 1900)

Golding, William:Lord of the Flies Sr.(coming of age/evil of man’s heart)

Greene, Graham:Brighton Rock

The Power and the Glory

Hansberry, Loraine:A Raisin in the Sun

Hardy, Thomas:Jude, the Obscure

The Mayor of Casterbridge

Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Hawthorne, Nathaniel:House of Seven Gables (superstition /Salem witch trials)

The Scarlet Letter Jr. (societal expectations on women/double standards)

Heller, Joseph:Catch-22 (political satire/setting-war)

Hellman, Lillian:The Little Foxes

Watch on the Rhine

Hemingway, Ernest:A Farewell to Arms (war setting/love story)

The Sun Also Rises

Homer:The Iliad Fr.

The Odyssey Fr.

Hosseini, KhaledThe Kite Runner

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Hurston, Zora:Their Eyes Were Watching God Jr. (black woman’s struggle/self discovery/love)

Huxley, Aldous:Brave New World (Science Fiction/political &social satire)

Hwang, David Henry:M. Butterfly

Ibsen, Henrik:A Doll’s House

An Enemy of the People

Hedda Gabler

James, Henry:Daisy Miller

The Portrait of a Lady

The Turn of the Screw

Washington Square

Jonson, Ben:Volpone

Joyce, James:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

The Dead

Kafka, Franz:The Metamorphosis (Boy’s struggle to be accepted)

The Trial

Kingston, Maxine Hong:Woman Warrior

Knowles, John:A Separate Peace

Kogawa, Joy:Obasan

Laurence, Margaret:The Diviners

The Stone Angel

Praisesong for the Widow

Lawrence, D.H.:Sons and Lovers

The Optimist’s Daughter

Lee, Chang-Rae:Native Speaker

Lee, Harper:To Kill a Mockingbird Jr. (injustice & prejudice/coming of age/child’s perspective)

Lewis, Sinclair:Main Street


London, Jack:The Call of the Wild

MacCarthy, Cormac:All the Pretty Horses

MacLeish, Archibald:J.B.

Maclennan, Hugh:The Watch That Ends the Night

Mann, Thomas:The MagicMountain

Marlowe, Christopher:Doctor Faustus (man sells his soul to the devil)

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia:One Hundred Years of Solitude

Martel, YannLife of Pi

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

McCullers, Carson:Member of the Wedding

Melville, Herman:Benito Cereno

Billy Bud

Moby Dick (man against nature)

Bartleby the Scrivener


Miller, Arthur:All My Sons

The Crucible Jr.

Death of a Salesman

Milton, John:Paradise Lost Sr.


The Misanthrope

Momaday, N. Scott:House Made of Dawn

Morrison, Toni:Beloved Sr. (spiritual/black struggle)

The Bluest Eye (search for identity of a black girl)

Song of Solomon


Mukerjee, Bharati:Jasmine

O’Connor, Flannery:Wise Blood (young man search for identity/spiritual struggle/strange)

O’Neill, Eugene:Desire Under the Elms

Long Day’s Journey into Night

Okada, John:No-No Boy

Orwell, George:Nineteen Eighty-FourSoph. (political satire/dystopian society/rebellion)

Animal Farm (political satire/personification of animals)

Pasternak, Boris:Doctor Zhivago

Paton, Alan:Cry, the Beloved Country Sr.

Pinter, Harold:The Birthday Party

The Caretaker

The Homecoming

Pope, Alexander:The Rape of the Lock (social satire/dark humor)


Rhys, Jean:Wide Sargasso Sea

Richardson, Samuel:Pamela

Richler, Mordecai:Apprenticeship of Duddy Kracitz

Salinger, J.D.:The Catcher in the Rye

Sartre, Jean-Paul:No Exit (play)

Shaffer, Peter:Equus (play/insanity of a young man?/societal expectations gone bad)

Shakespeare, William: All plays

Steinbeck, John:The Grapes of Wrath (Setting: Great Depression/farming family’s struggle)

East of Eden (family favoritism/disfuction/relationships)

Tortilla Flats (cultural parody)

Of Mice and Men (friendship/mentally challenged)

Stowe, Harriet Beecher:Uncle Tom’s Cabin (slavery)

Swift, Jonathan:Gulliver’s Travels (social/political satire)

Tolstoy, Leo:War and Peace

Twain, Mark:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (boy’s coming of age/adventure)Jr.

Wilson, Steven E.Winter in Kandahar


Vonnegut, Kurt Jr.:Slaughterhouse-Five