To download a copy, please visit NMAC website Featured Topics
- Wed. July 20, NMAC Legislative Committee Resolution Review, 10:00am-2:00pm, NMAC Santa Fe office, lunch included
- Thurs. July 21, Revenue Stabilization & Tax Policy Committee meeting, 9:00-12pm New Mexico Tax System Overview & General Fund Revenue Sources, Richard Anklam, Capitol Room 322
- Thurs. July 21, Managers Teleconference call, 1:30-2:30pm
- Interim Committee meetings schedule atprior to the 2017 60-day legislative session
- LegisLetter 2016
- Link to NMAC Meetings Calendar, click on and then scroll down the main page to annual calendar
- SPAM ALERT –Don’t click on links in emails; as a precaution or if you are suspicious, copy hyperlink and paste into your web browser address which will tell you exactly the website it will take you. Some links are renamed to shorten the link and some are renamed to fool you into going to a spam/virus address. Be aware…
Calendarof Events, Trainings, and Conferences 2016
Wed. July 20Legislative Resolution Review w/ Legislative Committee, 10:00am, NMAC office Santa Fe
Thurs. Aug. 4-5NMAC Board of Directors Legislative Priority meeting w/Leg. Committee, 1:00pm & Board meeting 8:30am, Ruidoso
Mon. Aug. 15NEW!DWI Coordinators Affiliate meeting, Ruidoso Convention Center, Sierra Blanca Room, 2:00pm
Mon. Aug. 15-19NEW!NM Sheriffs Association training, Ruidoso
Wed. Aug. 17Multi-Line Pool Board meeting, 8:30am, NMAC Santa Fe office
Thurs. Aug. 18Workers’ Compensation Pool Board meeting, 9:00am, NMAC Santa Fe office
Tues. Aug. 23-26Treasurers Affiliate Summer Conference, Taos County, Sagebrush Inn
Wed. Aug. 31-259th NMML Annual Conference, Hobbs
Mon. Sept. 26-30NEW DATES!NM EDGE Classes, Albuquerque
Thurs. Sept. 15Gathering of Counties, State Fair
Wed. Oct. 5-7Detention Administrators Affiliate Fall meeting, Ruidoso, Inn of the Mountain Gods
Thurs. Oct. 6-7NEW! Human Resources Fall conference, Ruidoso, MCM Elegante
Mon. Oct. 10NMAC Closed-Columbus Day Holiday
Fri. Oct. 14NMAC Board of Directors meeting, Grant County-Silver City, TBD
Tues. Oct. 18-21Multi-Line & Workers’ Compensation Pool Board meeting & Retreat, TBD
Wed. Oct. 19-21Assessors Affiliate Fall meeting, Taos County
Wed. Oct. 26-28Infrastructure Finance Conference, Ruidoso Convention Center
Wed. Oct 26-28NEW! Risk Management Affiliate Fall conference, Albuquerque, TBD
Thurs. Nov. 3NMAC Executive Committee meeting, 2:00pm, NMAC Santa Fe office
Fri. Nov. 4NMAC/NMML Joint Legislative meeting, 9:00am, Santa Fe TBD
Fri. Nov. 11NMAC Closed-Veterans Day Holiday
Thurs. Nov. 24-25NMAC Closed-Thanksgiving Holidays
Mon. Dec. 5-6Commissioners Affiliate meeting, Albuquerque, TBD
Tues. Dec. 6-8Better Informed Public Officials’ (BIPO) Conference, Albuquerque, TBD
Thurs. Dec. 8Advisory Council meeting, 12:00pm, Albuquerque, TBD
Wed. Dec. 14Workers’ Compensation Pool Board meeting, 9:00am, NMAC Santa Fe office
Thurs. Dec. 15Multi-Line Pool Board meeting, 8:30am, NMAC Santa Fe office
Fri. Dec. 23-26NMAC Closed-Christmas Holidays
Fri. Dec. 30-2NMAC Closed-New Year Holidays
National Events:
Fri. July 22-25NACo Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA-Long Beach
****Buzzworthy Local County News****
The 13th Annual Gathering of Counties Day will be September 15th at the State Fair. Come celebrate all counties this year by registering your county for a free booth on Main Street and attending the formal presentation at the Box Car Stage at the fairgrounds. Counties have a rich history with state fairs and if it weren’t for county pride, state fairs would never have grown to what they are today. Last year there were 22 counties who lined the streets of the fairgrounds showcasing what makes their region a special part of this state – we’re hoping for all 33 this year! The State Fair Commission will host a complimentary luncheon after the presentation for all participants. Please visit the Gathering of Counties page on the NMAC website for registration packets and more ways to get involved in the fair.
