Today, you are going to research a variety of current events. Pick one to tell the report on and fill in the following information
Step one - pick one article or podcast, that relates to physical science from either of these two websites. (10 minutes)
1) The Scientific American 60 min podcast:
2) Earth and Sky Current Events
3) New York Times:
4) Nova Science
Step 2: Fill in the following information (20 minutes) - Rough draft notes
Student(s) name:
3.Where did you get the information from (cite the information) -
4. Who is the article/podcast about?
5. What is the article/podcast about?
5. When did this happen?
7. Where did this happen?
8. Why did this happen?
9. How does this relate to your life?
Step 3 - Develop a presentation. Choose from the following options:
Then create an Go!Animate Video or a Makebelievecomix Comic and include all pieces of the information in section 2
1.Go to
2. View demo for instructions
3. Develop a comic strip that includes information in step two about your current event.
4. Email to Ms. Cagle. Put First name and last name. If you do not have an email, please let me know.
2) Go!Animate Movie
1. Go to
2. On homepage sign up for free (you will need to zoom the screen out to 75 percent)
3. On your homepage, click on the link on the box called Slices of Daily Life, Get Started or click on one of the full featured films to make it more original.
4. If you do a full featured film, to pick your own background click on this icon
3. Follow the directions and tutorial from there.
4. Develop a video that includes information in step 2 about your current event
*For both options follow the rubric listed below.
Step 4: Have your comic or video completed by Friday before you leave. Be prepared to turn in rough draft notes on Monday as well. Presentations of videos on MONDAY!
Criteria / Level 4: Mass communication specialist / Level 3: Mass communication employee / Level 2: Mass communication apprentice / Level 1: Mass communication studentReferencing Information / The presentation includes the title and author. The notes include where students got the information from / The presentation includes 2 out of three of the criteria listed on level 4. / The presentation includes 1 out of the 3 criteria listed on level 4. / The presentation does not have any referencing information.
Content / The presentation includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how it is related to students life. / The presentation includes 4 out of 6 of the level 4 criteria. / The presentation includes 3 out of 6 of the level 4 criteria. / The presentation include 2 or less out of 6 of the level 4 criteria.
Creativity / Very creative. / X / Not creative / X
Worksheet is complete / All parts of the worksheet are complete (9) / Seven out of nine parts are complete / 5 out of nine parts are complete / 4 or less parts are complete
Score: 16 pts: 100 15 pts: 9314pts: 8813pts: 81
12 pts: 76 11 pts: 6910 pts: 629pts: 56
8 pts: 50