****NM EDGE NEWS****
New Sept. Dates 9/26-9/30
NMSU, in collaboration with CNM, is relocating its NMSU ABQ Center and therefore the NM EDGE is getting new offices in ABQ!
·ABQ offices for the NMEDGEwill be located in Building H on CNM’s Montoya Campus (Montgomery at Morris).
·August and September NMEDGEclasses will be held at the CNMWorkforce Training Center(WTC) at I-25 and Alameda. This is not the same location as our NM EDGE ABQ Offices!
·ALERT!:New dates for September Honing your NM EDGE Week are September 26-30. Classes will be held at the WTC.
·All of our office phone numbers will remain the same, so please give us a call if you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way.
·Mailing addresses for Santa Fe and Las Cruces will remain the same. Our ABQ address will be updated to a PO Box in August. Stay tuned!
Public Purchasing Foundation class enrollment is now open and will close August 8, 2016. Classes start August 16-19. Please read theImportant notice below for new location of classes.
Don’t forget that we are taking input for our September class schedule through July 18th.
·Give us your September Class wish list by using this Survey Monkey link:
****Federal/National NewsJacking****
*****NACo NEWS*****
NACo encourages county officials to contact their House members and urge them to oppose any amendment that would reduce funding for the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program.The Interior Appropriations Bill, as passed by the House Appropriations Committee, currently includes full funding of $480 million for PILT. As members seek to influence funding levels in the bill through the amendment process, it is important for counties to send a strong message in opposition to any amendment that seeks to reduce funds made available for the PILT program.
****NACo WEBINARS****14
/ Removing Barriers to Solar Energy: An Overview of the SolSmart Program
12 p.m.– 1 p.m. MDT
/ Philip Haddix, Program Director, The Solar Foundation
/ Jack Morgan, Program Manager, National Association of Counties
/ SLLC Supreme Court Review for State and Local Government
11 a.m.– 12:15p.m. MDT
/ Quin M. Sorenson, Partner, Sidley
/ Erin E. Murphy, Partner, Bancroft
/ Brent Kendall, Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
/ Improving Local Resilience through Community Planning
12 p.m.– 1:15 p.m. MDT
/ Steve Cauffman, Lead for Disaster, Resilience Materials and Structural Systems Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
/ Joel Max, Emergency Management Coordinator, Office of Emergency Management, Larimer County, Colo.
/ Mat Heyman, CEO, Impresa Management Solutions, Potomac, Md.
****County Employment Opportunities****
NMAC website has a sidebar linking to County Job Boards at
Employment Opportunities
Position: Public Safety Tucumcari Quay Regional Emergency Communications Center (TQRECC) Director Closes: Open until filled
The Tucumcari Quay Regional Emergency Communications Center (TQRECC) Director shall be in charge of the day-to-day operations of TQRECC, consistent with decisions, policies and direction of the TQRECC Board. The Director shall report directly to the Board and serves as an appointed position.
Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Successful applicant will be subject to pre-employment drug testing.A detailed job description and/or applications may be obtained at the County Manager’s Office, located at 300 South Third Street, Tucumcari, NM or view our website at.
NMAC News Blasts: If you know of anyone in your county or in your office who would like to receive these email blasts, have them email to be added to the distribution list. Have a new employee at the County? Email with their contact information and which affiliate email they would like to join.